

Here you can see all changes of the current and old releases of FS-FlightControl.

Version 1.7.3, released on February 1, 2025 (Download)

  • General: Added missing weather stations during database build for Microsoft Flight Simulator 2024 (FS2024) (start manual database rebuild to add).
  • General: Fixed import of runway elevation for Microsoft Flight Simulator 2024 (FS2024) (start manual database rebuild to fix).
  • General: Updated default navigation data from ARINC cycle 2301 to 2401 (thanks to Navigraph for providing this free update).
  • Position: Fixed approach heading not on course for some runways due to magnetic variation for Microsoft Flight Simulator 2024 (FS2024) (start manual database rebuild to fix).
  • Conditions: Fixed Active Sky for Microsoft Flight Simulator 2024 (FS2024) (start manual database rebuild to fix).
  • Conditions: Fixed X-Plane sometimes stuttering due to constant weather updates.

Version 1.7.2, released on January 26, 2025 (Download)

  • General: Added additional airport data source for Microsoft Flight Simulator 2024 (FS2024) to avoid missing airports (start manual database rebuild to add).
  • General: Updated airport country and city data used when not provided with scenery (start manual database rebuild to update).
  • General: Fixed import of some runways identifiers for Microsoft Flight Simulator 2024 (FS2024) (start manual database rebuild to fix).
  • Settings: Changed unpause delay now disabled by default for new installations.
  • Settings: Changed unpause delay to disabled for existent installations after version upgrade if FS2024 configured as simulator to avoid FS2024 scenery loading bug.

Version 1.7.1, released on December 14, 2024 (Download)

  • Flight Plan: Fixed departure and arrival airports not imported from latest X-Plane FMS format.
  • Conditions: Added support for modified X-Plane 12.1 weather themes (start manual database rebuild to add).
  • Conditions: Improved cloud settings for X-Plane 12.1 versions by forcing immediate full weather regeneration.
  • Conditions: Fixed completely clearing weather did not work correctly for X-Plane 12.1.
  • Conditions: Fixed cloud elevation reference for X-Plane.
  • Aircraft: Added support for selecting TCAS traffic aircraft type for X-Plane 12.
  • Aircraft: Fixed possible case where TCAS aircraft for X-Plane was not generated.
  • Aircraft: Fixed possible X-Plane 12 crash when removing TCAS intruder.
  • Aircraft: Fixed aircraft status section sometimes shown with too much height.
  • Failures: Added support for ToLiss Airbus products.
  • Failures: Fixed some ELITE R44 failures could not be reset after X-Plane reconnection.
  • Settings: Added ToLiss Airbus third party options.
  • Settings: Fixed ELITE EC135 and R44 third party options now take immediate effect.

Version 1.7.0, released on November 24, 2024 (Download)

  • General: Added support for connections to Microsoft Flight Simulator 2024 (FS2024).
  • General: Added support for Microsoft Flight Simulator 2024 (FS2024) for simulator detection in SimConnect Network Wizard.
  • General: Added preliminary database build support for Microsoft Flight Simulator 2024 (FS2024) using navigation data only.
  • Map: Added support for OpenStreetMap as map background provider option.
  • Conditions: Fixed few Active Sky options where not correctly displayed on Android/iOS app.
  • Aircraft: Fixed ATC Control button was not always visible for X-Plane and section not correctly displayed.
  • Failures: Added support for A2A C172 (commercial license only).
  • Failures: Added support for ELITE R44.
  • Motion: Updated Brunner Motion interfacing library.
  • Settings: Added A2A C172 third party options (commercial license only).
  • Settings: Added ELITE R44 third party options.
  • Settings: Added map option to choose map background provider.

Version 1.6.10, released on July 7, 2024 (Download)

  • Map: Fixed ILS course sometimes not correctly displayed.
  • Map: Fixed sometimes negative airspeed preset shown in reposition dialog for X-Plane.
  • Conditions: Added support for FS2020 weather options using Active Sky FS (
  • Failures: Added support for ELITE EC135.
  • Settings: Added ELITE EC135 third party options.
  • Settings: Added option to send view change command to a different computer IP for X-Plane.
  • Settings: Fixed option to use 3D view for X-Plane custom camera positions was inverted.
  • Settings: Fixed option roll and yaw for X-Plane custom camera positions was exchanged.

Version 1.6.9, released on April 14, 2024 (Download)

  • Conditions: Improved custom time input now also accepting just 4 digits without colon in 24 hours format.
  • Conditions: Fixed invalid cirrus with precipitation cloud option for X-Plane 12 no longer possible to be set.
  • Conditions: Fixed current METAR time now correctly displayed after loading weather preset.
  • Conditions: Fixed automated custom time input adjustments not reflected in UI.
  • Failures: Improved EFIS Fly G1000 integration with additional barometric VNAV failure.
  • Settings: Added option to use 3D view for X-Plane custom camera positions.
  • Settings: Fixed possible exception showing available failures for hiding.

Version 1.6.8, released on February 10, 2024 (Download)

  • General: Added color theme selection on first program start.
  • General: Added command line parameter "/useSimulator" to specify simulator to start with.
  • General: Updated default navigation data from ARINC cycle 2201 to 2301 (thanks to Navigraph for providing this free update).
  • General: Fixed some airports were not imported from BGL files after latest Prepar3D v6 updates (start manual database rebuild to fix).
  • Conditions: Fixed real-time weather options for X-Plane 12 weather engine.
  • Settings: Improved some arrow buttons to better fit the program style.
  • Settings: Fixed possible exception due to missing default aircraft profile.
  • Settings: Fixed force aircraft selection option now automatically disabled as well when option to change aircraft gets disabled.
  • Settings: Fixed force aircraft selection option text now fully displayed.

Version 1.6.7, released on November 26, 2023 (Download)

  • General: Fixed taxi parking position now correctly overwritten by high level sceneries for FS2020/Prepar3D/FSX (start manual database rebuild to add).
  • General: Fixed X-Plane navigation data ARINC cycle information now imported (start manual database rebuild to fix).
  • General: Fixed waiting dialog allowed cancel via escape key when cancel should not be possible.
  • Flight Plan: Added support for latest X-Plane FMS file format for import and export supporting SID/STAR procedures.
  • Flight Plan: Changed X-Plane FMS file format is now the standard format for export (instead of FPL).
  • Conditions: Improved cloud type and coverage handling for X-Plane 12 weather engine.
  • Conditions: Fixed turbulence options for X-Plane 12 weather engine.
  • Conditions: Fixed change clouds dialog width for X-Plane.
  • Failures: Improved EFIS Fly G1000 integration with additional failures.
  • Settings: Added simulator aircraft option to force aircraft selection on simulator connection (commercial license only).

Version 1.6.6, released on November 4, 2023 (Download)

  • General: Added support for importing aircraft add-ons below documents folder for Prepar3D (start manual database rebuild to add).
  • General: Fixed automatic path detection for Prepar3D v6 (start manual database rebuild to fix).
  • Aircraft: Fixed possible exception when changing user aircraft for X-Plane and aircraft path is unknown.
  • Aircraft: Fixed possible exception when generating TCAS aircraft for X-Plane and aircraft path is unknown.
  • Network: Added option to manual override Wake on LAN computer MAC address.
  • Settings: Fixed custom view camera position yaw angle was called roll instead.
  • Settings: Fixed options of automatically selected custom button now correctly shown directly after program start.
  • Settings: Fixed custom button display option now always correctly applied.

Version 1.6.5, released on September 2, 2023 (Download)

  • View/Slew: Fixed custom view camera position no longer changes X-Plane camera option to 3D cockpit.
  • Aircraft: Fixed X-Plane crashing sometimes when TCAS aircraft is injected.
  • Aircraft: Fixed changing aircraft not always working correctly for X-Plane.
  • Settings: Fixed no longer possible to accidentally hide settings main button.

Version 1.6.4, released on July 9, 2023 (Download)

  • General: Added support for connections to Prepar3D v6.
  • General: Added support for Prepar3D v6 for simulator detection in SimConnect Network Wizard.
  • General: Fixed possible exception handling SimConnect event IDs.
  • Position: Improved aircraft take-off positioning if no start position is available from simulator.
  • Map: Updated countries and airports data.
  • Conditions: Added support for Prepar3D v6 weather themes.
  • Conditions: Updated weather station data.
  • Conditions: Fixed weather themes now automatically update after simulator database rebuild.
  • Settings: Fixed simulator name in title bar did not change after current simulator was renamed.

Version 1.6.3, released on April 15, 2023 (Download)

  • General: Improved FS2020 installation path detection for non-default Steam library paths.
  • General: Fixed detecting wrong X-Plane path in rare cases.
  • General: Fixed aircraft category detection for turboprop aircraft in X-Plane.
  • Aircraft: Fixed engine N1/N2 was not displayed for turboprop aircraft.
  • Aircraft: Fixed some engine parameters not displayed for X-Plane.

Version 1.6.2, released on February 12, 2023 (Download)

  • General: Fixed scenery runway take-off start positions were only imported for one runway side for X-Plane (start manual database rebuild to fix).
  • General: Fixed weather information dialog now shows message in case weather could not be retrieved from Active Sky for a certain airport.
  • General: Fixed installed navigation data detection during setup for newer Navigraph installations.
  • Map: Improved compass rose rendering.
  • Conditions: Improved support for new X-Plane 12 weather engine.
  • Conditions: Improved compass rose rendering in calculate wind dialog.
  • Conditions: Fixed runway image in calculate wind dialog now displayed with transparent background.
  • Failures: Fixed conflicting SimConnect event registrations if Mindstar or EFIS Fly G1000 integration was used.
  • Aircraft: Fixed no engine data was shown for certain aircraft in X-Plane.
  • Settings: Fixed EFIS Fly G1000 third-party options now no longer disabled for unsupported simulators.
  • Settings: Fixed EFIS Fly G1000 third-party options context help link.

Version 1.6.1, released on January 15, 2023 (Download)

  • General: Added support to import scenery runway take-off start positions during database build (start manual database rebuild to add).
  • General: Updated default navigation data from ARINC cycle 2101 to 2201 (thanks to Navigraph for providing this free update).
  • General: Fixed possible exception with item actions in find object dialog.
  • Position: Added support for displayed runway thresholds if defined in scenery (enable new use scenery take-off positions option in the settings).
  • Map: Improved trace feature now keeping traces between repositions.
  • Map: Fixed VATSIM/IVAO data processing now more fault tolerant.
  • Failures: Added EFIS Fly G1000 failures support.
  • Failures: Fixed Mindstar G1000 failures were not always working immediately after simulator connection or change.
  • Failures: Fixed NAV 1/2 receiver failure help text for Mindstar G1000.
  • Network: Fixed computer list now fully reset after switching simulators.
  • Network: Fixed start hint no longer shown when status web page section is displayed.
  • Settings: Added position option to use scenery take-off positions instead of calculated one.
  • Settings: Added EFIS Fly G1000 third party options.

Version 1.6.0, released on October 1, 2022 (Download)

  • General: Added support for connections to X-Plane 12.
  • General: Added support for X-Plane 12 simulator path detection.
  • General: Added support for scenery import from X-Plane 12.
  • General: Added support for new X-Plane 12 aircraft title definition.
  • General: Fixed FS2020 folder could not always be detected with SU10.
  • General: Fixed FSX listed additionally in SimConnect Network Wizard despite only FSX Steam Edition was installed.
  • Position: Added support for new X-Plane 12 reposition option without scenery reload.

Version 1.5.24, released on August 27, 2022 (Download)

  • General: Added scenery data import compatibility for FS2020 SU10.
  • General: Fixed VORs with DME not correctly imported from Navigraph for FS2020/Prepar3D/FSX/FSW (start manual database rebuild to fix).
  • Conditions: Improved METAR wind text output.
  • Conditions: Fixed possible case where X-Plane weather data was not processed correctly when simplified weather control was used.
  • Aircraft: Fixed minimum default airspeed for TCAS aircraft now 100 kt.

Version 1.5.23, released on June 26, 2022 (Download)

  • Flight Plan: Improved tooltip message for synchronize with flight simulator flight plan option when X-Plane is used.
  • Map: Improved print map feature now using portrait mode when map height is greater than map width.
  • Map: Fixed AI aircraft were shown as user aircraft for new program installations.
  • Conditions: Fixed surface temperature for X-Plane.
  • Aircraft: Added ground power option for X-Plane.

Version 1.5.22, released on April 24, 2022 (Download)

  • General: Fixed problem when using unpause delay with add-on aircraft that do not support different simulation rates.
  • General: Fixed possible license activation issue.
  • Map: Added support for new IVAO data format.

Version 1.5.21, released on April 2, 2022 (Download)

  • General: Fixed scroll bar input option of touch input helper for decimal fields.
  • General: Fixed scroll bar input option of touch input helper now set to correct position on load also for field values with non-zero minimum.
  • General: Fixed possible import of BGL backup files during database build for Prepar3D/FSX/FSW (start manual database rebuild to fix).
  • Map: Fixed online network frequencies in map information pop-up now shown with 3 decimal digits.
  • Conditions: Improved validation and touch input helper options for visibility and pressure fields based on unit settings.
  • Conditions: Fixed not all cloud type options selectable for FS2020/Prepar3D/FSX/FSW and Active Sky.
  • Conditions: Fixed surface layer temperature for high altitude airports when simplified weather control is used.
  • Conditions: Fixed temperature and wind distribution across layers was not always correct when simplified weather control is used.
  • Conditions: Fixed high altitude cloud turbulence not always set correctly when simplified weather control is used.
  • Conditions: Fixed transition between turbulence layers now smoother when simplified weather control is used.
  • Conditions: Fixed clouds now using above ground altitude in official METARs.
  • Conditions: Fixed possible invalid METAR for very high altitude clouds.
  • Conditions: Fixed kilometer visibility unit not correctly displayed in ILS visibility.
  • Pushback: Fixed aircraft sometimes turns back after pushback for X-Plane.
  • Aircraft: Improved validation and touch input helper options for pressure field based on unit settings.
  • Aircraft: Fixed possible exception during gauges rendering when displayed too small.
  • Aircraft: Fixed engine types for X-Plane.

Version 1.5.20, released on January 16, 2022 (Download)

  • General: Updated default navigation data from ARINC cycle 2001 to 2101 (thanks to Navigraph for providing this free update).
  • General: Improved bottom right resize grip now easier to use on main window.
  • General: Improved resize grip graphics to better fit the program style.
  • General: Improved weather information dialog now sizable.
  • General: Fixed wrong mouse cursor was shown when hovering over bottom right resize grip on main window.
  • General: Fixed scroll bar input values used were not always correct in touch input helper.
  • Position: Improved optional waiting dialog while scenery is loading now also shown when loading flight situation presets.
  • Map: Added magnetic heading to map information dialog for user, AI and online aircraft.
  • Map: Fixed magnetic heading display of AI aircraft for X-Plane.
  • Aircraft: Improved TCAS traffic now allowing decimal places for distance.
  • Aircraft: Fixed sometimes incorrect range of scroll bar input in touch input helper for altitude pressure input field when unit was set to inHG.
  • Statistics: Fixed vertical speed graph scale rounding.
  • Settings: Added map option to use magnetic instead of true bearing for measure function.

Version 1.5.19, released on November 13, 2021 (Download)

  • General: Improved database build speed for FS2020/Prepar3D/FSX/FSW.
  • General: Fixed runway ILS data not correctly imported for certain FS2020/Prepar3D/FSX/FSW third party sceneries (start manual database rebuild to fix).
  • General: Fixed disabled pop-up menu items could still be clicked.
  • General: Fixed default light color theme now fully independent of Windows color settings.
  • General: Fixed default active hyperlink color of dark color theme now less intensive.
  • Position: Fixed runway/helipad elevation now correctly named "elevation" instead of "altitude".
  • Position: Fixed ILS frequency now shown with 3 decimal digits.
  • Position: Fixed airworks position now correctly using altitude MSL instead of AGL.
  • Conditions: Fixed invalid cloud altitudes displayed in change cloud dialog when simulator is not connected yet.
  • Conditions: Fixed wind speed text in current weather.
  • Failures: Fixed certain failures could not be disabled for Project Magenta.
  • Aircraft: Added display of digital vertical speed above/below vertical speed tape on generic primary flight display (PFD).
  • Aircraft: Added option to recharge battery for X-Plane.
  • Settings: Fixed opacity slider keyboard control in select color dialog.
  • Settings: Fixed tab order of select color dialog.

Version 1.5.18, released on October 2, 2021 (Download)

  • General: Added command line parameter "/dataDirectory" to specify custom data directory (commercial license only, read manual first).
  • General: Added option to run multiple FS-FlightControl instances on the same computer with different data directories (commercial license only).
  • General: Improved real-time weather source using Active Sky now everywhere when Active Sky is weather engine of enabled simulator.
  • General: Updated weather station data for X-Plane (start manual database rebuild to update).
  • General: Fixed entered license data not saved when no database available and database build got canceled.
  • General: Fixed program continued to start with trial license despite hitting exit program button on license dialog.
  • General: Fixed no longer automatically start FS-FlightControl again after update when "/doNotSaveSettings" parameter is used.
  • Map: Added weather station elevation to map information dialog (start manual database rebuild to add).
  • Conditions: Improved weather station elevation calculation (start manual database rebuild to improve).
  • Conditions: Improved current weather now shows next weather station also in case of global weather.
  • Conditions: Fixed sending real-time weather was not possible anymore after download error occurred in certain conditions.
  • Conditions: Fixed custom weather selected altitude layer sometimes reset when Active Sky and simplified weather control were used.
  • Conditions: Fixed cloud was sometimes named as height (AGL) although value displayed was altitude (MSL).
  • Conditions: Fixed cloud top height now shown in current weather for Active Sky and X-Plane.
  • Conditions: Fixed cloud top type and turbulence no longer displayed in current weather for X-Plane as unsupported.
  • Conditions: Fixed weather station elevation text in current weather.
  • Conditions: Fixed change cloud height section text to be clearer.
  • Failures: Fixed not all X-Plane failures were displayed in certain cases.
  • Aircraft: Fixed drawing of heading tracking indicator of primary flight display (PFD).
  • Settings: Improved conditions real-time weather setting with additional note about usage regarding Active Sky.
  • Settings: Fixed use default network client start waiting screen option did not reset start waiting screen parameters.
  • Settings: Fixed navigation data update never ended when no navigation data was present at all.

Version 1.5.17, released on September 11, 2021 (Download)

  • General: Fixed drop-down list controls did not react from Android/iOS app when window was not in foreground.
  • Conditions: Fixed X-Plane enable real-time weather UI text.
  • Pushback: Fixed aircraft turning back after pushback stopped in some cases for X-Plane.
  • Pushback: Fixed pushback did not automatically end when straight distance after turn was zero for X-Plane.
  • Pushback: Fixed minor incorrect UI alignment.
  • Failures: Added support for additional Reality XP GPS 430W/530W professional failures (X-Plane and commercial license only).
  • Failures: Fixed X-Plane failures did not show after switching simulators.
  • Aircraft: Fixed engine EPR values now shown with 3 decimal digits.
  • Aircraft: Fixed possible exception when changing aircraft.
  • Aircraft: Fixed typing error in TCAS remove all intruder aircraft button text.

Version 1.5.16, released on July 17, 2021 (Download)

  • General: Improved overall image rendering to use less memory when possible.
  • General: Fixed off screen warning dialog no longer displayed when window is maximized.
  • Map: Improved default aircraft information text now only showing departure/arrival airport line for AI/online aircraft when this information is available.
  • Flight Plan: Fixed Flight Sim Labs export help link.
  • Conditions: Fixed X-Plane weather themes did not always reset the full weather.
  • Conditions: Fixed X-Plane some weather themes did not work correctly when simplified weather control was used.
  • Conditions: Fixed X-Plane "Low Visibility" and "Stormy" weather themes to better reflect X-Plane defaults.
  • Failures: Added support for additional Reality XP GPS 430W/530W failures (X-Plane only).
  • Aircraft: Added generating TCAS traffic support for X-Plane.
  • Aircraft: Fixed X-Plane gliding towing tow button was sometimes disabled when previously other simulator type was used.
  • Aircraft: Fixed change aircraft button was not highlighted after activation.
  • Settings: Added map "{atc_airports}" aircraft information text placeholder.
  • Settings: Added Reality XP aircraft third party options.

Version 1.5.15, released on June 12, 2021 (Download)

  • Map: Added option to overlay custom images (commercial license and upon request only).
  • Flight Plan: Fixed current flight plan not correctly displayed in some cases after module window was minimized.
  • Conditions: Improved X-Plane thermals with altitude now specified as AGL.
  • Conditions: Fixed ILS visibility related airport was not automatically changed when aircraft was place within an airport in some cases.
  • Conditions: Fixed flight plan departure or arrival airport can now also be selected as ILS visibility related airport when no departure/arrival runway is selected.
  • Conditions: Fixed simulator time was not correctly displayed in some cases for X-Plane.
  • Conditions: Fixed local time zone now correctly considered when sending time to X-Plane.
  • Conditions: Fixed custom weather wind speed units not correctly displayed when speed unit not set to kt and simplified weather control not used.
  • Conditions: Fixed X-Plane thermals altitude and climb rate unit.
  • Conditions: Fixed X-Plane thermals climb rate always zero.
  • Failures: Fixed X-Plane fuel tank filter blocked failures.
  • Aircraft: Added glider towing options.

Version 1.5.14, released on May 16, 2021 (Download)

  • General: Removed support for Prepar3D v1.
  • General: Fixed connection problem to Prepar3D v3.
  • General: Fixed not all buttons were highlighted after activation.
  • General: Fixed closing a confirmation dialog using escape key was considered as accept in some cases.
  • Position: Added optional waiting dialog while scenery is loading.
  • Map: Fixed AI aircraft image color was not changed automatically based on map color settings when changing map background.
  • Flight Plan: Changed ETE/ETA data no longer calculated while on ground to avoid useless values being displayed.
  • Flight Plan: Fixed procedures could not be deleted if last SID waypoint is at the same time the first STAR waypoint.
  • Flight Plan: Fixed next waypoint ETE/ETA not cleared when there is no next waypoint anymore.
  • Flight Plan: Fixed no longer trying to calculate a next waypoint when landed at destination airport.
  • Conditions: Fixed change clouds dialog was sometimes not shown for X-Plane.
  • View/Slew: Fixed possible situation where disabling slew mode with X-Plane could cause FS-FlightControl to hang.
  • Failures: Fixed possible situation where failure settings did not load when Mindstar, Flight1 or Milviz failure options where enabled.
  • Settings: Added simulator position option to show waiting dialog while scenery is loading.
  • Settings: Added map "{atc_call_sign}" aircraft information text placeholder also for user aircraft.
  • Settings: Added warning dialog when trying to set manual X-Plane connection configuration without entering an IP address.
  • Settings: Fixed possible situation where network customize start waiting screen section was disabled although selected.
  • Info: Added confirmation dialog before license deactivation.

Version 1.5.13, released on April 17, 2021 (Download)

  • General: Improved some UI graphics to better fit the program style.
  • Map: Fixed parsing new VATSIM data format with certain Windows culture settings.
  • Map: Fixed total remaining text now shortened on flight plan table.
  • Flight Plan: Fixed selected flight plan waypoint no longer changed while pop-up menu is open.
  • Conditions: Improved cloud selections options for X-Plane now only options shown that really work with X-Plane.
  • Conditions: Fixed cloud assignment logic for X-Plane.
  • Conditions: Fixed parsing simulator time offset in some cases.
  • Aircraft: Fixed change aircraft button location.

Version 1.5.12, released on April 10, 2021 (Download)

  • General: Improved drop-down list controls now allow closing using escape and enter keys.
  • General: Improved drop-down list controls now allow iterating through items with arrow keys while expanded.
  • General: Fixed non-user-selectable aircraft from Microsoft Flight Simulator (FS2020) no longer imported (start manual database rebuild to fix).
  • General: Fixed warning dialog about a connection to wrong simulator type no longer shown multiple times in some cases.
  • Map: Added support for new VATSIM data format.
  • Map: Added VATSIM ATIS messages to map information dialog.
  • Map: Improved VATSIM data update speed now 15 seconds (instead of 60 seconds).
  • Map: Fixed aircraft trace was no longer reset when repositioning a shorter distance on ground.
  • Flight Plan: Added ETE/ETA information to next waypoint and destination.
  • Flight Plan: Improved flight plan waypoints table now always selecting the next waypoint automatically.
  • Flight Plan: Improved calculation of next waypoint.
  • Flight Plan: Fixed possible exception during next waypoint calculations.
  • Flight Plan: Fixed matching of flight plan waypoints to internal database in some cases.
  • Flight Plan: Fixed reposition dialog presets when repositioning to flight plan waypoint now correct also after simulator change.
  • Conditions: Added confirmation message after successfully saving a weather preset.
  • Conditions: Fixed spontaneous QHN change for X-Plane in certain conditions.
  • Conditions: Fixed overriding an existent weather preset did not work.
  • Aircraft: Added option to change aircraft (Prepar3D and X-Plane only, start manual database rebuild to see aircraft preview).
  • Aircraft: Fixed piston and turboprop engine types now correctly recognized for X-Plane.
  • Aircraft: Fixed TCAS aircraft section now immediately hidden when no longer available.
  • Aircraft: Fixed TCAS aircraft list now updated after simulator change.
  • Aircraft: Fixed TCAS aircraft list now sorted.
  • Network: Improved status web page by now using same new ETE/ETA calculations and options from Flight Plan module.
  • Settings: Added flight plan option to choose if ETE or ETA should be displayed.
  • Settings: Added aircraft failures option to hide certain failures (commercial license only).
  • Settings: Added simulator aircraft change options to disable feature and restrict to only certain aircraft (commercial license only).

Version 1.5.11, released on March 13, 2021 (Download)

  • Map: Fixed aircraft trace sometimes resets itself during flight when simulator reloads scenery.
  • Map: Fixed parsing PilotEdge ATIS created date information.
  • Flight Plan: Fixed import of waypoints from Microsoft Flight Simulator (FS2020) flight plan files did not always work correctly.
  • Conditions: Fixed encoding METAR without date.
  • Conditions: Fixed certain weather themes were not correctly set for X-Plane.
  • Aircraft: Fixed QNH setting for X-Plane.

Version 1.5.10, released on February 20, 2021 (Download)

  • General: Fixed possible situation where X-Plane data did not get updated for a while.
  • Map: Fixed airport elevation in map information dialog for airports with helipads only.
  • Conditions: Fixed performance problem when using real-time weather.
  • Conditions: Fixed weather station elevation was not displayed in current weather for stations below sea level.
  • Conditions: Fixed weather station now always defined as global weather for X-Plane.
  • Conditions: Fixed weather station elevation for X-Plane.
  • Motion: Fixed possible exception while Brunner control loading devices got updated.

Version 1.5.9, released on February 14, 2021 (Download)

  • General: Improved license activation handling now automatically try to re-activate with existent activation data in case of trial license.
  • General: Improved hardware recognition to avoid false new hardware detections.
  • General: Fixed import of certain BGL files of Microsoft Flight Simulator (FS2020) failed (start manual database rebuild to fix).
  • General: Fixed airport names shortening logic to use less space.
  • General: Fixed update period expired dialog was not shown immediately after activation.
  • General: Fixed typing errors in program start and license related message texts.
  • Flight Plan: Improved Flight Sim Labs A320 routes export now also exporting cruising altitude and cost index.
  • Conditions: Added custom weather option to calculate ISA deviation for higher layers if simplified weather control is used.
  • Conditions: Improved ILS visibility now allowing to set a reference airport and runway.
  • Conditions: Fixed calculate wind airport display now shows longer airport names.
  • Settings: Added psi, psf and inHg pressure units.
  • Settings: Fixed tab order on units tab.
  • Info: Fixed sent status message now always shown immediately after message is sent.

Version 1.5.8, released on February 6, 2021 (Download)

  • General: Added support for importing community scenery during Microsoft Flight Simulator (FS2020) database build (start manual database rebuild to add).
  • General: Improved text field validation now reset to previous value possible with escape key.
  • General: Fixed main process title name now "FS-FlightControl" instead of just "FlightControl".
  • General: Fixed detached module windows now shown in foreground by default.
  • General: Fixed possible issues with airports that do not have a name specified in scenery source.
  • Map: Added option to reposition aircraft anywhere on the map using context menu.
  • Map: Fixed parsing PilotEdge ATIS information in some cases.
  • Flight Plan: Added option to enter flight number and cost index for manual flight plan.
  • Flight Plan: Added support for Flight Sim Labs A320 routes export (replacing the no longer supported AOC method).
  • Flight Plan: Improved SimBrief import now also importing airline code, cost index and better flight plan title generation.
  • Flight Plan: Fixed flight plan export for JeeHell when DCTs are used.
  • Flight Plan: Fixed tab order in manual flight plan section.
  • Conditions: Improved cloud text display in simplified custom weather interface.
  • Conditions: Fixed now using "Clear" instead of "CAVOK" for high altitude cloud layers.
  • Conditions: Fixed gust wind speeds now allow 3 digits.
  • Statistics: Added pitch and bank angle to Google Earth export.
  • Statistics: Fixed clear all flight data and import data from CSV now also resets approach statistics.
  • Settings: Improved Mindstar G1000 third party handling now always creating a backup of "G1000.ini" before applying any automated changes.
  • Settings: Fixed Mindstar G1000 third party settings could not be cleared.
  • Settings: Fixed simulator SimConnect settings updated by SimConnect Network Wizard now immediately shown in UI for current selected simulator.
  • Info: Updated copyright notes of third party software.

Version 1.5.7, released on January 24, 2021 (Download)

  • General: Updated default navigation data from ARINC cycle 1901 to 2001 (thanks to Navigraph for providing this free update).
  • General: Fixed possible exception when receiving keyboard commands before application is fully loaded.
  • Map: Added PilotEdge ATIS information to map information dialog when PilotEdge is enabled.
  • Map: Fixed line breaks not correctly displayed in VATSIM ATIS messages.
  • Flight Plan: Improved import from SimBrief now also importing cruising altitude.
  • Conditions: Fixed wind aloft gust speed fields no longer shown when Active Sky is enabled (as not supported by Active Sky).
  • Conditions: Fixed calculate wind for wind aloft layers now uses the correct altitude layer.
  • Aircraft: Fixed third party not respected after aircraft profile was changed.
  • Network: Fixed possible exception when changing simulator while editing a computer name.
  • Settings: Added PilotEdge as real-time weather provider option.

Version 1.5.6, released on December 28, 2020 (Download)

  • General: Removed path detection for Microsoft Flight Simulator (FS2020) Alpha version.
  • General: Removed integration with ProSim (please use new ProSimIOS based on FS-FlightControl and distributed with ProSim release ZIP files directly).
  • General: Fixed path detection for Microsoft Flight Simulator (FS2020) and FSX Steam Edition for non-default Steam apps installation paths.
  • General: Fixed license and settings validity check for Windows configurations complying with Federal Information Processing Standard (FIPS).
  • General: Fixed start without valid security protocol now possible when hardware dongle is used.
  • Flight Plan: Added option to import, export and delete JeeHell company routes.
  • Flight Plan: Fixed FS2020/Prepar3D/FSX/FSW flight plan import could fail with certain Windows language settings.
  • Flight Plan: Fixed synchronization with certain Aerosoft Airbus product versions did not work.
  • Conditions: Fixed upper visibility layers no longer displayed in current weather when only official METAR is selected.
  • Pushback: Fixed request jetway button sometimes flickering.
  • Settings: Added JeeHell third party options.

Version 1.5.5, released on November 14, 2020 (Download)

  • General: Fixed Android/iOS app connection behavior in demo mode.
  • Flight Plan: Fixed waypoint text export with airway now includes "DCT" in case no airway available.
  • Settings: Removed no longer needed simulator third party update interval setting.
  • Settings: Fixed possible situation where existent custom aircraft buttons were not correctly listed.
  • Settings: Fixed name of pitch option on position change setting.

Version 1.5.4, released on October 31, 2020 (Download)

  • General: Fixed magnetic variation, weather stations and weather themes import during FS2020 database build (start manual database rebuild to fix).
  • General: Fixed possible exception when imported airport did not contain an airport name.
  • Position: Added option to show all gates and parking positions in one list.
  • Position: Improved sorting of gates and parking positions.
  • Position: Fixed approach location sometimes not aligned with runway for FS2020/Prepar3D/FSX/FSW (start manual database rebuild to fix).
  • Flight Plan: Fixed possible exception when trying to scroll in route finder import dialog.
  • Conditions: Fixed turbulence was not always correctly displayed in custom weather when Active Sky was used and simplified weather control was active.
  • Network: Fixed computer action list no longer jumping to the top when an action is moved or deleted.
  • Motion: Added missing Brunner simulator connection types.
  • Motion: Fixed simulator connection type UI text for unknown Brunner simulator types.

Version 1.5.3, released on October 17, 2020 (Download)

  • General: Fixed list box and drop-down list controls did not always accept selection change if only one item was shown.
  • Conditions: Fixed wind jump from surface to first layer in fair weather theme when simplified weather control was active.
  • Settings: Fixed bituminous runways now considered a hard surface for airport/runway restrictions.

Version 1.5.2, released on September 26, 2020 (Download)

  • General: Improved runway surface material recognition during FS2020 database build (start manual database rebuild to improve).
  • General: Fixed missing error message when entering wrong activation data within trial period.
  • General: Fixed certain BGL files could not be imported during FS2020/Prepar3D/FSX/FSW database build (start manual database rebuild to fix).
  • Flight Plan: Added support to automatically import FS2020 flight plans when "Synchronize with Flight Simulator flight plan" is active.
  • Settings: Fixed document path input now disabled for FS2020 as not required.
  • Settings: Fixed custom button values can now also be negative.

Version 1.5.1, released on August 20, 2020 (Download)

  • General: Added support for automatic path detection of Steam installation of Microsoft Flight Simulator (FS2020).
  • General: Changed database build for FS2020/Prepar3D/FSX/FSW now uses also ILS course from navigation data instead of scenery if "Use Navaids/Frequencies from Navigation Data" option is enabled.
  • General: Fixed option to skip apron data for FS2020 database builds now saved.
  • Position: Improved runway information now showing ILS course instead of runway heading for ILS enabled runways.
  • Position: Fixed possible exception while showing position aircraft confirmation dialog.
  • Failures: Fixed no longer show failures not supported by ProSim if ProSim third party options are used.
  • Settings: Fixed custom view position pitch, roll and yaw values now correctly shown after program restart.

Version 1.5.0, released on August 16, 2020 (Download)

  • General: Added support for connections to Microsoft Flight Simulator (FS2020).
  • General: Added support for Microsoft Flight Simulator (FS2020) BGL data format during database build.
  • General: Added support for Microsoft Flight Simulator (FS2020) for simulator detection in SimConnect Network Wizard.
  • General: Improved find object dialog now preserving last selection during program session.
  • General: Improved airport ILS data import during Prepar3D/FSX/FSW database build (start manual database rebuild to improve).
  • General: Updated airport country and city data used when not provided with scenery (start manual database rebuild to update).
  • General: Fixed Prepar3D v5 simulator detection now always preferred over v4.
  • General: Fixed importing aircraft status was not always shown during Prepar3D/FSX/FSW database build.
  • General: Fixed possible exception when selecting item in find object dialog.
  • Position: Fixed possible exception when selecting gate or parking position.
  • Position: Fixed final position horizontal offset text in confirmation dialog.
  • Map: Added time en-route to measure segments if first point is pinned to a flying aircraft.
  • Map: Improved airport aprons rendering performance.
  • Map: Changed minimum default zoom level to show taxiway and apron data.
  • Map: Fixed some runway headings were still shown with decimal places in map information.
  • Flight Plan: Fixed arrival airport elevation now exported as feet instead of meters to Prepar3D/FSX/FSW flight plan.
  • Flight Plan: Fixed weather stations can no longer be added as flight plan point causing exceptions.
  • Settings: Fixed final position horizontal offset text.
  • Settings: Fixed SimConnect Network Wizard info now only used for same simulator type to pre-fill database build paths.

Version 1.4.20, released on June 20, 2020 (Download)

  • General: Fixed SID procedures were not always completely imported from X-Plane navigation data (start manual database rebuild to fix).
  • General: Fixed aircraft title parsing during X-Plane database build (start manual database rebuild to fix).
  • General: Fixed mouse cursor no longer shown as hand over connection status in title bar when connection status cannot be changed at the moment.
  • General: Fixed list box controls now immediately open touch input helper for selection when enabled without previous item selection.
  • General: Improved X-Plane helicopter aircraft category detection.
  • Position: Improved custom location display in position confirmation dialog now also showing altitude and heading.
  • Map: Fixed runway heading now shown without decimal places in map information.
  • Flight Plan: Fixed departure airport elevation now exported as feet instead of meters to Prepar3D/FSX/FSW flight plan.
  • Conditions: Improved current weather official METAR display now no longer showing exact cloud coverage oktas and cloud types.
  • Aircraft: Fixed custom buttons using X-Plane commands or DataRefs.
  • Aircraft: Fixed UI location of custom buttons button if simulator type is X-Plane.
  • Settings: Fixed aircraft warning speed section was sometimes disabled when switching between aircraft profiles.
  • Settings: Fixed changing simulator connection in title bar now no longer possible during database build.
  • Settings: Fixed possible unknown simulator type detected message popping up when starting X-Plane database build while connected to X-Plane.

Version 1.4.19, released on May 30, 2020 (Download)

  • General: Added support for new X-Plane 11.30 COM frequency format during database build.
  • General: Fixed X-Plane COM frequency type not always recognized correctly (start manual database rebuild to fix).
  • General: Fixed strange line breaks in HTML panels.
  • General: Fixed program update notification message.
  • General: Fixed possible exception in select date dialog.
  • General: Fixed color comparison that could lead to wrong color theme colors to be applied in some occasions.
  • General: Fixed details of selected item not always immediately shown after search in find object dialog.
  • Map: Fixed map information dialog COM frequency table and removed unneeded colons.
  • Conditions: Fixed real-time weather now once sent when enabled also if aircraft is below set minimum altitude.

Version 1.4.18, released on May 3, 2020 (Download)

  • General: Fixed little dot was displayed on tab controls if context help icons were disabled.
  • General: Fixed UI error message in Prepar3D v5 options menu if simplified weather control was active by working around Prepar3D v5 weather bug.
  • Map: Improved handling of minimum/maximum latitude and longitude regions.
  • Map: Improved drawing of departure to arrival lines for AI and online aircraft now using great cycle lines.
  • Map: Changed VATSIM data polling rate from 80 to about 60 seconds (fastest possible).
  • Map: Fixed some grid lines, missed approach path and AI/online aircraft route is now again displayed with dashed line instead of solid.
  • Flight Plan: Added support to import flight plans from SimBrief.
  • Flight Plan: Improved flight plan import by now closing import dialog automatically if import was successful.
  • Network: Fixed computer configuration not shown after simulator changed although first computer selected.
  • Motion: Fixed UI layout when window gets resized.
  • Settings: Added flight plan settings for SimBrief user name.
  • Settings: Changed PFPX path is now defined in "Other Settings" => "Flight Plan".
  • Settings: Fixed SimConnect remote flight simulator settings updated dialog message and title.

Version 1.4.17, released on April 18, 2020 (Download)

  • General: Added support for Prepar3D v5 for simulator detection in SimConnect Network Wizard.
  • General: Improved handling of existent invalid "SimConnect.xml" files in SimConnect Network Wizard.
  • General: Fixed possible exception upon completion of database loading.
  • Flight Plan: Fixed warning message when trying to calculate airway route without selecting departure and arrival airport first is now always displayed.

Version 1.4.16, released on April 14, 2020 (Download)

  • General: Added support for connections to Prepar3D v5.
  • General: Added support for new Prepar3D v5 BGL airport data format during database build.
  • General: Added command line parameter "/suppressFontScalingWarning" to suppress font scaling warning on Windows 7 or older.
  • General: Added help icons to tab control pages.
  • General: Changed mouse wheel usage now also possible when touch input helper for selection is enabled.
  • General: Fixed drop-down controls did not always update the displayed text immediately when the selected item has changed.
  • General: Fixed thick bottom border on multi-line text box controls.
  • General: Fixed some dialog title texts that were too long.
  • General: Fixed website open error message box wording.
  • Conditions: Fixed Active Sky weather mode historic time and simulator time setting now also allows entering time without leading zero in 24 hours time format.
  • Statistics: Fixed UI layout for tab control changes.
  • Network: Fixed computer configuration was shown after resizing window although status page for web display configuration was active.
  • Network: Fixed "Show Preview" button of status page for web display now only enabled when simulator is connected.
  • Settings: Added aircraft map minimum zoom option for park positions.
  • Settings: Changed reducing opacity now no longer possible for main background color.
  • Settings: Fixed possible exception after reducing opacity of some colors.
  • Settings: Fixed UI layout for tab control changes.

Version 1.4.15, released on April 4, 2020 (Download)

  • General: Improved drop-down controls to better fit the program style.
  • General: Improved radio button to better fit the program style.
  • General: Improved checkbox to better fit the program style.
  • General: Improved tab pages control to better fit the program style and sticking to color theme.
  • General: Improved track bar to better fit the program style and sticking to color theme.
  • General: Improved mouse wheel scroll behavior for all scroll-able controls.
  • General: Improved date and time selections with own touch optimized dialogs now also usable from Android/iOS app.
  • General: Improved list box controls now allowing CTRL+A keyboard shortcut to select all elements if multiple items can be selected.
  • General: Fixed list box controls did not always show/hide scrollbar when resized.
  • General: Fixed choose simulator dialog can no longer be opened multiple times by clicking on the connection status label.
  • General: Fixed decimal GEO position without decimal places sometimes ended with the decimal separator.
  • General: Fixed window action icons and connection status click in title bar was not working for some monitor setups.
  • General: Fixed text changes with touch input helper did not always immediately take effect.
  • General: Fixed minor color mismatch while applying color theme colors to images.
  • General: Fixed missing help icons in database build and navigation data update dialogs.
  • General: Fixed possible exception while using mouse wheel scrolling with data table view.
  • General: Fixed possible exception while drawing scrollbar controls.
  • Flight Plan: Fixed note text in case of no points in flight plan was not visible on Android/iOS app.
  • Conditions: Improved Active Sky weather effect absolute position now also allowing entering GEO position in degrees, minutes and seconds format (if selected in unit settings).
  • Conditions: Fixed QNH information in METAR text did not respect Inches of Mercury unit setting for atmospheric pressure.
  • Aircraft: Fixed default radio and navigation frequencies without simulator connection are valid frequencies (instead of just zeros) now to avoid field validation issues.
  • Statistics: Fixed UI layout.
  • Settings: Improved color selection dialog to better fit the program style and now also allow usage with Android/iOS app.
  • Settings: Fixed missing help icons for database build and navigation data update sections.
  • Settings: Fixed possible exception when changing network client start waiting screen colors.
  • Settings: Fixed UI layout.
  • Info: Updated copyright notes of third party software.

Version 1.4.14, released on March 28, 2020 (Download)

  • General: Improved list box controls to better fit the program style.
  • General: Improved scroll-able panels to better fit the program style.
  • General: Improved HTML panels to better fit the program style.
  • General: Improved integrated web browser to better fit the program style.
  • General: Improved data table view to better fit the program style and sticking to color theme.
  • General: Improved default colors for light color theme (reset colors to improve).
  • General: Changed mouse cursor of connection text in title bar to make it more obvious that this is clickable.
  • General: Fixed simulator connection gets now automatically enabled again after switching simulator.
  • General: Fixed dragging application window at title bar now also possible where aircraft name is displayed.
  • General: Fixed scroll bar end position was not always correctly reflected in UI.
  • General: Fixed list box height of items was sometimes too small to show all text correctly.
  • General: Fixed list box items were sometimes shown as selected although they were not.
  • General: Fixed visual mouse interaction with title bar icons now quicker and more accurate.
  • General: Fixed main module buttons UI layout.
  • General: Fixed some context help links.
  • Position: Fixed UI runways and helipads button layout.
  • Map: Fixed marker, waypoint, POI and weather station icons now symmetrical.
  • Conditions: Fixed calculated wind should turn left with increasing altitude in Southern Hemisphere.
  • Conditions: Fixed flight plan buttons in calculate wind dialog were interchanged.
  • Conditions: Fixed custom weather section title to make it clearer if simplified weather control is used or not.
  • Conditions: Fixed custom weather for X-Plane UI layout.
  • Pushback: Fixed request jetway now disabled when not on ground.
  • Fuel/Load: Fixed fuel/load presets create and rename dialog messages.
  • Fuel/Load: Fixed UI layout in case of more fuel tanks or payload stations than displayable.
  • View/Slew: Fixed UI layout of slew buttons.
  • Failures: Fixed pre-selecting included failures in random failures dialog did not always work correctly.
  • Failures: Fixed first failure domain gets now activated automatically if the current one no longer exists.
  • Failures: Fixed "Heading/Direction" failure text was not correctly displayed in failure conditions dialog.
  • Failures: Fixed for some failures "&&" was shown instead of just "&".
  • Aircraft: Added option to define custom buttons sending SimConnect events/variables, X-Plane commands/DataRefs and FSUIPC offsets.
  • Aircraft: Added support for custom buttons defined automatically by AST interface.
  • Statistics: Fixed approach details temperatures and visibility if in feet or meters now shown without decimal places.
  • Network: Changed now using next/back buttons instead of scrollbars in case of more computers than displayable.
  • Network: Fixed UI layout, especially network computer actions arrangement.
  • Motion: Added status color legend for motion platform.
  • Motion: Improved status indicators to better fit the program style.
  • Motion: Fixed Brunner control loading simulator connection status text did not always fit into the label.
  • Motion: Fixed UI layout.
  • Settings: Added aircraft settings to create custom buttons.
  • Settings: Changed aircraft failure source and aircraft options are now combined in third party options.
  • Settings: Fixed aircraft position airport/runway restriction checkbox was not shown checked on program start although restriction was active.
  • Settings: Fixed holding entry sector range unit now correctly displayed.
  • Settings: Fixed resetting map, statistics and failures colors did not always adhere to the global color theme.
  • Settings: Fixed maximum input length of access control blocked card serial number was too short.
  • Settings: Fixed hyperlinks in mobile devices settings now underlined upon mouse hover.
  • Settings: Fixed name of view/slew other settings section.
  • Settings: Fixed aircraft map colors UI layout.
  • Settings: Fixed aircraft speed warning UI layout.
  • Settings: Fixed typing error in torque unit settings.
  • Info: Improved change log display now using paging.

Version 1.4.13, released on March 8, 2020 (Download)

  • General: Improved list box controls now showing selected items that are not focused at the moment in correct color.
  • General: Fixed exception on program start in case of missing Windows Updates for required security protocol.
  • General: Fixed simulator connection no longer automatically started after database/terrain build or loading if connection was manually disabled beforehand.
  • General: Fixed minor rendering differences of link labels across the program.
  • General: Fixed some error/info message box wordings.
  • Map: Added option to display custom holding patterns.
  • Map: Added height map color legend.
  • Map: Improved map background rendering performance, especially for height map.
  • Map: Improved action buttons layout to use less space and allow slightly less tall window size.
  • Map: Changed default color of height map info and copy right note.
  • Map: Fixed showing/hiding action buttons based on window size now immediate for all buttons.
  • Map: Fixed zoom buttons state when started with minimum or maximum zoom.
  • Settings: Added aircraft position airport/runway restriction options.
  • Settings: Added aircraft map color options for taxi center line and holding patterns.
  • Settings: Added map holdings settings.
  • Settings: Improved aircraft map colors UI layout.
  • Settings: Fixed hide modules setting was not persisted when changed on first program start.
  • Settings: Fixed duplicated simulator name resulted in message box that could not be closed.
  • Settings: Fixed possible exception when entering invalid text sizes in some aircraft map settings.
  • Settings: Fixed possible exception when deleting an access control card.

Version 1.4.12, released on February 12, 2020 (Download)

  • General: Fixed license validation issue due to security policy on some Windows systems.
  • Map: Improved aircraft text display.
  • Map: Fixed planned flight rules now also shown for PilotEdge aircraft in map information.
  • Conditions: Improved METAR data parsing for some special cloud formats.
  • Failures: Fixed possible situation where engine failure status was no longer in sync with Prepar3D internal failure status.
  • Settings: Added map option to customize aircraft text display.

Version 1.4.11, released on January 12, 2020 (Download)

  • General: Improved scroll bar input option of touch input helper now available also for some decimal fields.
  • General: Improved input validation and touch input helper support for position options and confirmation dialog.
  • General: Fixed pop-up dialogs are modal in all cases and only top dialog is displayed now.
  • General: Fixed display and parsing problem of new degrees, minutes and seconds GEO position format for southern and eastern hemisphere.
  • Position: Fixed possible exception when showing airport METAR or airport on map.
  • Map: Improved reposition aircraft dialog now also allowing entering GEO position in degrees, minutes and seconds format (if selected in unit settings).
  • Map: Improved auto zoom behavior now avoiding going back and forth between two auto zoom levels too quickly.
  • Map: Improved park position rendering by now shortening too long names sometimes used in X-Plane sceneries.
  • Settings: Improved input validation and touch input helper support for aircraft position settings.
  • Settings: Fixed invalid input to aircraft map auto zoom settings resulted in message box that could not be closed.
  • Settings: Fixed possible exception after database build failed.

Version 1.4.10, released on December 28, 2019 (Download)

  • General: Improved airport parking position recognition during X-Plane database build (start manual database rebuild to improve).
  • General: Fixed X-Plane database build now continues with default scenery if no custom scenery was found (start manual database rebuild to fix).
  • General: Fixed new navigation data record reduced navigation data import speed for X-Plane 11.
  • Position: Fixed calculation inaccuracy when converting the custom location degree, minutes and seconds values to decimal.
  • Position: Fixed custom location at coordinates UI layout.
  • Flight Plan: Fixed possible encoding problem while exporting altitude to Wilco company route.
  • Condition: Improved simplified custom weather interface now using wind from lower layer when higher layer gets disabled.
  • Condition: Fixed rounding of surface wind depth and winds aloft altitude in current weather.
  • Condition: Fixed icing rate and vicinity weather observation METAR to text conversion in current weather.
  • Network: Added "{vertical_speed}" as possible variable for status page.
  • Settings: Added option to enable GPS data broadcast (to feed apps like ForeFlight, WingX Pro, Aerovie, FltPlan Go and SkyDemon).
  • Settings: Added unit option to choose if degrees, minutes and seconds or a decimal value is used for GEO positions.
  • Settings: Fixed reset window UI layout in other settings.

Version 1.4.9, released on November 24, 2019 (Download)

  • General: Fixed possible situation where text fields did not accept local decimal and thousands separator.
  • General: Fixed possible problems with user interface interaction from Android/iOS app.
  • General: Fixed possible exception during splash screen initialization.
  • Position: Fixed confirmation dialog for flight situation presets did not work from Android/iOS app.
  • Condition: Fixed possible exception when changing season.
  • Aircraft: Added ground pneumatic option for JeeHell.
  • Aircraft: Changed ground power button for JeeHell is now a toggle button only (no longer trying to show the current ground power status).
  • Aircraft: Fixed ground power button size when JeeHell or AST aircraft option is enabled.

Version 1.4.8, released on October 19, 2019 (Download)

  • General: Updated default navigation data from ARINC cycle 1801 to 1901 (thanks to Navigraph for providing this free update).
  • General: Fixed Prepar3D/FSX aircraft data import did not work correctly in some cases (start manual database rebuild to fix).
  • General: Fixed access control system no longer tries to read transponder on the reader while in settings.
  • General: Fixed exception when selecting an item with the touch input helper for selection while the underlying list had changed.
  • Position: Fixed possible exception when showing position confirmation dialog.
  • Flight Plan: Fixed exception when exporting to Aerosoft Airbus or Wilco company route and there is no permission to write the file.
  • Conditions: Improved METAR display only showing maximum "9999" visibility if only official METAR option is used.
  • Conditions: Improved METAR display from Active Sky data now using the time of data retrieval from Active Sky as METAR time.
  • Conditions: Fixed custom weather change clouds altitude is now displayed as height.
  • Statistics: Fixed message saying that there is no data to export now shown as warning.
  • Settings: Added option to export access control charge and usage log data to CSV.
  • Settings: Added additional note text field option for access control session logging.
  • Settings: Added confirmation dialog before deleting access control user or card.
  • Settings: Fixed access control user settings potentially stored old transponder data after overriding transponder with new data.
  • Settings: Fixed possible exception parsing access control card credits input.

Version 1.4.7, released on August 10, 2019 (Download)

  • General: Fixed possible exception while using back button of touch input helper.
  • General: Fixed possible exception while opening selection dialogs.
  • Position: Fixed horizontal glideslope offset was not correctly displayed in confirmation dialog if other than default unit was used.
  • Conditions: Added option to send custom ILS visibility.
  • Conditions: Fixed cloud type in change clouds dialog was not visible on Android/iOS app.
  • Conditions: Fixed activate custom weather dialog was not visible on Android/iOS app.
  • Conditions: Fixed minor layout alignment errors for weather themes, ILS visibility and seasons.
  • Conditions: Fixed possible exception while downloading real-time weather data.
  • Failures: Fixed left/right gear failures were interchanged for X-Plane.
  • Statistics: Fixed distance to runway not correctly displayed in approach statistics printouts.
  • Statistics: Fixed page footer was not added to printouts.
  • Statistics: Fixed possible exception while exporting to Google Earth.
  • Settings: Fixed unit changes are now immediately reflected for all settings.

Version 1.4.6, released on June 29, 2019 (Download)

  • General: Fixed minimizing to Desktop no longer possible with access control and always on top is enabled.
  • Flight Plan: Fixed possible exception in case of frequent flight plan updates from third party applications.
  • Conditions: Fixed changed weather mode from Active Sky side not reflected in FS-FlightControl.
  • Conditions: Fixed additional X-Plane weather attributes were not always correctly parsed.
  • Aircraft: Fixed some aircraft values where not working correctly with X-Plane.
  • Settings: Fixed possible exception while selecting a folder in database build dialogs.

Version 1.4.5, released on May 29, 2019 (Download)

  • General: Fixed possible rendering exception on program start.
  • Conditions: Fixed possible rendering exception in calculate wind dialog.
  • Network: Added additional confirmation dialog before restarting, shutting down, hibernating or sleeping computers.
  • Network: Fixed all buttons now marked after activation.

Version 1.4.4, released on May 28, 2019 (Download)

  • Aircraft: Fixed possible exception while rendering aircraft gauges.

Version 1.4.3, released on May 28, 2019 (Download)

  • General: Improved memory management for rendering to avoid out of memory exceptions on low end systems.
  • General: Fixed possible rendering exception on program start.
  • General: Fixed a problem activating a license offline although a hardware dongle is used.
  • Map: Fixed measure text now better readable if font size is increase above default.

Version 1.4.2, released on May 26, 2019 (Download)

  • General: Added optional access control add-on allowing access to simulator only with valid transponder chip.
  • General: Improved memory management for rendering to avoid out of memory exceptions on low end systems.
  • General: Fixed touch input helper available buttons were not correctly set when text is selected and restricted input (e. g. ICAO code).
  • Conditions: Fixed simplified custom weather interface did not work correctly after an aircraft crash for Prepar3D/FSX.
  • Conditions: Fixed possible exception while sending weather to Prepar3D/FSX when the simplified custom weather interface is used.
  • Aircraft: Fixed flaps and gear controls were not sent to Milviz aircraft.
  • Motion: Added support for Brunner Elektronik motion platform NOVASIM VR.
  • Motion: Improved motion module control loading UI layout.
  • Motion: Fixed all buttons now marked after activation.
  • Settings: Added access control settings.
  • Settings: Added motion settings for Brunner Elektronik motion platform NOVASIM VR.
  • Settings: Changed Brunner Elektronik control loading settings now in new motion settings tab.

Version 1.4.1, released on April 6, 2019 (Download)

  • General: Fixed message box dialogs layout had sometimes too much space on the right side.
  • General: Fixed list box controls did not always change appearance immediately when they got enabled or disabled.
  • General: Fixed typing errors in demo mode expiration message.
  • Flight Plan: Fixed problem when manually adding a waypoint directly after a SID procedure.
  • Conditions: Fixed possible situation where invalid weather themes were displayed when Active Sky is used leading to an exception upon activation.
  • Conditions: Fixed possible situation where a cloud layer could not be parsed from Active Sky weather interface.
  • Conditions: Fixed possible situation where decimal values were not parsed correctly from Active Sky weather interface.
  • Conditions: Fixed Active Sky historic weather mode to no longer cause an exception with default time values.
  • Conditions: Fixed visibility of exact 10.000 m was not correctly sent to Prepar3D/FSX if no Active Sky was used.
  • Conditions: Fixed current weather now shows provided by Active Sky in case weather can be retrieved from Active Sky directly.
  • Conditions: Fixed possible exception while updating weather theme list after switching between weather engines or simulators.
  • Aircraft: Fixed engine thrust unit now corrected to "lbf" and torque to "ft lbf".
  • Settings: Added thrust newton ("N") and torque newton meter ("Nm") unit options.
  • Settings: Fixed speed and altitude units were not respected in aircraft warning settings list.

Version 1.4.0, released on March 31, 2019 (Download)

  • General: Added support for Milviz aircraft T-38C, F-4, F-15C and F-16C (awaiting updates from Milviz to be released).
  • General: Improved list box controls to better fit the program style.
  • General: Improved drop-down selection lists to better fit the program style.
  • General: Improved Prepar3D/FSX/FSW manually entered application data directory recognition by ignoring config file names in directory path.
  • General: Fixed text field input changes did not get immediately recognized when input change was done using touch input helper.
  • General: Fixed pausing and unpausing simulator several times quickly in a row could cause simulation rates greater than 1 if unpause delay way enabled.
  • General: Fixed unnecessary AI aircraft requests potentially reducing performance.
  • General: Fixed bearing or heading of 360° is now consistently displayed as 0° everywhere.
  • General: Fixed flight level altitudes are now consistently displayed with 3 digits everywhere.
  • General: Fixed checkbox UI alignment to multi-line text.
  • General: Fixed typing error in Prepar3D/FSX/FSW database build message.
  • Position: Fixed mouse cursor of aircraft city and country information texts.
  • Map: Added "(RT)" text in weather info display when real-time weather is enabled.
  • Map: Improved visibility of VATSIM/IVAO/PilotEdge airport ATC positions by making the cycles larger.
  • Map: Fixed show SIDs and STARs dialog got always centered again when changing selection.
  • Map: Fixed positive pitch angle results now in pitch up instead of down upon aircraft reposition.
  • Flight Plan: Fixed SID procedure waypoints could not be deleted from flight plan.
  • Conditions: Added complete new much simplified custom weather interface (default for new installation, existent users need to set "Enable Simplified Weather Control" in the condition settings).
  • Conditions: Added support for new Active Sky custom weather API to make receiving current weather more reliable (requires ASP4 build B7021 or newer, supported build for Active Sky XP soon).
  • Conditions: Added weather themes options also when Active Sky weather engine is used.
  • Conditions: Improved visibility of current used weather option by highlighting the corresponding button when new simplified custom weather control is used.
  • Conditions: Improved Active Sky default temperature layers now initialized with ISA temperature.
  • Conditions: Improved Active Sky weather effects and mode selection interface.
  • Conditions: Improved wind calculation by remembering the last custom airport selection.
  • Conditions: Improved real-time weather with more realistic winds aloft and temperatures.
  • Conditions: Improved METAR data parsing.
  • Conditions: Changed Active Sky weather effects and mode are now combined in one menu point "Effects & Mode".
  • Conditions: Fixed some METAR string encoding for Prepar3D/FSX that could cause the simulator to ignore the new weather information.
  • Conditions: Fixed location of current global weather now only called "Global weather".
  • Conditions: Fixed problem entering QNH in hPa unit with thousands separator.
  • Conditions: Fixed possible problem loading X-Plane surface wind into custom weather.
  • Conditions: Fixed visibility and temperature layers of Prepar3D/FSX/FSW were sometimes shown in wrong altitude.
  • Conditions: Fixed possible situation where no current weather was shown although weather from simulator had been received.
  • Conditions: Fixed possible situation where updated current weather was not displayed when using Active Sky.
  • Conditions: Fixed custom weather rain, thunderstorm and thermal percentages as well as clear sky conditions were not correctly sent to X-Plane.
  • Conditions: Fixed "&" symbol was not correctly displayed in current weather information.
  • Conditions: Fixed invalid current weather information was shown for X-Plane before all data has been received upon simulator connection.
  • Conditions: Fixed current weather information text alignment.
  • Conditions: Fixed Active Sky weather effects section size.
  • Conditions: Fixed typing error in current weather text.
  • Conditions: Fixed typing errors in real-time weather UI.
  • Failures: Added special failure options for Milviz aircraft.
  • Network: Fixed computer action enabled checkbox UI position.
  • Settings: Added condition setting to enable simplified weather control.
  • Settings: Added Milviz failure source option.

Version 1.3.39, released on March 9, 2019 (Download)

  • General: Improved touch input helper back button usage now only removing last character when all text is selected.
  • General: Changed touch input helper now preselects all text for easy overriding also for numbers.
  • General: Fixed touch input helper cursor position was not always correct after using back button with partly selected text.
  • Position: Improved confirmation dialog now disabling or hiding position options that are not available for current position.
  • Position: Changed "Airworks" to just be named "Airwork".
  • Map: Added pop-up menu option to reposition aircraft to taxiway holding points.
  • Map: Improved tower image with an additional cycle around it.
  • Flight Plan: Fixed possible exception while inserting a new point into a flight plan.
  • Pushback: Added option to request jetway for Prepar3D/FSX where supported by scenery.
  • View/Slew: Fixed camera position buttons were not always showing up although enabled in settings.
  • View/Slew: Fixed showing or hiding cockpit buttons in the settings did not immediately take effect.
  • Settings: Added option to disallow disabling or changing the simulator connection from the title bar.
  • Settings: Fixed camera position section were not editable after program restart although enabled.
  • Settings: Fixed camera position input fields should allow negative values as well.
  • Settings: Fixed camera position test buttons now marked after activation.

Version 1.3.38, released on February 23, 2019 (Download)

  • General: Improved scroll bar controls to better fit the program style.
  • General: Added scroll bar input option to touch input helper for numbers only fields.
  • General: Improved touch input helper button layout.
  • General: Changed touch input helper now preselects all text for easy overriding if not numbers only.
  • General: Fixed touch input helper now overriding selected text correctly when using touch keys.
  • General: Fixed touch input helper now disabling back and clear buttons when no text is entered yet.
  • Position: Improved touch input helper for airport ICAO now only showing possible input options.
  • Position: Improved layout, especially for vertical displays.
  • Map: Added pop-up menu options to reposition aircraft to runways, helipads and gates.
  • Map: Added drawing of additional runway markers.
  • Map: Improved rendering of tower location now using an image instead of just "TWR".
  • Map: Improved pop-up menu options layout.
  • Map: Fixed reposition aircraft dialog did not convert altitude to meters (if selected as unit in settings) correctly in some cases.
  • Map: Fixed airport pop-up options are now also always shown for airports with just one runway and no other structures (start manual database rebuild to fix).
  • Flight Plan: Fixed possible exception due to multiple concurrent flight plan updates.
  • Conditions: Added custom weather option to calculate wind based on aircraft and runway heading.
  • Conditions: Fixed possible exception due to unknown Active Sky weather mode.
  • Conditions: Fixed X-Plane custom weather runway wetness UI layout.
  • Aircraft: Fixed helicopter image now correctly scaled on heading indicator.
  • Settings: Added map option to change drawing color and minimum zoom level of tower.
  • Settings: Fixed ILS runway visibility input now only allows integer numbers.

Version 1.3.37, released on January 31, 2019 (Download)

  • General: Updated default navigation data from ARINC cycle 1710 to 1801 (thanks to Navigraph for providing this free update).
  • General: Fixed already muted sound state was not detected for Prepar3D/FSX/FSW.
  • General: Fixed error message clearer now in case of database file has not been found.
  • General: Fixed possible situation where connection to X-Plane could not be established correctly again after it was lost.
  • Position: Fixed pitch position options input now only called "Pitch" instead of "Pitch Trim" and improved options UI layout.
  • Position: Fixed pitch position option did not allow negative values.
  • Position: Fixed maximum input length of pitch and altitude position options.
  • Position: Fixed possible exception while selecting a runway.
  • Map: Added pop-up menu options to pin, un-pin and manually delete certain measure segments.
  • Map: Fixed prefilled heading in reposition aircraft dialog now is magnetic heading.
  • Map: Fixed AI vertical speed in map information pop-up for Prepar3D/FSX/FSW.
  • Flight Plan: Added support for flight plan synchronization with Aerosoft Airbus A320-A321 Professional.
  • Flight Plan: Improved import error handling.
  • Conditions: Added support for Active Sky for X-Plane.
  • View/Slew: Added 3 custom camera position buttons (commercial license only).
  • View/Slew: Improved UI layout.
  • Aircraft: Improved TCAS traffic generation UI.
  • Aircraft: Changed "TCAS Alert" button to "TCAS Traffic".
  • Aircraft: Fixed typing error in radio control section.
  • Settings: Added view/slew options to define 3 custom camera position buttons (commercial license only).
  • Settings: Added automatic detection of Active Sky for X-Plane.
  • Settings: Added automatic detection of Aerosoft Airbus A320-A321 Professional.
  • Settings: Added option to use current simulator name in print footer (commercial license only).
  • Settings: Improved automatic detection of Active Sky for Prepar3D v4.

Version 1.3.36, released on December 15, 2018 (Download)

  • General: Improved database build speed for Prepar3D/FSX/FSW with some minor optimizations.
  • General: Fixed possible exception while using drop-down lists.
  • General: Fixed missing aircraft import process display while Prepar3D/FSX/FSW database build.
  • Conditions: Improved reliability of retrieving current weather information from Prepar3D/FSX.
  • Failures: Fixed possible situation where X-Plane failure control did not work after simulator change.
  • Failures: Fixed typing error in the failure options information message.
  • Statistics: Fixed possible exception when starting/stopping recording and no data was recorded.
  • Statistics: Fixed pitch angle was displayed inverted.
  • Settings: Fixed also freezing altitude on position freeze did not work with ProSim (requires ProSim737 version 2.13b1 and ProSimA320 1.19 or newer).

Version 1.3.35, released on November 23, 2018 (Download)

  • Statistics: Improved displayed data selection on general charts by no longer showing options that cannot reasonable be displayed on charts.
  • Statistics: Changed now clearing existing data after simulator change.
  • Statistics: Fixed problem with recording data from X-Plane.
  • Statistics: Fixed possible situation where no data got recorded at all when a specific data value was not available from the simulator.

Version 1.3.34, released on November 22, 2018 (Download)

  • General: Fixed small inaccuracy in general earth distance calculations.
  • Conditions: Improved current weather update accuracy.
  • Failures: Fixed possible situation where an active or armed ProSim failure was not directly displayed.
  • Statistics: Added option using right-click on the general charts to change displayed parameter.
  • Statistics: Improved data recording functionality. NOTE: CSV flight data import/export format changed.
  • Statistics: Improved approach glideslope deviation graph especially for high altitude airports by only showing ground elevation above runway elevation.
  • Statistics: Improved localizer deviation calculation when no localizer information is used from flight simulator.
  • Statistics: Improved general charts based on displayed data range.
  • Statistics: Changed now clearing existing data when re-starting recording.
  • Statistics: Fixed approach glideslope data now drawn above elevation data in approach glideslope deviation graph.
  • Statistics: Fixed data export no longer performed in case of no data to export available.
  • Statistics: Fixed potential data mismatch after units settings were changed.
  • Statistics: Fixed running approach recording was not restarted automatically after recorded data was cleared.
  • Statistics: Fixed graph display now immediately cleared after data import.
  • Statistics: Fixed possible situation where "Stop Recording" was an option although recording was not running.
  • Statistics: Fixed problem importing CSV data with only few records.
  • Statistics: Fixed current flaps position was not correctly recorded.
  • Settings: Added statistics option to customize recorded parameters (commercial license only).
  • Settings: Added statistics option to enable high speed recording and increase maximum recorded data points (commercial license only).
  • Settings: Improved main buttons selection now allowing multi-selection in list.
  • Settings: Changed statistics color settings are now a bit simplified.
  • Settings: Changed aircraft profile and statistic colors reset button names for consistency.
  • Settings: Fixed possible exception while parsing some number fields.
  • Settings: Fixed commercial license no longer written as professional license to avoid confusion.

Version 1.3.33, released on November 7, 2018 (Download)

  • General: Improved X-Plane 11 navigation data import by cleaning VOR/DME names (start manual database rebuild to improve).
  • General: Fixed information message in case of missing internet connection did not always appear when it should.
  • General: Fixed information message in case of unsupported X-Plane version.
  • General: Fixed leading and trailing white spaces in airport names, cities and countries are now omitted during Prepar3D/FSX/FSW database import (start manual database rebuild to fix).
  • General: Fixed navigation data update failed message to also mention Navigraph now.
  • General: Fixed failed navigation data import state was not reset when restarting navigation data reload.
  • General: Fixed title bar display for very long aircraft titles by limiting these to a maximum of 30 characters.
  • General: Fixed possible exception while checking for navigation data update on program start.
  • General: Fixed typing error in failed to connect to simulator message.
  • Position: Fixed display for very long airport names.
  • Position: Fixed airport selection did not update automatically after database got changed.
  • Map: Improved mouse cursor usage in measure functionality.
  • Map: Changed the default measure arrow color for street map to black.
  • Map: Fixed problem searching for online network aircraft in find objects dialog.
  • Map: Fixed no hopping anymore when trying to zoom in further than the maximum zoom level using mouse wheel.
  • Flight Plan: Fixed display for very long airport names.
  • Statistics: Fixed display for very long airport names.
  • Settings: Changed PFPX settings also being available for X-Plane simulators now.

Version 1.3.32, released on October 20, 2018 (Download)

  • General: Improved information message in case of missing internet connection upon program activation.
  • General: Fixed possible situation where AppData path of FSX Steam Edition was not correctly detected.
  • General: Fixed possible problem loading older database version.
  • Map: Improved measure tool now snapping to nearby map items even allowing moving objects.
  • Network: Improved MAC address detection for wake on LAN functionality.

Version 1.3.31, released on October 12, 2018 (Download)

  • General: Improved executable manipulation security by double code signing using SHA1 and SHA256.
  • General: Improved setup appearance when font scaling is enabled on Windows 8 or newer.
  • - General: Fixed command line parameter "/doNotSaveSettings" license detection.
  • Position: Added optional confirmation dialog before actual aircraft positioning that also allows one-time option changes (enable in settings).
  • Position: Changed downwind back distance now relative to runway start instead of center.
  • Position: Fixed ILS frequency option no longer shown for helipads.
  • Position: Fixed heading, course and ILS frequency were not set (also corresponding options selected) when aircraft was positioned to runway take-off point.
  • Map: Fixed VATSIM/IVAO/PilotEdge aircraft that are on ground are now also hidden when the hide ground traffic option in the settings is in effect.
  • Failures: Fixed Flight1 G1000 Airspeed failure could not be reset.
  • Aircraft: Fixed rudder trim zero was not working for ProSim.
  • Statistics: Fixed maximized general chart state was not restored after program restart.
  • Statistics: Fixed possible problem printing and improved error handling for approach statistics printing.
  • Statistics: Fixed missing title in CSV import/export dialog.
  • Network: Added option to reset the status page HTML template to the defaults.
  • Network: Improved default status page HTML template layout.
  • Network: Changed map provider of default status page HTML template to OpenStreetMap.
  • Network: Fixed background and text color of default status page HTML template were not correctly adjusted to application color scheme.
  • Settings: Added position option to show confirmation dialog before actual aircraft positioning.
  • Settings: Added map option to import and export POIs to CSV files as well as clear all POIs.
  • Settings: Changed final position horizontal offset signs to comply to aviation standard.
  • Settings: Fixed map option to hide ground traffic was not recalled after program restart.
  • Settings: Fixed position downwind distance back was not correctly displayed.
  • Settings: Fixed vertical offset to glideslope now uses altitude unit and no longer short distance unit.
  • Settings: Fixed missing title in select "scenery.cfg" dialog.

Version 1.3.30, released on September 19, 2018 (Download)

  • General: Improved automatic connection to locally running X-Plane installation.
  • General: Fixed possible exception in internal font handling.
  • Map: Added option to use magnetic heading when repositioning the aircraft.
  • Map: Improved navaids rendering.
  • Map: Improved layout of reposition aircraft change aircraft parameters section.
  • Map: Fixed VOR rose is now rotated by magnetic variation.
  • Failures: Fixed some default Prepar3D/FSX/FSW failures did not work correctly.
  • Aircraft: Added fuel pumps to the engine switches.
  • Statistics: Fixed possible exception during approach statistics calculation.
  • Network: Fixed automatic client update did not work if path or file name included spaces.

Version 1.3.29, released on September 6, 2018 (Download)

  • General: Fixed possible situation where ProgramData path of FSX Steam Edition was not correctly detected by SimConnect Network Wizard.
  • General: Fixed supported navigation data messages to include both Navigraph FMS Data and Aerosoft NavDataPro.
  • Map: Fixed possible situation where compass rose was not correctly adjusted to magnetic variation.
  • Flight Plan: Added option to print flight plan.
  • Conditions: Fixed confusing surface wind layer now no longer shown for X-Plane.
  • Aircraft: Added option to trim aileron and rudder to zero.
  • Aircraft: Improved UI layout on aircraft status section.
  • Aircraft: Fixed parking brake, engine parameters and some radio/navigation options for X-Plane.
  • Statistics: Fixed possible exception when trying to print although no printer was selected in the statistics settings first.
  • Network: Added wake on LAN option.
  • Settings: Added option to also freeze altitude on position freeze.
  • Settings: Changed printer can now be configured globally in the other settings.
  • Settings: Fixed freeze/pause button state was not always shown correctly after hidden buttons were shown again.

Version 1.3.28, released on July 15, 2018 (Download)

  • General: Improved Android/iOS app re-connection handling.
  • General: Fixed possible problem receiving SimConnect events.
  • General: Fixed possible situation we re-connection to AST server failed.
  • General: Fixed possible exception when showing current navigation data information.
  • Flight Plan: Added import support for X-Plane 11 FMS flight plan format.
  • Flight Plan: Fixed possible exception while switching flight plan modes.
  • Conditions: Fixed general info labels did overlap on Android/iOS app.
  • Statistics: Fixed possible situation where approach recording got disabled although still on the approach.
  • Info: Fixed "Show Hardware Key" link was not displayed on Android/iOS app.

Version 1.3.27, released on May 28, 2018 (Download)

  • Conditions: Fixed possible exception updating Active Sky weather mode.

Version 1.3.26, released on May 28, 2018 (Download)

  • General: Fixed possible SimConnect connection problems for systems having very old .NET 4.0 version installed.
  • General: Fixed possible situation where no data was received anymore from Prepar3D/FSX/FSW.
  • General: Fixed possible exception when selecting a list item with touch input helper and the item list changed in the meantime.
  • General: Fixed possible exception while handling ProSim and Active Sky connections.
  • Position: Fixed SIDs/STARs waypoint selection did not work correctly when Touch Input Helper for Selections was enabled.
  • Aircraft: Fixed possible exception while drawing airspeed gauge.
  • Fuel/Load: Fixed presets section position when window size is changed.
  • Failures: Fixed some "Core System" failures did not work for Prepar3D/FSX/FSW.
  • Failures: Fixed "Gear & Flaps" failure domain button text.
  • Statistics: Fixed localizer position in approach statistics now assumed at the end of the runway for runways that do not have a real localizer.

Version 1.3.25, released on April 12, 2018 (Download)

  • General: Improved database build speed with some minor optimizations.
  • General: Fixed some button font sizes of navigation reload dialog.
  • Conditions: Added option to set simulator time to current PC time and optionally to keep it synchronized.
  • Fuel/Load: Fixed possible exception regarding fuel/load preset for new installations.
  • Fuel/Load: Fixed possible connection problem with X-Plane when requesting payload station updates.

Version 1.3.24, released on April 9, 2018 (Download)

  • General: Updated default navigation data from ARINC cycle 1509 to 1710 (thanks to Navigraph for providing this free update).
  • General: Fixed information if navaids/frequencies are used from navigation data was not persisted (and therefore the corresponding checkbox not shown checked).
  • General: Fixed possible situation where X-Plane version was not correctly detected.
  • General: Fixed overall non-centered button text rendering to no longer been drawn too near to the border.
  • General: Fixed possible exception on sudden SimConnect disconnect due to simulator crash or network issue.
  • Position: Fixed flaps position were sometimes changed although override disabled.
  • Map: Improved taxi way names rendering when there are a lot small taxi paths in scenery.
  • Map: Fixed compass rose drawing now compass rose is always shown in the center of the screen as long as flight simulator is not connected.
  • Conditions: Fixed wrong button was highlighted after clicking on CAT I LTS and CAT II visibility option.
  • Conditions: Fixed surface dew point temperature can now be negative also for Active Sky weather engine.
  • Conditions: Fixed "Season and Time" button text wrapping.
  • Fuel/Load: Added option to save and load presets.
  • Settings: Added conditions option to force mute/unmute on simulator connect.
  • Settings: Improved password protection now automatically switching to other module on program start if settings password protection is enabled.
  • Settings: Fixed some context help links.
  • Info: Improved message sending with fields being cleared now after a message has been sent successfully.

Version 1.3.23, released on March 17, 2018 (Download)

  • General: Added clear button to touch input helper.
  • General: Improved automatic X-Plane connection now ignoring X-Plane installations not running as master.
  • General: Improved overall unit conversion accuracy.
  • Position: Added more info to the approach training buttons.
  • Position: Improved downwind position now also placing aircraft by default 1 NM backwards (not only sidewards) and reduced sidewards default for new users to 3 NM.
  • Map: Added course information to ILS beam text.
  • Map: Improved AI aircraft display now hiding AI aircraft on ground when user aircraft is higher than 2,000 ft AGL.
  • Map: Improved map information pop-up now allowing source file info to be hidden by new settings option.
  • Map: Fixed source file was not displayed in map information pop-up for DMEs and TACANs.
  • Flight Plan: Improved general route import now also supports completing airways with intermediate points.
  • Flight Plan: Fixed import of ProSim company route did not always work.
  • Flight Plan: Fixed "Reset FMS" button for ProSim was not displayed on Android/iOS app.
  • Conditions: Added option to mute simulator sounds (also mutes ProSimAudio with ProSim737 version 2.03b16 and ProSimA320 1.07b17 or newer).
  • Conditions: Added CAT I LTS visibility option.
  • Conditions: Improved ILS visibility implementation for Prepar3D/FSX/FSW.
  • Fuel/Load: Added option to set total payload (which is then distributed evenly over all payload stations).
  • Fuel/Load: Improved layout to better distinguish between all tanks and the individual fuel tanks.
  • Fuel/Load: Fixed payload decrease and increase button change weight by odd value if kilogram was used as weight unit.
  • Settings: Added position option to configure new downwind backwards distance.
  • Settings: Added map option to change threshold of hiding AI aircraft on ground or disable it completely.
  • Settings: Added map option to disable the display of source files in the map information pop-up.
  • Settings: Added conditions option to change ILS CAT I LTS visibility settings.

Version 1.3.22, released on March 3, 2018 (Download)

  • General: Added option to use navaids and runway frequencies only from navigation data source and no longer from Prepar3D/FSX/FSW BGL files.
  • General: Improved Prepar3D/FSX/FSW database build speed with some more minor optimizations.
  • General: Improved simulator version incompatible message with a note to check selected simulator type.
  • General: Fixed runway ILS data was not always correctly imported from Prepar3D/FSX/FSW (start manual database rebuild to fix).
  • General: Fixed module buttons stayed disabled after loading a simulator database (or changing simulator) failed.
  • General: Fixed aircraft title text sometimes changed back and forth between empty and "-" while connecting or disabled connection.
  • General: Fixed exception when trying to switch to a different module using keyboard commands while this module button is not displayed based on the main module button settings.
  • General: Fixed possible situation where title bar showed "Disabled" although simulator was connected.
  • General: Fixed some minor UI layout issues across the program.
  • Flight Plan: Improved export flight plan layout and added message for all export options where additional settings are needed.
  • Flight Plan: Fixed export to AST FMS should only be possible when AST data is defined in the settings.
  • Flight Plan: Fixed possible exception while trying to export flight plan to X-Plane format if overwriting an existent file fails.
  • View/Slew: Fixed possible exception when still trying to use slew mode directly after it has been disabled already.
  • Network: Changed "Delete Action" and "Execute Now" button location.
  • Network: Fixed minimized start option of program start action was ignored.

Version 1.3.21, released on February 13, 2018 (Download)

  • General: Improved database build and navigation data reload speed with some optimizations and by disabling simulator connection while database build is in progress.
  • General: Improved some button icons to better fit the program style.
  • General: Fixed some images did not apply the new color options yet.
  • General: Fixed some modal dialogs did not completely apply the new color options yet.
  • General: Fixed database build not always immediately canceled building after cancel button was pressed.
  • General: Fixed localizer bearing and VOR/NDB frequencies were not correctly imported when directly importing navigation data from ARINC 424 format (start manual database rebuild to fix).
  • General: Fixed aircraft title was not displayed at title bar of detached windows.
  • General: Fixed possible exception in main window message handling.
  • General: Fixed possible exception in X-Plane connection.
  • Map: Fixed no additional "NDB" needed in front of NDB names (start manual database rebuild to fix).
  • Map: Fixed PilotEdge user frequencies were not displayed accurately.
  • Map: Fixed possible case where VATSIM UIR boundaries were not correctly displayed.
  • Flight Plan: Changed caption "Total" to "Remains" to make displayed information clearer.
  • Flight Plan: Fixed possible exception while starting automated route calculation.
  • Conditions: Improved custom weather interface layout.
  • Pushback: Fixed pushback arrow animation did not use positively active control area color.
  • Failures: Fixed failure buttons where not filled with orange/red color if the failure was armed/failed.
  • Aircraft: Fixed the shown heading direction text was not always absolute accurate.
  • Statistics: Fixed no additional "NDB" needed in front of NDB names when exporting to Google Earth (start manual database rebuild to fix).

Version 1.3.20, released on February 4, 2018 (Download)

  • General: Fixed possible exception when dialogs are displayed before settings could be loaded.
  • General: Fixed possible exception when updating from very old version.
  • General: Fixed possible SimConnect exception if Prepar3D/FSX/FSW got suddenly terminated.
  • Map: Fixed lake islands were no longer displayed on height map.
  • Map: Fixed height map was sometimes not completely drawn when zoomed-in very much.
  • Flight Plan: Improved flight plan synchronization with ProSim (required ProSim737 version 2.01b17 and ProSimA320 1.06b19 or newer) and AST now supporting also airways.
  • Flight Plan: Changed "Reset FMS" button position as it overlapped with the flight plan scroll bar before.
  • Flight Plan: Fixed not always the correct airway was used while importing from Flight1 GTN 650/750 flight plans.
  • Flight Plan: Fixed possible situation where a flight plan was not immediately loaded into FS-FlightControl when flight plan synchronization with a third party aircraft was enabled.
  • Flight Plan: Fixed possible situation where a loaded flight plan in Prepar3D/FSX/FSW could override a previous synchronized flight plan from ProSim.
  • Flight Plan: Fixed possible exception while calculating airway route if departure/arrival airport was cleared before the real calculation begun.
  • Settings: Fixed map country color could not be changed for height map.

Version 1.3.19, released on February 3, 2018 (Download)

  • General: Changed default link active color from red to blue.
  • General: Changed connection status text colors no longer changeable as title bar color cannot be changed, too.
  • General: Fixed label highlight colors are now consistent everywhere.
  • General: Fixed "Info" module was still called "About" on splash screen.
  • General: Fixed demo mode could not be started without internet connection.
  • General: Fixed flight simulator connection could only be disabled when clicking on the connection message of a detached window also if more than one simulator was defined.
  • General: Fixed scenery defined via "add-on.xml" of Prepar3D was not always correctly imported (start manual database rebuild to fix).
  • General: Fixed possible SimConnect exception if Prepar3D/FSX/FSW got suddenly terminated.
  • General: Fixed possible exception when message dialog is shown before the settings could be loaded.
  • General: Fixed possible exception on program start when no navigation data procedures folder exists for whatever reasons.
  • General: Fixed possible exception while updating data table view colors.
  • Position: Added options to not change the gear and flaps position state while positioning the aircraft.
  • Position: Changed gear and flaps position now no longer set by default while positioning the aircraft for new installations.
  • Map: Added user aircraft data to map information pop-up.
  • Map: Fixed possible case where AI aircraft are no longer displayed after many aircraft repositions.
  • Map: Fixed row header in map information pop-up was cropped sometimes.
  • Flight Plan: Fixed "Reset FMS" button not at correct position when window was scaled.
  • Network: Fixed right main computer buttons did not get highlighted after they were clicked.
  • Settings: Added light colors theme option.
  • Settings: Added main global colors to color settings.
  • Settings: Added map country color settings and made them distinguishable between the country border color settings.
  • Settings: Added position options to not change the gear and flaps position state while positioning the aircraft.
  • Settings: Fixed "Intermediate Active" and "Inactive" color settings could not be changed.
  • Settings: Fixed statistics color settings layout now adjusted to match application UI standard.
  • Settings: Fixed settings password protection did not always mask password while entering it.

Version 1.3.18, released on January 14, 2018 (Download)

  • General: Improved maximum activation count dialog text.
  • General: Fixed rare case where license (also test license) could not be validated.
  • General: Fixed possible exception when simulator reconnects happened very often.
  • General: Fixed possible exception when closing detailed module window.
  • General: Fixed possible exception while starting database build.
  • General: Fixed map data loading error message texts.
  • Position: Fixed possible exception when no elevation information can be obtained for a certain airport.
  • Map: Fixed measure text was not always displayed at the correct position, especially for long distance measures.
  • Map: Fixed custom flight plan waypoints were not displayed on the map.
  • Flight Plan: Added AST synchronization and flight plan export.
  • Conditions: Fixed possible exception while loading X-Plane runway friction information into custom weather.
  • Fuel/Load: Fixed possible performance issues while updating fuel and payload values.
  • Failures: Fixed possible situation where ProSim failures did not work anymore after ProSim flight plan synchronization has been stopped.

Version 1.3.17, released on December 18, 2017 (Download)

  • Position: Fixed possible situation where aircraft was not correctly placed on an approach if no database build was done after the last update.
  • Position: Fixed possible situation where "Altitude:" was displayed before the ILS frequency in the runway information section.
  • Conditions: Fixed custom date was set one day later in the year as defined for X-Plane.
  • Aircraft: Added magnetic heading to aircraft status.
  • Aircraft: Changed aircraft gauges now display magnetic heading and indicated altitude by default (can be changed in settings).
  • Statistics: Fixed possible situation where localizer deviation was not correctly tracked if no database build was done after the last update.
  • Settings: Added aircraft gauge options to choose if magnetic or true heading and indicated or true altitude should be used.
  • Settings: Improved layout of aircraft gauge options.

Version 1.3.16, released on December 16, 2017 (Download)

  • General: Improved SimConnect connection handling.
  • General: Improved Windows shutdown handling making sure settings are always saved and things cleaned up before process gets terminated.
  • General: Fixed possible situation where not all threads were closed on program start (and thus process did not terminate).
  • General: Fixed problem parsing negative decimal values in some cases.
  • General: Fixed unintentional simulation rate increase after disabling of pause in X-Plane.
  • General: Fixed ARINC 424 import localizer beam width now imported correctly.
  • General: Fixed possible exception when program window gets moved while program is closing already.
  • Position: Improved approach positioning now considering also different localizer bearing from runway heading (start manual database rebuild to improve).
  • Position: Improved flight situation preset displays with longer names by showing their name also as tooltip.
  • Position: Fixed leading and trailing white spaces are now removed from new flight situation presets to avoid order confusion.
  • Map: Improved measure functionality now automatically disable "Center on Aircraft" if active.
  • Map: Improved location and bearing accuracy of drawn ILS beams (start manual database rebuild to improve).
  • Map: Changed default colors for ILS beam display.
  • Map: Changed compass rose now rotated by magnetic variation and optimized rendering performance.
  • Map: Fixed ILS VORs text sometimes displayed twice (now only displayed at the ILS beam end).
  • Flight Plan: Added support for Project Magenta "routeout.xml" flight plan file.
  • Flight Plan: Changed flight plan export button order.
  • Flight Plan: Fixed import from RouteFinder did not always work correctly depending on Windows culture settings.
  • Flight Plan: Fixed leading and trailing white spaces are now removed from new flight plan titles to avoid order confusion.
  • Conditions: Improved custom weather fields pre-filling when loading custom METAR.
  • Conditions: Fixed seasons for southern hemisphere.
  • Conditions: Fixed clouds and winds are defined as MSL not AGL in X-Plane.
  • Fuel/Load: Improved fuel handling for ProSim aircraft.
  • Fuel/Load: Fixed fuel leak reduced fuel faster than defined by the user.
  • Failures: Fixed possible situation that fuel leak could not be disabled anymore when tank got empty.
  • Aircraft: Fixed TCAS Alert vertical speed can now be also negative and airspeed defaults to "1" (instead of "0").
  • Aircraft: Improved TCAS Alert button and info texts to use correct "Intruder Aircraft" term.
  • Aircraft: Changed TCAS Alert altitude is now relative to user aircraft (and no longer absolute MSL).
  • Statistics: Improved localizer deviation tracking if simulator localizer is not used (start manual database rebuild to improve).
  • Statistics: Improved localizer deviation tracking by also considering NAV 2 localizer based on tuned frequency if NAV 1 is not available and simulator localizer is used.
  • Statistics: Fixed deviation from centerline in landing report was shown reversed.
  • Settings: Added option to protect Settings module by password (commercial license only).
  • Settings: Added option to hide current aircraft display in title bar.
  • Settings: Added statistics approach option to disable simulator localized usage properly.
  • Settings: Changed Project Magenta options now also available for X-Plane simulator types.
  • Settings: Fixed possible situation when wrong map color and text data was displayed based on selected map type.
  • Settings: Fixed revert aircraft related settings to defaults did not work correctly.
  • Settings: Fixed possible exception after changing failure color settings if failure groups were updated at the same time.

Version 1.3.15, released on October 27, 2017 (Download)

  • General: Fixed exception when clicking on module buttons if display of pause or freeze button was disabled in settings.
  • General: Fixed possible exception when closing select airport dialog while filtering is still in progress.
  • General: Fixed window maximize did not always work correctly when application is moved between different screens.
  • General: Fixed possible problem importing airports from Prepar3D/FSX/FSW when "DeleteAirport" records are used in several BGL files of the same scenery layer (start manual database rebuild to fix).
  • Map: Improved street and satellite map tile images caching.
  • Map: Fixed possible situation when street and satellite map tile images were not shown correctly.
  • Map: Fixed possible situation where program could get unresponsive when trying to use street or satellite map without internet connection.
  • Motion: Fixed possible problem reconnecting to CLS2Sim after connection was lost.

Version 1.3.14, released on October 20, 2017 (Download)

  • General: Added keyboard shortcut "CTRL+SHIFT+Z" for freeze.
  • General: Improved expected Windows behavior by program windows now can be minimized also by clicking on the Taskbar icon.
  • General: Fixed possible exception on program start when upgrading from a very old version.
  • General: Fixed filter drop-down lists in new airport search closed automatically after the first letter was pre-selected by keyboard input.
  • General: Fixed possible exception while calculating magnetic variation.
  • General: Fixed rare case where version number of X-Plane data files could not be read resulting in incomplete database build (start manual database rebuild to fix).
  • General: Fixed rare case where event could not be sent to Prepar3D/FSX/FSW.
  • General: Fixed title bar window state icons were not always updated immediately after the window state has been changed.
  • General: Fixed X-Plane situation file was not deleted when flight situation preset was deleted.
  • Position: Fixed tabulator step order.
  • Map: Changed "Center on Aircraft" now automatically disabled when map is panned by touch, mouse or keyboard.
  • Flight Plan: Fixed possible exception when deleting flight plan point.
  • Pushback: Fixed possible situation where heading after pushback was not correctly displayed in the buttons.
  • Aircraft: Improved airspeed Mach number display by reformatting and increasing decimal places to 3.
  • Statistics: Fixed "Ground Altitude" now renamed to "Ground Elevation".
  • Settings: Added option to hide certain main module buttons and change their order.
  • Settings: Added option to not hide taskbar when program windows are maximized.

Version 1.3.13, released on September 30, 2017 (Download)

  • General: Improved search airport dialog with many more options.
  • General: Improved airport name import from X-Plane now showing "[H]", "[S]" and "[X]" at the end of the name instead of the beginning (start manual database rebuild to improve).
  • General: Fixed runway surface type was not always correctly imported from X-Plane (start manual database rebuild to fix).
  • General: Fixed X-Plane 11 navigation procedure data is now ignored when actually building a database against X-Plane 10.
  • General: Fixed airport name import from Prepar3D/FSX/FSW during database build does no longer contain the ICAO code additionally (start manual database rebuild to fix).
  • Position: Improved layout with airport search in separate dialog now.
  • Position: Fixed positive pitch angle results now in pitch up instead of down.
  • Position: Fixed aircraft button images were shown too big if window had more height than width.
  • Map: Improved measure functionality when scrolling on the map between first and second measurement point.
  • Map: Fixed change in afterglows settings did not always take immediately effect.
  • Flight Plan: Improved ProSim flight plan synchronization now also showing selected departure and arrival runway (requires at least ProSim737 version 1.51b44 or ProSim320 1.05b45).
  • Flight Plan: Fixed waypoint text import did not always import all waypoint if they had a long distance between them.
  • Flight Plan: Fixed rare case where calculate airway route got into an endless loop.
  • Conditions: Fixed time between real-time weather status text updates was very long and no update if altitude restriction was enabled.
  • Conditions: Fixed sending weather to Active Sky failed if no atmospheric pressure has been defined.
  • Conditions: Fixed UI froze for longer time when sending weather to Active Sky and no weather stations were found.
  • Aircraft: Fixed ATC Control option was no longer accessible.
  • Aircraft: Fixed possible exception when changing autopilot values.
  • Settings: Improved map color and text settings by now pre-selecting current map type.

Version 1.3.12, released on September 15, 2017 (Download)

  • General: Added support for Dovetail Flight Sim World update 12.
  • General: Fixed some dialogs opened in the background.
  • General: Fixed rare case where splash screen did not close after program start.
  • Position: Added option to override the calculated altitude value for aircraft positioning.
  • Flight Plan: Fixed export to Flight1 GTN 650/750 ".gfp" flight plan files when user defined waypoints are used.
  • Flight Plan: Fixed RouteFinder import did not work if only one waypoint was between the airports.
  • Flight Plan: Fixed waypoint text import did not accept only one waypoint if airway usage was enabled.
  • Conditions: Fixed possible exception while changing custom weather data.
  • Aircraft: Added display of generic airspeed, attitude, altitude, turn, heading and vertical speed indicator gauges ("six pack"; start manual database rebuild for accurate maximum airspeed display).
  • Aircraft: Added display of generic primary flight display (PFD).
  • Aircraft: Added autopilot control for X-Plane.
  • Settings: Added additional aircraft options to configure speed display in new gauges and PFD.
  • Settings: Added option to reset all window locations and sizes.

Version 1.3.11, released on August 24, 2017 (Download)

  • General: Added support for Dovetail Flight Sim World update 10.
  • General: Added support for new Prepar3D v4 BGL airport data format used by some sceneries (start manual database rebuild to add).
  • General: Fixed cycle airspaces were not imported correctly from OpenAir format (start manual database rebuild to fix).
  • General: Fixed database build for FSX Steam Edition complained about wrong AppData if also default FSX was installed on the same computer.
  • General: Fixed typing error in SimConnect Network Wizard select IP address dialog.
  • Position: Fixed possible exception when selecting runway or helipad.
  • Map: Fixed TMZ airspace text display no longer displayed over other airspace texts.
  • Conditions: Fixed possible exception while showing downloaded weather data.

Version 1.3.10, released on August 18, 2017 (Download)

  • General: Added support for OpenAir airspace format also for Prepar3D/FSX/FSW now importing airspaces from "Airspaces" directory below the FS-FlightControl data directory (start manual database rebuild to add).
  • General: Fixed possible exception when canceling an update.
  • General: Fixed database build for FSX Steam Edition complained about wrong AppData if also default FSX was installed on the same computer.
  • General: Fixed possible situation where wrong airport location was imported for X-Plane (start manual database rebuild to fix).
  • General: Fixed possible situation where database build did not proceed after certain BLG files (start manual database rebuild to fix).
  • Position: Fixed problem changing flaps options while connected to X-Plane.
  • Map: Fixed displayed current wind speed and direction now more accurate when connected to X-Plane.
  • Flight Plan: Fixed problem with direct flight plan synchronization with flight simulator.
  • Aircraft: Fixed APU control options did not work correctly with ProSim A320.

Version 1.3.9, released on August 10, 2017 (Download)

  • General: Fixed problem with validating an offline license.
  • General: Fixed rare case where scenery BGL file could not be imported (start manual database rebuild to fix).
  • Conditions: Fixed possible problem showing current weather for X-Plane.
  • Failures: Fixed X-Plane failures could not be activated.

Version 1.3.8, released on August 7, 2017 (Download)

  • General: Fixed possible situation where not all data values were requested from X-Plane resulting in some program parts not working correctly.
  • General: Fixed possible problem with validating a license after a local check has failed.

Version 1.3.7, released on August 6, 2017 (Download)

  • General: Fixed possible problem with validating a test license.
  • General: Fixed possible database loading problem when updating from versions 1.2.15 or lower.
  • General: Fixed main window height could be reduced below the minimum vertical resolution of 768 px.
  • General: Fixed FSX Steam Edition were wrongly recognized as standard FSX.
  • Map: Fixed possible situation where flight plan path was not correctly displayed after a new point without airways has been added to the plan.
  • Flight Plan: Added option to import and export Flight1 GTN 650/750 ".gfp" flight plan files.
  • Flight Plan: Fixed airway was not removed from plan after a new point without airways has been added to the plan.
  • Flight Plan: Fixed tab order in flight plan import and export dialogs.
  • Conditions: Fixed custom weather wind layout and now wind direction including variance is also for Active Sky always first.
  • Conditions: Fixed possible situation where no wind shear option was selected by default for first custom weather wind layer added.
  • Conditions: Fixed tab order in custom weather area.
  • Settings: Changed unpause delay option is now enabled by default with 2 seconds each (only Prepar3D/FSX/FSW).

Version 1.3.6, released on July 31, 2017 (Download)

  • General: Added possibility to display news messages.
  • General: Improved lost connection detection for Prepar3D/FSX/FSW for quicker re-connection.
  • General: Improved messages displayed when connection to X-Plane failed with more hints regarding connection problems.
  • General: Fixed runway ILS ident import for X-Plane (start manual database rebuild to fix).
  • General: Fixed possible exception on program start in case of unknown partner ID.
  • General: Fixed some additional error reporting data was not sent anymore.
  • General: Fixed message box display order in case of first failed simulator connection.
  • Map: Added PilotEdge Western US Expansion ATC areas.
  • Map: Fixed some VATSIM/IVAO ATC airport positions were not displayed.
  • Flight Plan: Improved export format for X-Plane and PMDG flight plan export now easier to change.
  • Conditions: Improved continuous real-time weather by resetting update timer and flown distance check after aircraft position or simulator has been changed.
  • Settings: Added simulator related settings containing now all settings that are saved separately per simulator.
  • Settings: Improved third party settings port number input validation.
  • Settings: Fixed initial database creation time was displayed as database build time instead of the actual last build time.
  • Settings: Fixed touch input helper option was still displayed as enabled after it was disable in touch input helper dialog itself on first program start.
  • Settings: Fixed typing errors on aircraft profile tab.

Version 1.3.5, released on July 27, 2017 (Download)

  • General: Added info message in case of incompatible flight simulator version.
  • General: Improved exception logging and reporting.
  • General: Changed flight simulator connection timeout from 10 to 1 minute in case no data has been received in this time period.
  • General: Fixed possible exception while opening pop-up dialogs.
  • General: Fixed possible exception while initializing logging system.
  • General: Fixed possible situation where Android/iOS app did not re-connect again after connection was lost.
  • General: Fixed possible problem with importing some Prepar3D/FSX BGL files after applying the navaids data update provided by Hervé Sors (start manual database rebuild to fix).
  • General: Fixed typing error in simulator connection failure message.
  • Map: Fixed "Show Map Information" pop-up option was not always available for flight plan waypoints.
  • Conditions: Improved simulation rate display now shows also simulation rates greater than 4 for Prepar3D/FSX/FSW.
  • Flight Plan: Added option to import and export PMDG ".rte" and ".rt2" flight plan files.
  • Flight Plan: Added info tooltips in case of disabled "Synchronize with Flight Simulator flight plan" and "Load Directly in Prepar3D/FSX" options.
  • Flight Plan: Improved flight plan export as Prepar3D/FSX/FSW and X-Plane flight plan now pre-selecting file name based on departure and arrival airport ICAO codes.
  • Flight Plan: Improved flight plan import and export X-Plane flight plan files now pre-selecting "Output\FMS plans\" directory.
  • Flight Plan: Improved error message displayed when invalid Prepar3D/FSX/FSW flight plan file is tried to be imported.
  • Flight Plan: Fixed possible situation where not all airways were correctly imported.
  • Flight Plan: Fixed after Prepar3D/FSX flight plan has been exported it asks for direct loading now also in the case that it is a remote simulator connection.
  • Flight Plan: Fixed direct flight plan load to FSW now disabled in export dialog as not supported by FSW and disabled button tooltip added also for X-Plane.
  • Fuel/Load: Improved payload station data request handling fixing possible Prepar3D/FSX/FSW simulator stability issues.
  • Statistics: Added info message if no near airports were found.
  • Statistics: Fixed possible situation where approach recording did not work correctly when started from approach statistics directly.
  • Network: Fixed polling of deleted computers now stops immediately.

Version 1.3.4, released on July 22, 2017 (Download)

  • General: Added support for Dovetail Flight Sim World community update 7 "Cold & Dark".
  • General: Added command line parameter "/doNotSaveSettings".
  • General: Fixed VOR type import for X-Plane (start manual database rebuild to add).
  • General: Fixed VOR/NDB, ILS and COM frequencies import for X-Plane (start manual database rebuild to add).
  • General: Fixed X-Plane data files were not correctly parsed when tab was used instead of space for column separation.
  • General: Fixed after demo mode expiration info message was displayed behind license dialog.
  • Map: Fixed aircraft trace sometimes disappeared when simulator was paused for some time or high simulation rates were used.
  • Map: Fixed automatic re-center of map after aircraft position has been changed by simulator did not work when trace aircraft was disabled.
  • Flight Plan: Added option to export to X-Plane ".fms" flight plan format.
  • Flight Plan: Fixed possible situation where departure or arrival airport was not correctly imported from X-Plane ".fms" flight plan format.
  • Flight Plan: Fixed an error message was displayed after X-Plane flight plan and Aerosoft Airbus company route export also if no error occurred.
  • Flight Plan: Fixed importing Prepar3D/FSX/FSW flight plan now also works if no departure or arrival airport is defined in the flight plan.
  • Conditions: Changed custom weather wind direction input fields now always first (to keep it similar to METAR format where direction also comes before speed).
  • Conditions: Fixed custom weather options did not always immediately change after simulator type was changed.
  • Conditions: Fixed possible situation where two wind layers where added instead of just one when clicking of the "Add" button for Prepar3D/FSX/FSW.
  • Conditions: Fixed invalid default cloud altitude was used for second and more created cloud layers for Prepar3D/FSX/FSW.
  • Aircraft: Fixed airspeeds were displayed in red for some aircraft in X-Plane although maximum speed has not been exceeded.
  • Statistics: Improved near airports can now be selected for approach statistics with just one click.
  • Statistics: Fixed overspeed warnings has been exported for some aircraft in X-Plane although maximum speed has not been exceeded.
  • Network: Added option to restart, shutdown, hibernate or sleep individual computers.
  • Network: Improved computer definition UI layout.
  • Network: Changed command line parameters for network client are now case insensitive.
  • Network: Fixed restart, shutdown, hibernate or sleep all computers on program close did not always work.
  • Settings: Added option to disable automatic re-center of map and clear trace after aircraft position has been changed by simulator.
  • Settings: Added option for additional confirmation before program close.
  • Settings: Fixed SimConnect default remote port preset was not set.
  • Settings: Fixed SimConnect remote settings were not always correctly taken over from "SimConnect.cfg" file.

Version 1.3.3, released on July 16, 2017 (Download)

  • General: Added support for Dovetail Flight Sim World community update 6 "Passengers".
  • General: Added support for Prepar3D "add-ons.cfg" scenery definitions (start manual database rebuild to add).
  • General: Added warning message if connected to another simulator type than currently loaded simulator.
  • General: Improved memory and CPU usage on program start.
  • General: Improved database build text now only mentioning the currently selected simulator type anymore.
  • General: Improved SimConnect Network Wizard share verification part with additional hint message.
  • General: Improved SimConnect Network Wizard now preserves all existent "SimConnect.xml" configurations and only adds new ones if needed.
  • General: Improved SimConnect Network Wizard now updates the wizard info file in the FS-FlightControl data directory when the wizard is executed again although everything is done already.
  • General: Changed name of SimConnect Network Wizard finish button.
  • General: Fixed possible exception while selecting items from drop-down lists from Android/iOS app.
  • Position: Fixed aircraft images were sometimes displayed too small on approach buttons.
  • Conditions: Fixed local time offset was displayed with wrong sign for Prepar3D/FSX/FSW.
  • Conditions: Fixed no sign was displayed for positive local time offsets.
  • Conditions: Fixed exception when changing X-Plane top altitude of clouds.
  • Conditions: Fixed possible exception while showing current weather data.
  • Flight Plan: Fixed possible exception while showing pop-up menu on flight plan table.
  • Fuel/Load: Fixed possible Prepar3D/FSX/FSW disconnect when aircraft has many payload stations.
  • Aircraft: Fixed true airspeed display was sometimes cut off.
  • Statistics: Fixed approach details wind display text was sometimes too long.

Version 1.3.2, released on July 1, 2017 (Download)

  • General: Improved initial database build now checking for existent database file first.
  • General: Improved X-Plane aircraft recognition (start manual database rebuild to improve).
  • General: Improved waiting view animation.
  • General: Fixed airport was not imported correctly when airport record was previously deleted by Prepar3D/FSX/FSW scenery BGL (start manual database rebuild to fix).
  • General: Fixed possible exception while moving program window between different monitors.
  • General: Fixed screen state before Android/iOS app connection as not always restored after disconnect.
  • General: Fixed pop-up dialogs are now displayed also on detached windows and no longer always on the main window.
  • General: Fixed message box dialogs were not displayed on Android/iOS app.
  • General: Fixed simulator not found messages on first program start or connection failures.
  • General: Fixed some message box texts.
  • Position: Fixed possible exception while parsing entered custom location latitude and longitude values.
  • Map: Added success/failed message dialog after starting map printing.
  • Map: Fixed possible exception and wrong value parsing of values entered in the reposition aircraft dialog.
  • Conditions: Improved real-time weather operations.
  • Conditions: Fixed possible problem with real-time weather when more than one instances of the Conditions module was used.
  • Conditions: Fixed changes to real-weather options and weather presets are now immediately reflected on other instances of the Conditions module.
  • Conditions: Fixed possible problem loading module on program start when last simulator connection was to Prepar3D/FSX/FSW.
  • Conditions: Fixed possible problem when trying to use the same identifier for a second Active Sky weather effect.
  • Flight Plan: Added confirmation message after successful Aerosoft company route export.
  • Flight Plan: Fixed possible exception while checking for available admin rights in flight plan export dialog.
  • Flight Plan: Fixed possible high CPU load while flight plan tracking.
  • Flight Plan: Fixed select runway, airway and procedure dialogs were not correctly displayed on Android and iOS app.
  • Statistics: Added success/failed message dialog after starting statistics printing.
  • Statistics: Fixed select airport runway dialog for approach statistics was not correctly displayed on Android and iOS app.
  • Settings: Added option for unpause delay (Prepar3D/FSX/FSW only).
  • Settings: Added option to change VATSIM/IVAO/PilotEdge status URLs.
  • Settings: Improved simulator database build status message when database has been built already.
  • Settings: Fixed Flight1 third party port input validation.
  • Settings: Fixed no longer applying Prepar3D/FSX/FSW SimConnect settings changes if no IP/host was entered although remote connection is used.

Version 1.3.1, released on June 8, 2017 (Download)

  • Flight Plan: Fixed waypoint distance and airway was not always updated correctly after moving a waypoint up or down.
  • Conditions: Fixed possible case where invalid weather data was sent to Prepar3D/FSX/FSW.
  • Conditions: Fixed typing errors on season buttons.
  • Failures: Fixed possible exception while processing failures data.
  • Aircraft: Fixed possible problem initializing aircraft module on program start.

Version 1.3.0, released on June 5, 2017 (Download)

  • General: Added support for X-Plane 10 and 11.
  • General: Improved database handling now trying to restore backup database if database loading failed.
  • General: Improved messages on initial program start when no local simulator installation is found now also mentioning FSW.
  • General: Fixed some context help links.
  • Map: Fixed exception when trying to disable the aircraft parameter change in the reposition aircraft dialog again.
  • Conditions: Fixed some typing errors.
  • Failures: Improved failure domain buttons display if there are many failure domains by adding paging.
  • Statistics: Fixed reset button now stays at the bottom when window gets resized.
  • Network: Improved network info message and added additional confirmation message when computer is added although there was no successful simulator connection yet.
  • Motion: Fixed info message to configure in settings first was not displayed correctly on Android and iOS app.
  • Settings: Fixed a change of the network status page method did not take immediately effect.
  • Settings: Fixed aircraft settings layout.
  • Settings: Fixed a typing error in the SimConnect settings section.

Version 1.2.15, released on May 30, 2017 (Download)

  • General: Added support for Prepar3D v4.
  • General: Improved settings handling now creating second backup copy if backup version is restored.
  • General: Improved messages for failed first simulator connection now also mentioning FSW.
  • General: Fixed possible exception in SimConnect connection.
  • General: Fixed incompatibility with Windows XP and Vista while using SimConnect connection.
  • General: Fixed new simulator IP and port was not always directly used after SimConnect Network Wizard run.
  • Map: Added information about magnetic variation to VOR map information.
  • Conditions: Fixed possible exception while processing current date and time data.
  • Conditions: Fixed no weather themes were shown after database build against Prepar3D or FSX (start manual database rebuild to fix).
  • Conditions: Fixed possible situation where FS-FlightControl was still sending real-time weather to flight simulator itself although Active Sky weather engine was enabled.
  • Pushback: Fixed pushback is now automatically stopped when simulator connection is lost to avoid unexpected behavior upon re-connection.
  • Failures: Improved failure display for failures with very long names (like for some ProSim failures).
  • Failures: Fixed corresponding controls are now disabled for ProSim failures that cannot be manually triggered.
  • Failures: Fixed possible exception when using Flight1 failures.

Version 1.2.14, released on May 23, 2017 (Download)

  • General: Added support for Dovetail Flight Sim World.
  • General: Improved simulator names displayed in SimConnect Network Wizard.
  • General: Fixed database build path not found message text.
  • Map: Fixed aircraft trace was not always reset when aircraft position was manually changed.
  • Map: Fixed airway altitude was not always displayed correctly in map information pop-up.
  • Flight Plan: Improved "Total" display now showing total remaining distance only if flight simulator is connected as well as aircraft position near the route and total route distance otherwise.
  • Flight Plan: Fixed total remaining distance now no longer includes missed approach route.
  • Flight Plan: Fixed possible situation where next waypoint distance was calculated wrong after aircraft position was manually changed.
  • Flight Plan: Fixed airway altitude was not always displayed correctly in add waypoint and select airway dialogs.
  • Aircraft: Fixed fuel flow was displayed in lbs/h regardless of unit settings.
  • Statistics: Fixed approach data was not always cleared after aircraft position was manually changed.

Version 1.2.13, released on May 20, 2017 (Download)

  • General: Fixed possible exception in SimConnect connection.
  • Map: Fixed exception when trying to show map information of a marker.
  • Flight Plan: Added option to directly load flight plan in ProSim FMS.
  • Flight Plan: Added option to delete a company route from ProSim FMS.
  • Flight Plan: Fixed waypoint import could not always import all waypoints.
  • Flight Plan: Fixed directly loading company route to ProSim FMS after export did not always work.
  • Flight Plan: Fixed message text title when asked if flight plan should directly be loaded to ProSim FMS after company route export.
  • Flight Plan: Fixed PFPX import did not always import the route correctly.
  • Flight Plan: Fixed SID/STAR ident at the beginning/end of a waypoint text was not always considered correctly during import.
  • Flight Plan: Fixed possible exception while automatic airway route calculation when no reasonable start or end waypoint was found.
  • Flight Plan: Fixed generated holding points are no longer synchronized from Wilco Airbus.
  • Pushback: Improved turn angle options now allowing up to 135°.
  • Aircraft: Added start APU option.
  • Aircraft: Added APU quick start option for ProSim.
  • Aircraft: Added engines quick start option for ProSim.
  • Aircraft: Added ground pneumatic option for ProSim.
  • Aircraft: Fixed turning APU on now also works with ProSim.
  • Aircraft: Fixed engine hydraulic system button was not disabled before first simulator connection.
  • Settings: Fixed selected aircraft-specific option was not immediately updated in user interface after ProSim or AST third party settings were changed.
  • Settings: Fixed remote SimConnect access can no longer be activated before an IP address or host name has been entered.

Version 1.2.12, released on May 13, 2017 (Download)

  • General: Improved database build speed especially for BGL files with a very large number of airports (like when using fsAerodata).
  • General: Improved update expiration handling in update available dialog.
  • General: Fixed keyboard shortcuts did not always work in update available dialog.
  • General: Fixed scenery layer order was not always considered correctly (start manual database rebuild to fix).
  • General: Fixed invalid runways are no longer imported (start manual database rebuild to fix).
  • General: Fixed scenery deletes/overwrites were not correctly recognized while database build (start manual database rebuild to fix).
  • General: Fixed possible exception while database build when airport has not defined a country or city.
  • General: Fixed demo mode expired message now no longer appears while database build is running.
  • General: Fixed license status was not automatically updated in title bar when activation data was entered after demo mode end.
  • General: Fixed possible situation where local simulator connection failed.
  • General: Fixed typing error in database build status texts.
  • Position: Fixed message in SIDs/STARs section when no navigation data was found.
  • Map: Added new map symbol for TACANs to distinguish them from VORs (start manual database rebuild to add).
  • Map: Improved VATSIM/IVAO data update speed.
  • Map: Fixed VOR and NDB range display in map information pop-up.
  • Map: Fixed possible case where AI aircraft suddenly disappeared after using the program for some hours.
  • Map: Fixed ghost AI aircraft created by products like VRS TacPack are no longer displayed on the map.
  • Map: Fixed minimum zoom settings of SID/STAR path was not always considered correctly.
  • Map: Fixed possible exceptions while map rendering.
  • Flight Plan: Added option to reset ProSim FMS.
  • Flight Plan: Fixed existent ProSim FMS data was not always synchronized when switched to ProSim FMS synchronization from a different flight plan source.
  • Flight Plan: Fixed importing waypoints text did not work in all cases.
  • Conditions: Changed simulation rate options and this way fixed issues with previous simulation rate control.
  • Conditions: Changed option to show only official METAR is now selected by default.
  • Conditions: Fixed current weather information is now cleared if no updated weather data has been received from flight simulator for more than 10 seconds.
  • Conditions: Fixed simulator time zone offset was displayed with additional "AM"/"PM" in US time format.
  • Conditions: Fixed visibility direction in flight simulator METAR data could not be parsed in rare cases.
  • Fuel/Load: Fixed possible exception while entering manual fuel level or payload weight values.
  • View/Slew: Fixed possible exception when stopping or disabling slew again.
  • Aircraft: Fixed possible exception while entering manual values.
  • Failures: Fixed failure system for Mindstar G1000 was running in the background also if not needed.
  • Statistics: Added option to manually reset the approach statistics.
  • Statistics: Fixed sometimes old landing report data was shown after new approach was started.
  • Settings: Fixed SimConnect button to apply changes was not disabled after changes were applied.
  • Info: Fixed license status was not automatically updated when activation data was entered after demo mode end.

Version 1.2.11, released on April 24, 2017 (Download)

  • General: Fixed possible situation where reconnection after lost simulator connection failed.
  • General: Fixed aircraft title display in title bar now always stays at "-" while connecting.
  • Map: Fixed some invalid VATSIM/IVAO FIRs.
  • Fuel/Load: Fixed possible FSX crash while requesting payload station data by working around a FSX bug.
  • Fuel/Load: Fixed changing fuel level or payload weight did not always work when manually entering a value.
  • View/Slew: Fixed possible exception when using slew axis.
  • View/Slew: Fixed possible exception when slew was enabled within flight simulator itself (or another external tool) and then controlled with FS-FlightControl.
  • Aircraft: Fixed changing certain values did not always work when manually entering a value.
  • Aircraft: Fixed navigation OBS 1 and 2 now displayed without decimal digits.
  • Aircraft: Fixed all COM and NAV frequencies now allow 3 decimal digits.

Version 1.2.10, released on April 22, 2017 (Download)

  • General: Improved overall data refresh rate.
  • General: Fixed not all SIDs were imported from navigation data (start manual navigation data reload to fix).
  • General: Fixed internet connection message text at program start.
  • General: Fixed now ignoring program close action on instructor station PC if program update installation should be started.
  • General: Fixed possible exception when sending data to flight simulator.
  • General: Fixed possible situation not automatically reconnecting to flight simulator after connection was lost.
  • General: Fixed possible situation where airport name was displayed with ICAO code twice at several places in the program.
  • Map: Added option to change gear and flaps status when reposition aircraft.
  • Map: Fixed activation of ILS layer activates now runway layer and deactivation of runway layer deactivates now ILS layer as well.
  • Map: Fixed AI Aircraft afterglows were not displayed although enabled when afterglows for user aircraft were disabled.
  • Map: Fixed procedure selection of show SIDs and STARs dialog was too small for some procedure idents.
  • Flight Plan: Added option to import and export X-Plane flight plan files.
  • Flight Plan: Added option to manually select a SID and STAR for the automatic airway route calculation.
  • Flight Plan: Improved automatic airway route calculation algorithm for short routes.
  • Flight Plan: Improved runway, airway and procedure selection dialogs.
  • Flight Plan: Fixed automatic airway route calculation for the case when end waypoint of SID is the same as the start waypoint of STAR.
  • Flight Plan: Fixed flight plan point delete, move up and down options where not always correctly enabled or disabled if SIDs/STARs were used.
  • Flight Plan: Fixed sometimes useless waypoints were displayed when ProSim flight plan synchronization was active.
  • Flight Plan: Fixed possible exception when using the "GO to Approach" option in the airport context pop-up menu without a runway selected.
  • Conditions: Fixed possible situation where custom weather with many layers was not correctly sent to flight simulator.
  • Conditions: Fixed visibility layer altitudes were not correctly displayed in selection drop-down.
  • Conditions: Fixed negative wind and temperature altitude in flight simulator METAR data could not be parsed.
  • Conditions: Fixed cloud coverage and type was not always correctly saved in weather preset.
  • Conditions: Fixed Active Sky custom weather surface wind direction/variance and winds aloft temperature was not correctly displayed and set.
  • Pushback: Improved pushback process now much smoother and more customizable with own pushback implementation.
  • Pushback: Fixed pushback button text did not always fit in button width.
  • Fuel/Load: Fixed possible FSX crash when changing fuel levels by working around a FSX bug.
  • Fuel/Load: Fixed typing error in weight calculation section title.
  • Statistics: Improved landing report accuracy.
  • Network: Fixed aircraft data for status page no longer reset when simulator connection is temporary lost.
  • Settings: Added pushback options for pushback speed and turn radius.
  • Settings: Fixed ProSim A320 executable was not recognized when selecting ProSim path.

Version 1.2.9, released on April 9, 2017 (Download)

  • General: Fixed possible exception when trying to send data to flight simulator while not connected.
  • General: Fixed touch input helper window was sometimes displayed with useless black space at the bottom.
  • General: Fixed Fuel/Load module name in splash screen progress info.
  • General: Fixed update period note in update available dialog.
  • Conditions: Fixed possible situation where ILS visibility preset was not set.
  • Flight Plan: Fixed possible exception when canceling a Prepar3D/FSX flight plan import.
  • Failures: Fixed possible exception when using fuel leak failures.

Version 1.2.8, released on April 7, 2017 (Download)

  • General: Improved overall performance by now including native 64 bit support.
  • General: Fixed update period info no longer displayed in update available dialog for expired test versions.
  • General: Fixed settings for applying updates on program start automatically now ignored if update period has expired.
  • General: Fixed occasional out of memory issues.
  • General: Fixed typing error in test version internet connection message.
  • Map: Improved elevation data for height map and minimum sector altitude (MSA) display.
  • Map: Fixed possible situation where just a red cross was displayed anymore on map after running the program for several hours.
  • Map: Fixed user aircraft text no longer displayed without aircraft after flight simulator connection is lost.
  • Flight Plan: Fixed a success or failed message is now always displayed after a flight plan import or export.
  • Settings: Improved SimConnect network configuration options now being independent of "SimConnect.cfg".

Version 1.2.7, released on March 18, 2017 (Download)

  • General: Improved memory usage of map rendering and mobile client access.
  • General: Improved detection of lost simulator connection and automatic re-connection.
  • General: Improved automated update by displaying the update download completed message only once anymore (for new users) and improved the message text.
  • General: Fixed some SIDs were added to more runways while navigation data import as they should (start manual navigation data reload to fix).
  • General: Fixed rounding error while converting decimal geographic coordinates to degrees, minutes and seconds.
  • General: Fixed problem with offline test license.
  • General: Fixed keyboard control shortcuts were missing in maximum activation count dialog.
  • Position: Fixed approach aircraft images were not rotated based on their approach position.
  • Map: Improved VATSIM/IVAO/PilotEdge aircraft rendering by skipping the user aircraft if user ID is known.
  • Map: Improved VATSIM/IVAO ATC rendering by updating the FIR, UIR and airport data.
  • Map: Fixed text color for VATSIM/IVAO/PilotEdge FIRs and UIRs was ignored and changed default text color.
  • Map: Fixed not all keyboard shortcuts were working correctly.
  • Map: Fixed zoom in and out was triggered two times when used via keyboard command in a detached map view.
  • Map: Fixed possible situation where map could not be rendered due to a problem with VATSIM/IVAO FIRs or UIRs.
  • Flight Plan: Changed column position of airway to be before waypoint column now.
  • Flight Plan: Changed directly loading an exported flight plan to flight simulator is disabled now if flight plan path is not configured in settings yet.
  • Flight Plan: Fixed directly loading an exported flight plan to flight simulator now also works if flight simulator is not running locally.
  • Flight Plan: Fixed no airway selection dialog shown anymore after automatic flight plan change from synchronization.
  • Conditions: Fixed unit settings were not consequently used in decoded METAR text display.
  • Conditions: Fixed negative weather station altitude in flight simulator METAR data could not be parsed.
  • Statistics: Improved localizer deviation accuracy.
  • Network: Added small close "X" in the top right corner of fullscreen display on network clients.
  • Settings: Added map setting to enter VATSIM/IVAO/PilotEdge user ID.
  • Settings: Fixed wrong context help link for flight plan folder section.
  • About: Added option to show hardware key.
  • About: Fixed changlog pop-up did not close after pressing the escape key.

Version 1.2.6, released on March 5, 2017 (Download)

  • General: Improved overall CPU and memory usage.
  • General: Improved SimConnect implementation using native methods now for better performance and less compatibility issues.
  • General: Improved hint messages if connection to flight simulator failed.
  • General: Improved system and navigation data update logging.
  • General: Fixed helipad and NDB type were not always correctly imported (start manual database rebuild to fix).
  • General: Fixed possible situation where database build failed due to invalid COM type value (start manual database rebuild to fix).
  • Map: Fixed street, satellite and height map could not be printed anymore.
  • Map: Fixed using enter key was not possible in reposition aircraft and point of interest (POI) pop-ups.
  • Map: Fixed tab order in reposition aircraft pop-up.
  • Map: Fixed possible exception while rendering the map view.
  • Map: Fixed color of aircraft images was not immediately reflected after color change in settings.
  • Map: Fixed helipad without specific type now displayed just as "H" without cycle to match display in Prepar3D/FSX.
  • Map: Fixed useless error reporting when switching back from height map to a different map type while height map rendering still in progress.
  • Flight Plan: Fixed next point was not displayed if the same point was more than once in the plan.
  • Conditions: Fixed custom weather was not set for Active Sky if no cloud layer was defined.
  • Pushback: Fixed possible exception if current airport had no runways.
  • Statistics: Fixed possible situation where graphs were not updated for some time.
  • Network: Fixed possible exception while stopping the network service.
  • Settings: Added option to suppress program updates dialog.
  • Settings: Improved color selection by pre-selecting the current color.
  • Settings: Removed SimConnect DLL display and manual selection as this is no longer needed.
  • NOTE: Service Pack 2 (SP2) or Acceleration Pack now required for "old" Flight Simulator X (all versions of FSX Steam Edition and Prepar3D 1.x/2.x/3.x are still fully supported).

Version 1.2.5, released on February 18, 2017 (Download)

  • General: Improved main module shortcut and added shortcut for Motion module.
  • General: Fixed possible situation where some sceneries were not imported (start manual database rebuild to fix).
  • Position: Improved tab order and added shortcut to access runways and helipad selection.
  • Map: Added display of relevant lakes and rivers to normal and height map.
  • Map: Added display of country names to normal, satellite and height map.
  • Map: Added optional display (enabled by default for normal and height map) of grid lines and minimum sector altitude (MSA).
  • Map: Added option to edit an existent point of interest (POI) again.
  • Map: Added confirmation dialog before deleting a point of interest (POI).
  • Map: Improved height map has now much more detailed and smoother terrain elevation display.
  • Map: Improved height map loading speed and memory usage.
  • Map: Improved overall map rendering performance.
  • Map: Improved flight plan and SID/STAR rendering with missed approach now displayed dashed and half transparent (not for existent, loaded flight plans).
  • Map: Changed runway and taxi/park names as well as VOR/DME and NDB now shown by default.
  • Map: Fixed no additional country border displayed anymore on top of street map.
  • Map: Fixed country border minimum zoom setting was not respected.
  • Map: Fixed height map was not displayed if fully zoomed out.
  • Map: Fixed user aircraft text is no longer drawn if there is currently no flight simulator connection.
  • Map: Fixed possible situation where an additional useless line to the airport was drawn when showing SID/STAR procedures.
  • Map: Fixed keyboard shortcuts now also work for detached map view with hidden buttons.
  • Map: Fixed multiple usage of same keyboard shortcut in create new point of interest (POI) pop-up.
  • Map: Fixed create new point of interest (POI) option no longer displayed in pop-up menu if there is a POI at this location already.
  • Map: Fixed map was not fully rendered while selecting an area with the CTRL key pressed.
  • Map: Fixed country borders were not displayed in correct color immediately after program start.
  • Map: Fixed logging of useless warning messages while not connected to flight simulator.
  • Flight Plan: Added pop-up menu to departure and arrival airports to directly go to approach or center the airport on the map.
  • Flight Plan: Improved automatic airway route calculation algorithm now returning better routes and using multi-threading for calculation.
  • Flight Plan: Removed automatic loading of arrival airport in position.
  • Flight Plan: Fixed SID name was not always displayed in flight plan table for first SID waypoint.
  • Flight Plan: Fixed useless generated points "CF", "DF", "VI" and "JOIN" are no longer synchronized from Wilco Airbus.
  • Flight Plan: Fixed synchronize option for Project Magenta no longer references Airbus as it does work with their Boing as well.
  • Aircraft: Added option to set altitude Kohlsman value.
  • Aircraft: Improved aircraft status layout.
  • Aircraft: Fixed input validation of radio and navigation input fields.
  • Network: Fixed network client forces restart and shutdown actions now.
  • Motion: Fixed detaching module window did not work correctly.
  • Settings: Added map color settings for new normal and height map display layers.
  • Settings: Added map display settings for grid lines and minimum sector altitude (MSA).
  • About: Updated copyright notes of third party software.

Version 1.2.4, released on January 29, 2017

  • General: Fixed database build stopped if a scenery path was not found instead of just skipping it (start manual database rebuild to fix).
  • General: Fixed invalid window location was saved if program was closed while the window was minimized.
  • Flight Plan: Fixed now error message is displayed while importing if Prepar3D/FSX flight plan does not contain a title.
  • Flight Plan: Fixed next waypoint, distance and total remaining distance was not always calculated correctly.
  • Flight Plan: Fixed course and distance to first point was not shown after a saved manual flight plan was loaded.
  • Flight Plan: Fixed course and distance to first point was not update after first point was moved down.
  • Map: Fixed map no longer centered at latitude/longitude 0 if there is currently no aircraft position available.
  • Map: Fixed flight plan mode and map information pop-up did not close after pressing the escape key.
  • Map: Fixed in reposition dialog "Changed Aircraft Parameters" section was not visible on Android and iOS app.
  • Conditions: Fixed decimal numbers now allowed for custom weather atmospheric pressure when inches of mercury is used as unit.
  • Conditions: Fixed temperatures and dew point now allows also negative values.
  • View/Slew: Fixed fighter jet aircraft with two engines was wrongly displayed as one engine aircraft in front view of slew mode.
  • Network: Added command line parameter "/nofullscreen" for network client to manually prevent full screen display.
  • Settings: Added position option to disable automatic saving and loading of flight plan together with a flight situation preset.
  • Settings: Fixed exception when trying to copy settings from an aircraft profile without selecting one first.

Version 1.2.3, released on January 22, 2017

  • General: Fixed invalid server response for update changes request caused empty updated dialog.
  • General: Fixed trying to run FS-FlightControl as service now writes a corresponding log message before it quits cleanly.
  • General: Fixed aircraft data import continues now with other aircraft if import of a certain aircraft failed while database build (start manual database rebuild to fix).
  • General: Fixed aircraft not stored below the installation path were not imported for Prepar3D (start manual database rebuild to fix).
  • General: Fixed aircraft flaps positions with decimal degree value were not imported (start manual database rebuild to fix).
  • General: Fixed rare case where requesting SimConnect data from flight simulator might have failed.
  • Position: Improved approach buttons display now using aircraft type and engine count specific images.
  • Map: Added source file information of airport, VOR, NDB, marker and airspace to map information pop-up (start manual database rebuild to add).
  • Map: Improved display layout in map information pop-up.
  • Map: Improved user and AI aircraft image rendering now using aircraft type and engine count specific images.
  • Map: Improved user and AI aircraft image rendering performance.
  • Pushback: Improved pushback buttons display now using aircraft type and engine count specific images.
  • View/Slew: Improved aircraft display now using aircraft type and engine count specific images.
  • Failures: Fixed rare case where an exception could occur while loading the failure module on program start.
  • Failures: Fixed domain failure state button border is now always immediately updated after the window is resized.

Version 1.2.2, released on January 12, 2017

  • General: Added installation successful page after setup completion.
  • General: Fixed license check failed on Windows XP systems.
  • General: Fixed possible exception when hitting the escape key multiple times in a pop-up window.
  • General: Fixed possible exception while parsing numbers and prevent some useless errors to be reported.
  • Map: Fixed not all end waypoints of a SID and not all start waypoints of a STAR were marked on the map in flight plan mode.
  • Map: Fixed waypoint that is an end waypoint of a SID and at the same time also a start waypoint of a STAR procedure is now marked as "SID/STAR" instead of displayed twice one over the other.
  • Map: Fixed reposition pitch angle now displayed positive when nose up and bank angle positive when bank right.
  • Flight Plan: Added option to directly import from RouteFinder.
  • Flight Plan: Fixed possible situation where waypoint text export had wrongly an airway before the very first waypoint.
  • Flight Plan: Fixed wrong button naming in import dialog for waypoints import (as waypoints are not added, but just overwriting the current flight plan).
  • Flight Plan: Fixed airport selection dialog die not close if the same airport was selected again.
  • Flight Plan: Fixed possible exception while calculating airway route.
  • Failures: Improved failure domain buttons display with height now dynamically calculated based on domain count and window height.
  • Failures: Changed the two ProSim panel failures now located in the "Misc" domain and no longer in an own domain "Panel".
  • Failures: Fixed possible situation where failures got automatically disabled again if failure conditions did not match anymore.
  • Failures: Fixed not all buttons on the left side were visible when there were too many failure domains.
  • Failures: Fixed some failures could not be disabled again.
  • Aircraft: Added option to change external/ground power state for JeeHell aircraft.
  • Aircraft: Fixed autopilot flight director reference pitch angle now displayed positive when nose up and bank angle positive when bank right.
  • Settings: Added setting to enable aircraft-specific options for Aircraft module.
  • Settings: Added failure option to automatically re-enable random failures after program restart (if they were enabled before).
  • Settings: Added feet as possible visibility unit.
  • Settings: Fixed connection timeout unit in mobile devices settings was not correctly displayed.
  • About: Fixed minor textual things in copyright notes.

Version 1.2.1, released on December 23, 2016

  • General: Added collection of flight simulator documents path (including network share creation if needed) to SimConnect Network Wizard.
  • General: Added page with End-User License Agreement (EULA) to setup.
  • General: Improved layout of SimConnect Network Wizard.
  • General: Improved message box windows can now be closed also with excape key.
  • General: Fixed possible exception when canceling a program update download.
  • General: Fixed remote computer name was not always completely displayed in SimConnect Network Wizard.
  • Position: Added option to rename existent flight situation presets (new right-click pop-up menu).
  • Position: Fixed possible exception after color changes in settings.
  • Position: Fixed flight plan now only saved together with flight situation preset anymore if manual flight plan method is used.
  • Map: Improved flight plan path display by now showing departure and arrival airport also if they are not globally enabled.
  • Map: Fixed weather info was not displayed in Android and iOS apps as well as on printout.
  • Map: Fixed waypoint name no longer once again written above SID/STAR end waypoint name.
  • Conditions: Fixed problems due to using wrong ground altitude in some calculations.
  • Conditions: Fixed ILS visibility presets did not always show clouds correctly for Active Sky.
  • Conditions: Fixed typing error in the weather preset rename dialog.
  • Flight Plan: Added flight simulator flight plan synchronization.
  • Flight Plan: Added SID/STAR procedures to Flight Sim Labs A320 MCDU export.
  • Flight Plan: Improved PFPX scheduled flights import now importing airline and flight number as flight plan title.
  • Flight Plan: Improved info message shown if Flight Sim Labs flight plan export is not possible.
  • Flight Plan: Improved automatic airway route calculation algorithm.
  • Flight Plan: Improved waypoint text import now clearing flight plan points first and correctly handle SIDs/STARs included in the text.
  • Flight Plan: Change Flight Sim Labs A320 MCDU export to make it compatible with version
  • Flight Plan: Fixed last waypoint of PFPX scheduled flight not correctly imported.
  • Flight Plan: Fixed scheduled flights with no route information are no longer displayed for import.
  • Flight Plan: Fixed "Copy" now only added to flight plan title upon create if flight plan with same title exists already.
  • Flight Plan: Fixed flight plan is now "currently loaded" automatically after it was added.
  • Flight Plan: Fixed flight plan list text is now empty after deleting a flight plan.
  • Flight Plan: Fixed Prepar3D/FSX flight plan could not be imported if no cruising altitude was defined.
  • Flight Plan: Fixed possible exception while calculating airway route with SID/STAR procedures.
  • Flight Plan: Fixed info message that no airway route was found now displayed in all useful cases.
  • Flight Plan: Fixed selected flight plan is now cleared when flight plan is reset or switching from manual flight planning to synchronization.
  • Flight Plan: Fixed possible exception after changing the flight plan title in the drop-down text field.
  • Flight Plan: Fixed possible exception when trying to import from PFPX scheduled flight or ProSim/Aerosoft/Wilco company route although the corresponding import list was empty.
  • Flight Plan: Fixed possible exception while importing waypoint text.
  • Failures: Added Flight1 G1000 failures support (requires Flight1 VISPRO plug-in activated in flight simulator as well).
  • Failures: Added gear failures for default and JeeHell aircraft and flaps failures for default aircraft.
  • Failures: Fixed help icon now directs to correct manual page position for default aircraft failure groups.
  • Failures: Fixed possible situation where minimum fuel leak amount of random failure was more than maximum failure amount leading to exception.
  • Failures: Fixed failure domain buttons were not always updated immediately when failure provider was changed in settings.
  • Settings: Added flight simulator documents path setting for flight plan synchronization.
  • Settings: Added Flight1 G1000 third party options.
  • Settings: Fixed services were not always restarted when corresponding third party settings were changed.
  • Settings: Fixed input validation of third party Active Sky and Brunner Elektronik port settings.

Version 1.2.0, released on November 24, 2016

  • General: Improved handling of service threads upon program close.
  • General: Changed module button layout and renamed About to Info.
  • General: Fixed drop-down controls were displayed with wrong background color if they were disabled.
  • General: Fixed rare case where database build failed on aircraft import.
  • General: Fixed warning message that another instance of FS-FlightControl is already running was not displayed.
  • General: Fixed program not force-closed anymore if font scaling is detected as invalid on Windows 7, but now only warning message is displayed.
  • Position: Fixed some controls were overlapping when used with Android or iOS app.
  • Conditions: Added support to change Active Sky weather mode (requires Active Sky 16 SP1, currently public beta).
  • Conditions: Added support to insert Active Sky weather effects (requires Active Sky 16 SP1, currently public beta).
  • Conditions: Added option to rename and edit existent weather presets.
  • Conditions: Changed Real-Time Weather and ILS Visibility button positions with each other.
  • Conditions: Fixed custom weather and ILS conditions not always set correctly for Active Sky weather.
  • Conditions: Fixed maximum cloud altitude was not correctly considered for Active Sky weather.
  • Conditions: Fixed changed weather engine now always takes effect immediately.
  • Conditions: Fixed weather preset names now checked to be unique.
  • Conditions: Fixed cloud precipitation base height received from flight simulator was not always interpreted correctly.
  • Flight Plan: Added option to insert a cruising altitude which is also exported to and imported from Prepar3D/FSX flight plans.
  • Flight Plan: Improved saved flight plan list is now searchable in case of high amount of stored flight plans.
  • Flight Plan: Improved adding new flight plans now the text "Copy" is appended to an existent flight plan title to make it easier to distinguish between the old and new one.
  • Flight Plan: Changed flight plan title no longer automatically saved anymore (already existent button "Save" or "Overwrite" needs to be clicked now).
  • Flight Plan: Fixed possible situation where waypoint was deleted from flight plan while recalculation if usage of SID/STAR procedure was active.
  • Flight Plan: Fixed imported flight plan title was not shown while adding a new saved flight plan.
  • Pushback: Fixed typing error.
  • Failures: Added airspeed and vertical speed panel failures for ProSim.
  • Failures: Added engine on fire failures for default aircraft.
  • Failures: Added info about Mindstar G1000 failure support to failure hint message appearing the first time the Failure module is accessed.
  • Failures: Improved failure groups button rendering.
  • Failures: Fixed wrong failures were displayed if ProSim or AST were connected, but failures set to other failure source.
  • Failures: Fixed some default flight simulator failures could not be disabled again.
  • Aircraft: Added option to change external/ground power state for ProSim aircraft.
  • Aircraft: Fixed some controls were overlapping when used with Android or iOS app.
  • Aircraft: Fixed 0.00° of pitch, bank and elevator trim now always displayed without up/down and left/right info.
  • Motion: Added first version with support for Brunner Elektronik motion devices (required CLS2Sim version 3.19.1 or newer).
  • Settings: Added color settings for intermediate active and inactive control areas.
  • Settings: Improved tabulator step order.
  • Settings: Fixed sometimes failure enable question showed up already when touch input helper was display upon third party settings change.
  • Settings: Fixed map color settings did not scale to full height after re-size of window.
  • Settings: Fixed vertical and horizontal glideslope offsets can now also be negative.
  • Settings: Removed Active Sky path third party option as this is no longer needed.

Version 1.1.26, released on October 21, 2016

  • General: Added support for upcoming version 1.1.0 of Android and iOS apps (not officially released yet).
  • General: Fixed possible exception in pop-up dialog handling.
  • General: Fixed possible exception upon Android or iOS connection loss.
  • Conditions: Added support for Active Sky 16 weather engine (requires upcoming Active Sky 16 SP1, not officially released yet).
  • Conditions: Improved current weather display performance and vertical scroll position is now preserved also when current weather gets updated.
  • Fuel/Load: Removed third party aircraft info text as all Fuel/Load features should work with all third party aircraft as well.
  • Failures: Added Mindstar G1000 failures support (requires Mindstar G1000 Advanced or Professional Edition).
  • Failures: Fixed possible exception triggering some default core system failures.
  • Settings: Added conditions weather engine options.
  • Settings: Added Active Sky third party options.
  • Settings: Added Mindstar G1000 third party options.

Version 1.1.25, released on October 17, 2016

  • General: Improved SimConnect Network Wizard automatic SimConnect configuration and added IPv6 support.
  • General: Improved online license validation.
  • General: Fixed possible exception while accessing layout objects that are no longer available.
  • Map: Added processing of several new map display options (see Settings additions below).
  • Map: Improved AI aircraft handling for better performance.
  • Map: Fixed possible exception when showing map information.
  • Flight Plan: Added option to import PFPX scheduled flights.
  • Flight Plan: Fixed ProSim company route import list now sorted.
  • Flight Plan: Fixed possible exception when checking Wilco Airbus export possibility.
  • Conditions: Improved ILS visibility presets now not changing other weather data (like winds) anymore.
  • Conditions: Fixed NOAA live weather (URL was changed by NOAA).
  • Conditions: Fixed possible situation where manually downloaded real-time METAR was wrongly sent to flight simulator.
  • Conditions: Fixed visibility and cloud layers were not always correctly send to flight simulator.
  • Conditions: Fixed now allowing also negative altitude for wind and cloud layers.
  • Conditions: Fixed useless "N" was displayed in front of current weather visibility text.
  • Conditions: Fixed current weather buttons "Load in Custom Weather" and "Save as Weather Preset" were not displayed on Android and iOS apps.
  • Aircraft: Added option to change external power state for AST aircraft.
  • Failures: Improved AST failure update performance (requires AST server build 544 or newer).
  • Failures: Fixed ProSim and AST failures did not appear in random failures list.
  • Failures: Fixed possible exception when entered average random failure count per hour was too high.
  • Statistics: Fixed pitch up and down was confused with each other in the landing report.
  • Settings: Added PFPX third party options.
  • Settings: Added map option to show aircraft only as squares (instead of aircraft image).
  • Settings: Added map option to show speed vectors in front of aircraft.
  • Settings: Added map option to show afterglows for aircraft.
  • Settings: Improved third party settings UI.
  • Settings: Improved third party settings now always asking after change if third party related functionality should be enabled in corresponding module.
  • Settings: Fixed when copying settings from other aircraft profile not all settings were taken over.

Version 1.1.24, released on August 30, 2016

  • General: Fixed database build failed in case more than one aircraft with the same name existed.
  • General: Fixed possible situation where an airport was not imported correctly on database build (start manual database rebuild to fix).
  • General: Fixed minor issue with online program update check.
  • Flight Plan: Added option to export flight plan directly to Flight Sim Labs A320 MCDU.
  • Aircraft: Fixed aircraft module did not initialize completely if no aircraft data could be imported on database build.
  • Network: Fixed restart, shutdown, hibernate and sleep all was not immediately executed.
  • Network: Improved program thread termination speed when several computer client connections are active.
  • Settings: Added Flight Sim Labs third party options.
  • Settings: Added network option to shutdown, hibernate or sleep all computers (optionally including instructor station computer itself) on program close.
  • Settings: Improved automatic detection of Wilco Airbus path.
  • Settings: Improved third party settings layout.
  • Settings: Fixed manually entered third party paths now automatically checked for trailing backslash.
  • Settings: Fixed minor layout issues.

Version 1.1.23, released on August 24, 2016

  • General: Fixed detached module window now also disabled while database build or navigation data reload is running.
  • General: Fixed issues accessing certain controls using Android and iOS app touch input.
  • Map: Added airport transition altitude to map information pop-up (start manual navigation data reload to add).
  • Map: Fixed elevation was formatted with distance instead of altitude unit in map information pop-up.
  • Flight Plan: Added ProSim company route import and export.
  • Flight Plan: Added option to directly load a ProSim company route into the FMS after export.
  • Flight Plan: Fixed waypoint text import with airways did not always import the airways correctly.
  • Flight Plan: Fixed waypoint text export with airways now correctly shows airway before destination waypoint.
  • Flight Plan: Fixed sometimes the last waypoint of a SID procedure got deleted upon flight plan change.
  • Aircraft: Added option to control flight simulator ATC window.
  • Aircraft: Fixed engine control reverse trust button was flickering if no reverse trust was available.
  • Aircraft: Fixed TCAS alert aircraft generation success and failed messages now cleared after all TCAS aircraft have been removed.
  • Settings: Added ProSim path third party option.
  • Settings: Added aircraft option to show flaps position as degrees (start manual database rebuild for new option to take effect).
  • Settings: Added option to configure certain button colors.
  • Settings: Changed not aircraft related tabs "Database Rebuild" to just "Database" and "Other Settings" to just "Other".
  • Settings: Fixed navigation data reload no longer recommended after a full database synchronization (that includes the navigation data reload) was done.

Version 1.1.22, released on August 11, 2016

  • General: Added support for reseller partner splash screen branding.
  • General: Fixed airport selection no longer cleared completely if only different airport, city or country is selected.
  • Position: Added option to reset the current flight situation.
  • Position: Fixed possible exception when changing flaps option.
  • Map: Added option to display airspaces (start manual database rebuild to add).
  • Map: Added option to clear shown SID or STAR procedure again.
  • Map: Changed default color for runway axes on street map and print output.
  • Conditions: Fixed decimal numbers now allowed for custom weather atmospheric pressure when inches of mercury is used as unit.
  • Failures: Added AST failures support (requires AST server build 543 or newer).
  • Failures: Fixed failures known as not supported by current aircraft now no longer shown as option for random failures.
  • Aircraft: Added ground speed display.
  • Settings: Added AST as failure usage option.
  • Settings: Added AST third party options.
  • Settings: Added map color options for airspace display.

Version 1.1.21, released on July 19, 2016

  • Map: Improved rendering order to make sure important layers are displayed on top of everything else.
  • Map: Fixed start and end point of flight plan was not rendered correctly if no start and end runway was selected yet.
  • Flight Plan: Added Wilco Airbus MCDU synchronization (FMGC state need to be saved manually).
  • Flight Plan: Added Wilco Airbus company route import and export.
  • Flight Plan: Improved Aerosoft Airbus company route import now trying to find other airway if defined one does not exist.
  • Flight Plan: Fixed possible exception while calculating airway route.
  • Flight Plan: Fixed certain types of FS9 flight plan files could not be imported.
  • Flight Plan: Fixed airways were not correctly imported from Aerosoft Airbus company route.
  • Flight Plan: Fixed waypoint text was not always pre-filled on flight plan export immediately.
  • Flight Plan: Fixed reposition aircraft on flight plan point sometimes displayed negative heading value.
  • Flight Plan: Fixed after landing sometimes an additional next waypoint was displayed.
  • Flight Plan: Fixed sometimes change was detected on flight plan synchronisation although there was no change resulting in unnecessary updates.
  • Conditions: Fixed possible exception while parsing data from flight simulator.
  • Aircraft: Fixed autopilot vertical speed did not accept negative values.
  • Network: Added "{ground_speed}" as possible placeholder for status page template.
  • Network: Improved remaining distance output for status page now considers flight plan waypoints if available.
  • Network: Improved default status page template.
  • Network: Fixed "{ete}" placeholder was not cleared if no data was available to set it.
  • Network: Fixed touch input helper now disabled for status page template.
  • Settings: Added Wilco Airbus third party options.

Version 1.1.20, released on July 14, 2016

  • General: Fixed accuracy when converting between nautical miles and kilometers.
  • Position: Improved "Show Airport on Map" functionality now automatically zooming in to have airport layout easily visible.
  • Position: Fixed south latitudes and west longitudes were not parsed correctly from the custom location section.
  • Map: Added airport pop-up menu entry to show individual SID and STAR procedures.
  • Map: Added option to change the exact location of a new point of interest (POI) upon creation manually.
  • Map: Added option to zoom to a selection by keeping the CTRL key pressed.
  • Map: Improved country border rendering now with much more detailed country borders.
  • Map: Improved flight plan path display by now showing flight plan waypoints and airways also if they are not globally enabled.
  • Map: Changed show mouse cursor position setting now enabled by default.
  • Map: Fixed flight plan path started or ended sometimes at wrong location.
  • Map: Fixed latitude and longitude input now allows more digits and negative values in reposition aircraft dialog and improved layout.
  • Flight Plan: Fixed sometimes wrong next waypoint displayed while flight simulator was paused.
  • Flight Plan: Fixed units did not change according to units defined in settings if flight simulator was not connected.
  • Flight Plan: Fixed saved flight plan list now sorted.
  • Statistics: Fixed units did not change according to units defined in settings.
  • Network: Added "{ete}" as possible placeholder for status page template.
  • Network: Fixed "{eta}" placeholder now exporting correct estimated time of arrival value.
  • Network: Fixed displayed units were not correct for heading placeholders on status page.
  • Settings: Added map color options for SID/STAR display.
  • Settings: Fixed window scaling issue of aircraft map settings section.
  • Settings: Fixed some field input validations.
  • Settings: Fixed changing map waypoint highlight color did not work.
  • Settings: Fixed possible exception while loading settings module on program start.
  • Settings: Fixed units now changed according to units defined without program restart.
  • Settings: Fixed aircraft profile change was not always applied directly after current aircraft to profile assignment was changed.
  • Settings: Fixed the same aircraft can now only be assigned to one aircraft profile at the same time anymore.

Version 1.1.19, released on June 27, 2016

  • General: Improved program startup speed by delayed-loading map terrain data if possible.
  • General: Fixed possible exceptions if an airport has no runways, but only helipads.
  • General: Fixed expired test versions did not receive program updates.
  • General: More SimConnect logging.
  • Map: Fixed reposition aircraft altitude input field validations.
  • Map: Fixed AI aircraft logging reduced for better performance.
  • Flight Plan: Added support for legacy FS9 flight plan format while importing Prepar3D/FSX flight plans.
  • Conditions: Improved METAR data recognition.
  • Conditions: Fixed now only the first temperature layer is shown if "Show Only Official METAR" is checked.
  • Conditions: Fixed possible exception when changing custom weather wind shear options.
  • Failures: Added selected failure name to failure conditions dialog.
  • Failures: Fixed panel failures did not fail.
  • Failures: Fixed possible exception when a failure was failed from flight simulator side.
  • Network: Added "{altitude_indicated}", "{heading_true}" and "{heading_magnetic}" as possible placeholders for status page template.
  • Network: Fixed status page could not always be received by a web browser although method "Output Directly as Web Server" was enabled.
  • Network: Fixed status page no longer generated if no data received from flight simulator yet.
  • Settings: Added options to automatically apply program and navigation data updates on application start.
  • Settings: Fixed network status page settings could not be changed before changing method back and forth.

Version 1.1.18, released on June 5, 2016

  • General: Added optional touch input helper for selection controls (list boxes and drop-down lists).
  • General: Improved iOS and Android app handling by automatically turning on touch input helper for text and selection on app connect and restore previous settings on disconnect.
  • General: Improved iOS and Android app handling by automatically restoring previous windows size, location and state on app disconnect.
  • General: Fixed possible exception when Android or iOS app gets disconnected again shortly after it was connected.
  • General: Fixed "Show Only Official METAR" checkbox no longer displayed on real-time weather information window.
  • General: Fixed help icon of pop-up windows did not work.
  • Position: Fixed ILS frequency unit was not displayed in runway information and minor layout improvement.
  • Map: Added display of taxiway holding points (start manual database rebuild to add).
  • Map: Improved taxiway and vehicle path rendering.
  • Map: Fixed flight level now displayed based on indicated altitude instead of MSL.
  • Map: Fixed reposition aircraft dialog manual path and section title.
  • Map: Fixed find object button did not turn green while find object dialog was shown.
  • Flight Plan: Improved manual flight planning and export pop-up layout slightly.
  • Conditions: Improved custom weather layout slightly.
  • Fuel/Load: Added center of gravity (CG) percentages.
  • Fuel/Load: Improved weight calculation layout slightly.
  • Aircraft: Added display of indicated altitude.
  • Aircraft: Fixed attitude section layout.
  • Network: Fixed status page for web display section did not scale with window.
  • Statistics: Added print options.
  • Statistics: Improved chart colors now fully configurable and slightly changed default ones.
  • Statistics: Fixed no legend was displayed for vertical speed and localizer deviation charts.
  • Statistics: Fixed revert maximized chart to normal state again did not work from Android and iOS app.
  • Settings: Added taxiway holding point map color and minimum zoom options.
  • Settings: Added statistics color and print options.
  • Settings: Improved failure source settings.

Version 1.1.17, released on May 27, 2016

  • General: Fixed database build sometimes stayed very long on a single BGL file.
  • General: Fixed database build sometimes included more scenery files than it should (start manual database rebuild to fix).
  • General: Fixed "touch" actions on some link labels did not work from Android and iOS app.
  • Flight Plan: Fixed possible exception while loading saved plan.
  • Failures: Added JeeHell failures support.
  • Failures: Added Project Magenta failures support.
  • Failures: Added information dialog about third party failure support on first access of Failures module.
  • Failures: Fixed possible exception when all tanks fuel leak was used with very low fuel loss amount.
  • Failures: Fixed panel failures were not always restored after they were disabled.
  • Failures: Fixed failure button back color was not always immediately updated if failure got active.
  • Settings: Added JeeHell and Project Magenta as failure usage options.
  • Settings: Fixed failure enable hint after changing third party settings appeared already when touch input helper was opened.

Version 1.1.16, released on May 20, 2016

  • General: Fixed tabulator step order of module buttons.
  • General: More background service logging.
  • Map: Fixed VOR, DME and marker type not always correctly imported (start manual database rebuild to fix).
  • Failures: Added option to choose included failures for random failures.
  • Failures: Added option to set conditions for random failures.
  • Failures: Added fuel leaks to ProSim failures.
  • Failures: Added help texts as tooltip on the failure buttons for normal failures.
  • Failures: Improved overall failures system making it consistent over all failure providers.
  • Failures: Changed random failure settings now saved in aircraft profile and no longer globally.
  • Failures: Fixed no random failures anymore if aircraft freeze active or simulator paused.
  • Failures: Fixed no fuel loss anymore if aircraft freeze active or simulator paused.
  • Failures: Fixed fuel leak failures did not always work correctly if more than one was active at the same time.
  • Failures: Fixed editing failure conditions for normal failures was not possible anymore.
  • Failures: Fixed triggered panel failures were not always displayed correctly.
  • Failures: Fixed "Next" button now disabled if no more failure pages are available.
  • Failures: Fixed fuel loss per minute value in failure conditions dialog no correctly displayed.
  • Aircraft: Fixed selection buttons layout to match application UI standard.
  • Aircraft: Fixed duplicate keyboard command was used in "Engines" section.
  • Aircraft: More TCAS alert logging.

Version 1.1.15, released on May 16, 2016

  • General: Improved tabulator step order.
  • General: Fixed "Freeze" button did not turn red if aircraft freeze was triggered from an external application.
  • Map: Changed now showing ground speed instead of indicated airspeed next to user aircraft.
  • Map: Fixed possible situation where AI aircrafts were not displayed.
  • Flight Plan: Improved import from waypoint text now also detecting airport ICAOs at the beginning and end of waypoint text.
  • Flight Plan: Fixed possible situation where wrong departure and arrival airport was shown when Aerosoft Airbus synchronization was active.
  • Pushback: Improved push button texts now including also US ATC commands.
  • Pushback: Fixed top heading wrongly positioned if window was scaled.
  • Pushback: Fixed distance input field validations.
  • Fuel/Load: Fixed some payload stations were not shown if aircraft had a lot of them.
  • Failures: Fixed typing error.
  • Aircraft: Added TCAS alert section.
  • Aircraft: Fixed autopilot vertical speed input field did not allow negative values.
  • Network: Fixed typing error.

Version 1.1.14, released on May 13, 2016

  • General: Improved Android and iOS app performance.
  • General: Improved database build speed and memory usage.
  • Map: Fixed possible exception when compass rose got scaled to big.
  • Conditions: Fixed METAR visibility display.
  • Conditions: Fixed flight simulator specific wind base and depth of current weather is no longer shown if "Show Only Official METAR" is enabled.
  • Aircraft: Added option to open and close aircraft doors.
  • Aircraft: Added option to enable GPS driving NAV 1 in autopilot control.
  • Aircraft: Improved layout.
  • Aircraft: Fixed atmospheric pressure display.
  • About: Fixed deactivate license button no longer displayed in demo mode.

Version 1.1.13, released on May 12, 2016

  • General: Improved memory usage while Android or iOS app is connected and map is used.
  • Map: Added display of taxiways to parking positions, vehicle paths and towers (start manual database rebuild to add).
  • Map: Improved visibility of parking position names.
  • Map: Changed default taxiway name color from white to yellow.
  • Map: Changed default minimum zoom level for taxiway names increased by one.
  • Map: Fixed taxiway names not always displayed correctly (start manual database rebuild to fix).
  • Map: Fixed pop-up menu was displayed even if no menu items could be shown.
  • Map: More background image render logging.
  • Conditions: More METAR decode logging.
  • Network: Fixed more than one IP in network client program were not correctly displayed.
  • Settings: Fixed mobile devices client timeout input field validation.

Version 1.1.12, released on May 8, 2016

  • General: Improved Android and iOS app performance (Android and iOS app version 1.0.0 or newer required).
  • General: Improved text input dialogs now closing on enter/return key press.
  • Position: Changed flight situation preset files now saved in flight simulator documents directory.
  • Position: Fixed flight situation preset loading sometimes failed if connected to flight simulator remotely (not working flight situation presets need to be recreated).
  • Map: Added optional cursor position and frames per second display.
  • Map: Fixed maximum auto zoom settings not always correctly considered.
  • Flight Plan: Fixed not always correct waypoint was shown as next waypoint when Aerosoft Airbus synchronization was active.
  • Flight Plan: Fixed possible situation where different runway or airway was used than selected.
  • Failures: Added option to use random failures.
  • Failures: Added option to clear all triggered and armed failures at once.
  • Failures: Fixed failure buttons not always correctly marked orange/red for default flight simulator failure.
  • Failures: Fixed ProSim domain button texts were displayed too small.
  • Failures: Fixed failure condition dialog was displayed slightly too tall.
  • Network: Improved terminate and focus program action search for program selection.
  • Settings: Added option to configure map scale, cursor position and frames per second display in map settings.
  • Settings: Changed "Map Scale" to "Map Info" color and text settings now controlling also cursor position and frames per second text display.

Version 1.1.11, released on May 5, 2016

  • General: Fixed window close "X" did not work while due to update required navigation data reload was running.
  • Position: Added option to show current real-time weather information of selected airport.
  • Map: Added pop-up menu option to show current real-time weather information of airports and weather stations.
  • Map: Added tooltip on VATSIM, IVAO and PilotEdge buttons displaying last update time.
  • Map: Improved pop-up menu now automatically closed if clicked somewhere else and therefore "Close Without Selection" removed.
  • Map: Improved find objects dialog now allow searching for empty string (e. g. to list all user POIs).
  • Map: Improved find objects dialog now closed automatically after "Show on Map" is clicked.
  • Map: Fixed search input field now directly has focus in find object dialog.
  • Map: Fixed airport was not correctly centered on map after "Show on Map" was clicked in find objects dialog.
  • Map: Fixed user created points of interest (POIs) where not found with find objects dialog.
  • Map: Fixed possible situation where the previous results were not cleared in find objects dialog.
  • Map: Fixed find objects dialog now displays only first 1,000 results if more are found to prevent performance problems.
  • Flight Plan: Fixed possible situation where useless additional waypoints were added while automatic flight plan synchronization.
  • Flight Plan: Fixed typing error.
  • Conditions: Improved current weather display title making it clear now that weather display here is provided by flight simulator.
  • Conditions: Removed real-time weather source options (now in settings).
  • Conditions: Fixed current weather display change (by checkbox selection) now immediately effective.
  • Conditions: Fixed real-time weather no weather update below altitude above ground was limited to only two digits.
  • Conditions: Fixed surface wind and wind variation was not displayed if "Show Only Official METAR" was selected.
  • Conditions: Fixed display negative temperature in METAR now with "M" instead of "-".
  • Settings: Added info and link about iOS app to mobile devices settings.
  • Settings: Added option to configure Android and iOS app connection timeout in mobile devices settings.
  • Settings: Added real-time weather source options to conditions settings.
  • About: Fixed change log dialog could be scaled too small.
  • Database rebuild required if upgrading from version 1.1.4 or older.

Version 1.1.10, released on May 2, 2016

  • General: Added option to only freeze the aircraft position.
  • General: Added warning message after database build if airport count is unusual small.
  • General: Fixed outdated and not compatible SimConnect client DLL now skipped.
  • Map: Fixed pitch and bank angles were not always pre-filled in reposition dialog.
  • Map: Fixed parking position letter was not displayed.
  • Map: Fixed reposition aircraft did not respect the "Force Scenery Reload on Position Change" setting.
  • Flight Plan: Added option to place an aircraft directly on a flight plan waypoint.
  • Flight Plan: Improved actions for current plan button layout.
  • Flight Plan: Improved airport runway and flight plan airway selection now sorted alphabetically.
  • Flight Plan: Fixed possible exception when calculating an airway route.
  • Conditions: Fixed decoded current weather visibility was not displayed correctly.
  • Conditions: Fixed ILS visibility was not always correctly set.
  • Fuel/Load: Fixed manually entered new fuel value not always correctly parsed.
  • Failures: Fixed entered fuel loss per minute not always correctly parsed.
  • Aircraft: Improved atmospheric pressure display.
  • Settings: Added option to freeze aircraft after position change.
  • Settings: Fixed distance instead of visibility unit was used for conditions ILS runway visibility.

Version 1.1.9, released on April 27, 2016

  • General: Improved setup now always installing a compatible SimConnect client.
  • General: Fixed possible situation while database build where ILS frequencies got imported from an airport BGL file with lower scenery priority (start manual database rebuild to fix).
  • Position: Fixed saving a flight situation preset did not work with specific SimConnect versions.
  • Map: Added option to find a specific object by ident name.
  • Map: Renamed button "VOR" to "VOR/DME".
  • Flight Plan: Added option to select a waypoint manually.
  • Flight Plan: Improved import waypoint text input validation and added result message.
  • Flight Plan: Changed button "Remove All Waypoints" to "Clear Plan" now also removing departure and arrival airports.
  • Flight Plan: Fixed possible exception when deleting the last waypoint in the flight plan.
  • Flight Plan: Fixed total display was not cleared after all waypoints were removed.
  • Fuel/Load: Removed additional US gallons display in weight calculation as display unit can be changed in settings anyway.
  • Fuel/Load: Fixed US gallons to pounds/kilograms conversion.
  • Failures: Added colored borders around domain buttons to easily recognize domains with armed or triggered failures.
  • Failures: Improved ProSim failures update performance.
  • Statistics: Fixed recording control layout.
  • Statistics: Fixed remaining fuel was not always correct in CSV and Google Earth export.

Version 1.1.8, released on April 24, 2016

  • Map: Added option to additionally change pitch and bank angle of aircraft upon reposition.
  • Map: Added display of tail ID on AI aircraft texts.
  • Failures: Added ProSim help texts as tooltip on the failure buttons.
  • Failures: Improved display of ProSim failures on scaled program screen sizes, now paging only used if really needed.
  • Failures: Fixed possible exception when changing between ProSim failure domains.
  • Failures: Fixed aircraft support note no longer display if ProSim failures are used.
  • Failures: Fixed selected ProSim failure domain button was not displayed in green.
  • Failures: Fixed failure condition inputs were not always parsed correctly if units were changed.
  • Aircraft: Fixed typing errors.
  • Fuel/Load: Fixed weight was displayed wrong if kilograms were selected as weight unit.
  • Settings: Improved ProSim third party option input.

Version 1.1.7, released on April 23, 2016

  • General: Improved airport runway data import now trying to filter out useless generated runways by some add-on sceneries (start manual database rebuild to fix).
  • General: Fixed possible bypass of text field input validation that might lead to exceptions due to not validated field inputs.
  • Map: Fixed aircraft trace lost if map view was not displayed for some time.
  • Flight Plan: Added ProSim FMS synchronization support.
  • Flight Plan: Added option to change the runway of departure and arrival airport by clicking on the displayed runway on top of the flight plan table.
  • Flight Plan: Fixed departure and arrival airport were not shown with active flight plan synchronization if no runways was specified.
  • Flight Plan: Fixed departure and arrival airport must not be changed manually when flight plan synchronization is active.
  • Conditions: Fixed weather preset button texts were displayed to big.
  • Pushback: Fixed not always immediately detected that aircraft is on ground again.
  • Failures: Added ProSim failures support.
  • About: Fixed copyright year was not everywhere correctly displayed.
  • About: Fixed show change log link wrongly positioned if window was scaled.
  • Settings: Added ProSim third party options.
  • Settings: Changed not aircraft related "Flight Plan" tab to "Third Party".

Version 1.1.6, released on April 20, 2016

  • General: Improved window scaling calculation and logging upon Android app connect.
  • Map: Fixed runway and ILS idents no longer displayed upside down in some cases.
  • Flight Plan: Fixed possible exception while route calculation.
  • Flight Plan: Fixed possible exception while loading saved plan.
  • Flight Plan: Fixed not all airways were correctly restored when loading a saved plan.
  • Flight Plan: Fixed rare situation where a wrong flight plan point might have been loaded from a saved plan.
  • Pushback: Added current aircraft heading display before pushback.
  • About: Added option to display change log.
  • About: Improved layout.

Version 1.1.5, released on April 19, 2016

  • General: Improved website redirects by allowing user to open URLs manually if automatic default browser start not possible.
  • General: Removed manual Navigraph FMS data installation option as FS-FlightControl now officially supported by Navigraph.
  • General: Fixed possible situation where some sceneries were ignored due to case sensitive parsing (start manual database rebuild to fix).
  • General: Fixed not all SIDs and STARs were imported from navigation data (navigation data reload required after update).
  • General: Fixed rare cases where license key was not accepted.
  • General: More navigation data import logging.
  • Position: Added option to place aircraft also on approach transition and final approach waypoints.
  • Flight Plan: Fixed possible exception when plan is filled before a start airport was selected.
  • Flight Plan: Fixed possible situation where an existent flight plan point was automatically removed again.
  • Conditions: Added prompt if real-time weather should be disabled when using a custom weather, ILS condition, weather theme or preset while real-time weather is enabled.
  • Settings: Added option to keep FS-FlightControl windows always on top.
  • Settings: Fixed more than one IP in mobile devices settings were not correctly displayed.
  • Settings: Fixed typing errors.

Version 1.1.4, released on April 14, 2016

  • General: Fixed program was displayed distorted in some rare cases on Android app.
  • General: Fixed SimConnect network wizard hint now only shown until there was the first successful simulator connection.
  • General: More debug logging for mobile device related memory issues.
  • Position: Fixed custom location latitude and longitude direction was not pre-selected based of current airport.
  • Position: Fixed custom location latitude and longitude was parsed with low accurancy.
  • Map: Added option to change heading, speed and altitude when repositioning the aircraft.
  • Map: Added option to directly reposition aircraft to waypoint, VOR, NDB, marker or POI in pop-up menu.
  • Map: Added display of ILS frequency next to ILS ident.
  • Map: Added center line to runway and taxi path display.
  • Map: Improved taxi path rendering.
  • Map: Improved VATSIM/IVAO/PilotEdge aircraft visibility by showing aircrafts now on top of ATC zones.
  • Map: Changed default color for taxi path and aprons now a bit darker for all map backgrounds.
  • Map: Removed display of ILS senders to not confuse due to their position after the runway end.
  • Map: Fixed ILS ident was displayed on wrong side.
  • Flight Plan: Added display of heading and distance to first waypoint after start from runway takeoff point.
  • Flight Plan: Changed airway, heading and distance now displayed in the row of the target point.
  • Flight Plan: Fixed export of Aerosoft company route did not work if Aerosoft flight plan path did not exist yet.
  • Flight Plan: Fixed same waypoint appeared twice in the list in rare cases when SID/STAR procedures were used.
  • Flight Plan: Fixed useless generated airway routes no longer considered.
  • View/Slew: Fixed slew action in an opposite direction now immediately effective.
  • Settings: Improved host name validation for network status page FTP upload server host.

Version 1.1.3, released on April 9, 2016

  • General: Fixed VOR navigation and DME status was not always correctly imported from flight simulator (start manual database rebuild to fix).
  • General: Fixed duplicate VORs, NDBs and markers are no longer imported from flight simulator (start manual database rebuild to fix).
  • Positions: Fixed selecting airport from country/city list did not always work with Android app.
  • Map: Added custom display images for VOR and NDB display.
  • Map: Added VOR type to map information pop-up.
  • Map: Improved map display on detached map window now allowing scaling it much smaller with automatically removed buttons if too small.
  • Map: Changed default structure color of VOR, NDB, marker and weather stations for normal map background.
  • Map: Fixed black area on the bottom now removed in detached map window.
  • Map: Fixed VATSIM/IVAO/PilotEdge airport and FIR/UIR minimum zoom settings were not respected.
  • Map: Fixed ILS or DME only senders are no longer displayed as VORs in map information pop-up.
  • Flight Plan: Added display of magnetic heading directing to next flight plan point.
  • Flight Plan: Fixed possible exception in case of parallel flight plan updates.
  • Conditions: Fixed custom weather wind variation angle was limited to only 2 digits.
  • Pushback: Improved pushback button texts.
  • Pushback: Fixed aircraft related pushback settings were not loaded upon aircraft change.
  • Pushback: Fixed turn angle was not considered in displayed heading after push.
  • Statistics: Fixed approach statistics hint text was not displayed on Android app.
  • Statistics: Fixed flight path was displayed too high in Google Earth export.
  • Settings: Added option to configure minimum map window width before the action buttons get hidden.
  • Settings: Improved aircraft profile handling by now automatically loading current aircraft profile also in settings module.
  • Settings: Fixed not all settings could be accessed from Android app.
  • Settings: Fixed map and position general settings layout.

Version 1.1.2, released on April 4, 2016

  • General: Added start menu link to online manual with setup.
  • General: Added option in setup to automatically set Windows Firewall exemption for FS-FlightControl.
  • Position: Fixed loading saved flight situation preset did not work with Prepar3D.
  • Settings: Added option to change atmospheric pressure display units.
  • About: Added info about required fields and checks accordingly.

Version 1.1.1, released on April 2, 2016

  • General: Fixed possible exception while Android app data processing.
  • Position: Fixed possible exception when old runway button in clicked while another airport is being loaded already.
  • Conditions: Fixed possible exception when weather data was changed while new weather was received.
  • Conditions: Fixed day and time in flight simulator METAR data was not always correctly detected.
  • Flight Plan: Fixed possible situation where arrival airport runway is not correctly imported by Aerosoft Airbus MCDU synchronization.
  • Flight Plan: Fixed possible situation where an Aerosoft Airbus company route was not fully imported.
  • Flight Plan: Fixed possible exception when moving flight plan point up or down while background plan change.
  • Flight Plan: Fixed possible exception when arrival airport selection was canceled.
  • Aircraft: Fixed engine lever input field validation.
  • Statistics: Fixed possible exception while aircraft data processing.
  • Settings: Fixed map settings layout where switch altitude to FL was displayed above compass rose setting.
  • Settings: Fixed possible exception while detecting local IP address if computer has no network connection.
  • Settings: Fixed possible exception while loading installed printers.
  • Settings: Fixed possible exception while initializing module.

Version 1.1.0, released on March 31, 2016

  • General: Added option to disable Touch Input Helper directly on first appearance.
  • General: Added option to disconnect from flight simulator by clicking on the "Connected" text in the title area.
  • General: Improved SimConnect re-connection speed and logging.
  • General: Improved SimConnect network wizard remote folder access dialog with additional hints.
  • General: Improved Android app update latency.
  • General: Fixed open port in Windows Firewall done confirmation was not immediately displayed in SimConnect network wizard.
  • Position: Fixed saved flight situation preset could not be loaded again.
  • Position: Fixed possible exception when airport is loaded directly from map view.
  • Map: Added option to display PilotEdge user and drone aircrafts as well as operating area data.
  • Map: Added FIR/UIR and airport control information for VATSIM and IVAO display layers.
  • Map: Added ATC user and ATIS information for VATSIM and IVAO in map information pop-up.
  • Map: Added VATSIM, IVAO, PilotEdge and AI aircraft path to departure and arrival airport display on mouse hover.
  • Map: Added AI aircraft departure and arrival airport to map information pop-up.
  • Map: Improved usability by now restoring last map position and zoom level on program start and detached map views.
  • Map: Changed user aircraft altitude now displayed as MSL instead of AGL.
  • Map: Fixed slow UI reaction when VATSIM or IVAO was enabled, but no internet connection.
  • Map: Fixed sometimes too much space between information sections in map information pop-up.
  • Map: Fixed VATSIM and IVAO aircraft positions were not always updated automatically if not connected to flight simulator.
  • Map: Fixed help icon was not working for map information and flight plan mode pop-ups.
  • Flight Plan: Fixed possible exception while importing waypoint text.
  • Conditions: Fixed display of custom weather cloud layer top altitude.
  • Aircraft: Fixed some autopilot field input validations.
  • Network: Improved status web page by now using departure and arrival airport from Flight Plan module.
  • Network: Improved default status web page HTML template (added page title, change Google map type and fixed encoding).
  • Network: Fixed placeholder "{airport_departure}" was not always replaced on status web page.
  • Network: Fixed encoding and added page title to HTML default template of status web page.
  • Network: Fixed possible exception while communicating with network computer.
  • Settings: Added option to configure altitude when it should switch from ft/m to FL display on map view (defaults to 5,000 ft now).
  • Settings: Added option to change Android app update rate.
  • Settings: Fixed maximum map tooltip zoom was not saved per map type.
  • About: Improved sending message with logfiles by now also including the settings file for easier issue analysis.

Version 1.0.9, released on March 23, 2016

  • Map: Added option to display VATSIM user aircrafts.
  • Map: Added option to display IVAO user aircrafts.
  • Map: Changed ground speed instead of true airspeed is now displayed for AI aircrafts.
  • Map: Changed altitude for user and AI aircrafts now displayed in ft/m instead of flight level below 10,000 ft.
  • Map: Fixed possible situation where AI aircrafts were not shown after an aircraft profile change.
  • Flight Plan: Fixed departure and arrival airport was not always imported while Aerosoft Airbus MCDU synchronization.
  • Settings: Fixed possible exception when creating new aircraft profile.

Version 1.0.8, released on March 22, 2016

  • General: Fixed "touch" actions on some check boxes did not work from Android app.
  • Position: Fixed possible exception when using airworks or custom location with "Heli" selection.
  • Position: Fixed possible exception when selecting airport or parking position from Android app.
  • Map: Changed default font size for aircraft and small parking texts increased by one.
  • Map: Fixed user and AI aircraft text not correctly displayed if font size was increased.

Version 1.0.7, released on March 20, 2016

  • General: Improved temporary files handling.
  • General: Fixed possible situation where no re-connect to simulator was possible after connection was lost.
  • General: Fixed possible situation where program did not close all threads cleanly on program shutdown.
  • General: More debug logging for database build.
  • Position: Changed flight situation presets now using "real" Prepar3D/FSX saved flights and stored with aircraft profile (if enabled). NOTE: Previous flight situation presets will be removed with this update.
  • Position: Fixed flight situation preset buttons stayed green after selection.
  • Map: Changed shown airway type (high or low) no longer used for airway calculation, but instead the selected airway type of Flight Plan module.
  • Flight Plan: Added export option to directly load a flight plan in Prepar3D/FSX without saving it as file first.
  • Flight Plan: Fixed bearing and distance to last flight plan point was not shown after flight plan was loaded.
  • Flight Plan: Fixed possible exception when adding custom waypoint.
  • Flight Plan: Fixed saving a flight plan without title no longer possible.
  • Conditions: Fixed weather preset buttons stayed green after selection.
  • Settings: Fixed not all profile settings where reset on reset aircraft profile to default.
  • Settings: Fixed a typing error.

Version 1.0.6, released on March 17, 2016

  • General: Added warning message on program start when font scaling is enabled on Windows 7 systems.
  • General: Added warning message on first database build if only FSX demo version is found.
  • General: Added dialog asking to reset main window location if saved window location is outside of the current computer screens.
  • General: Improved SimConnect re-connection speed.
  • General: Improved FSX folder recognition.
  • General: Improved error reporting.
  • Flight Plan: Fixed bearing and distance to last flight plan point was not shown after flight plan was imported from Prepar3D/FSX.
  • Flight Plan: Fixed possible exception when loading a saved flight plan.
  • Flight Plan: Fixed current flight plan section now scales vertically with window size.
  • Flight Plan: Fixed tooltip on flight plan table now only shown when in manual flight planning mode.
  • Settings: Fixed manually selected SimConnect.dll now immediately used.

Version 1.0.5, released on March 14, 2016

  • General: Fixed "touch" actions on some labels did not work from Android app.
  • Position: Fixed flickering when Android app is connected.
  • Position: Fixed possible exception when airport is selected by country and city from Android app.
  • Pushback: Fixed flickering when Android app is connected.
  • Failures: Fixed flickering when Android app is connected.

Version 1.0.4, released on March 13, 2016

  • General: Added temporary support for manual Navigraph FMS Data installation (till Navigraph supports FS-FlightControl in their update tool): Contact for instructions if needed.
  • General: Improved program start error handling and logging.
  • Fuel/Load: Fixed payload weight unit was not correctly displayed.

Version 1.0.3, released on March 11, 2016

  • General: Improved handling of settings loading failures on program start.
  • Map: Fixed flight plan path now drawn to the center of the airport if no runway is selected.
  • Map: Fixed detached map window was not correctly displayed.
  • Map: Fixed map information pop-up was not always displayed.
  • Flight Plan: Added option to center map on certain flight plan point in context pop-up menu.
  • Flight Plan: Added information about total remaining distance.
  • Flight Plan: Added option to directly load an exported flight plan in Prepar3D/FSX.
  • Flight Plan: Improved select airway dialog now including more info about the selectable airways.
  • Flight Plan: Fixed possible exception when inserting custom waypoint within a SID/STAR procedure.
  • Flight Plan: Fixed alignment of controls when window is scaled.
  • Flight Plan: Fixed right click on plan points table now also selects a row to not cause problems with pop-up menu actions.
  • Statistics: Improved approach statistics usage hint message.

Version 1.0.2, released on March 7, 2016

  • General: Improved maximum activation count dialog.
  • Map: Changed ILS display range now less long.
  • Map: Changed default minimum zoom for ILS text display increased by 1.
  • Map: Fixed flight plan path and airways now drawn as great circle paths instead of straight lines.
  • Map: Fixed no horizontal or vertical straight line anymore when a flight plan path or airway crosses the map border.
  • Map: Fixed scrolling outside map borders not possible anymore.
  • Flight Plan: Added automatic airway route calculation between departure and arrival airport.
  • Flight Plan: Added option to define which type of airways should be used for flight planning.
  • Flight Plan: Added option to define if SIDs and STARs should be used for flight planning.
  • Flight Plan: Fixed possible situation where manual flight planning controls were not accessible immediately after program start.
  • Flight Plan: Removed needless displayed data in flight plan details before first plan was selected.
  • Conditions: Fixed weather theme buttons stayed green after selection.
  • Statistics: Added localizer deviation degrees additionally to dots to flight data recording for CSV export.
  • Statistics: Fixed localizer deviation was inaccurate near to the runway landing point.
  • Statistics: Fixed approach chart was not always correctly reset after new approach started.
  • Network: Improved module usage hint message.
  • Settings: Fixed exception on settings display processing if custom network waiting screen background image was empty.

Version 1.0.1, released on March 2, 2016

  • General: Improved help link redirect speed.
  • Position: Fixed "Gate or Parking" selection was not correctly displayed in Android app.
  • Conditions: Improved METAR data recognition.
  • Pushback: Fixed location info not fully displayed in Android app.
  • Flight Plan: Fixed possible exception when title is changed after a flight plan was deleted.
  • Flight Plan: Fixed last selected flight plan mode was not restored on next program start in all cases.
  • Flight Plan: Fixed tabulator step order.
  • Fuel/Load: Fixed aircraft support info text wrongly placed when windows was scaled.
  • Failures: Fixed disabling not yet failed, but armed failure was not possible.
  • Failures: Fixed failure conditions dialog was not displayed correctly in Android app.
  • Statistics: Fixed possible situation where approach statistics were not shown.

Version 1.0.0, released on February 29, 2016

  • Initial public release.
  • General: Changed visibility unit now defaults to meters instead of statute miles.
  • General: Fixed text could not be changed with touch input helper if underlying text box input validation failed.
  • General: Minor text improvements.
  • Map: Improved flight plan rendering now line shown up to start and end airport to exact runway if defined.
  • Conditions: Fixed visibility unit was still wrongly displayed as "NM".
  • Flight Plan: Added tooltip as info about right-click actions in flight plan table.
  • Flight Plan: Improved Prepar3D/FSX import and export now detects correct folder automatically and remembers last selection.
  • Flight Plan: Fixed exception on airway selection dialog.
  • Flight Plan: Fixed exported Prepar3D/FSX flight plan was not recognized by Prepar3D 3.x
  • Network: Fixed possible exception after new computer was added.
  • Network: Fixed license information display.
  • Settings: Added context help links.
  • Settings: Added meters as possible visibility unit.
  • Settings: Improved SimConnect library selection layout.
  • Settings: Fixed layout map "Color and Text Settings" section was too small.

Version 0.9.43, released on February 27, 2016

  • General: Added Windows Firewall handling to SimConnect network wizard.
  • General: Improved handling of exceptions while loading and saving settings.
  • General: Changed visibility unit now defaults to statute miles instead of nautical miles.
  • General: Fixed touch input helper now adds and removes characters at the current cursor position.
  • Position: Improved pre-selection by now also loading current runway of airport when end airport of flight plan was changed.
  • Position: Changed "Situation Preset" section name to "Flight Situation Preset" to make intended usage more clear.
  • Map: Improved weather info display.
  • Conditions: Fixed simulator time could not always be fully displayed.
  • Fuel/Load: Added info about third party aircraft support.
  • Failures: Added info about third party aircraft support.
  • Aircraft: Added info about third party aircraft support.
  • Aircraft: Changed barometric pressure and local QNH no longer displayed with decimal value.
  • Statistics: Added option to select airport and runway for approach without changing aircraft location in Position module.
  • Network: Added "Waiting for Action" status to distinguish between an action really running or waiting for it to start.
  • Network: Added option to send all actions to computer again.
  • Network: Improved client exception handling.
  • Network: Improved input validations now also detecting invalid characters in start action executable paths.
  • Network: Fixed client build was not canceled after warning dialog due to missing parameters was shown.
  • Network: Fixed client now uses correct working directory for start action.
  • Network: Fixed automatic client update.
  • Settings: Added option to change visibility display units.
  • About: Added option to include log files with message.
  • About: Updated copyright notes of third party software.

Version 0.9.42, released on February 25, 2016

  • General: Added context help links to several dialogs.
  • General: Improved recognition of installed SimConnect client versions.
  • General: Improved handling of issues while saving settings by creating a settings backup copy first.
  • General: Improved some dialog texts.
  • General: Fixed empty text input were possible with touch input helper also for input fields were that should not be possible which could lead to an exception.
  • Map: Improved handling of invalid downloaded background map images.
  • Map: Fixed dialog for creating new point of interest (POI) was not shown.
  • Map: Fixed if runway had ILS only on one end it was displayed on the wrong one.
  • Conditions: Improved METAR data recognition.
  • Conditions: Changed no real-time weather update below certain altitude now disabled by default.
  • Conditions: Fixed not all real-time weather data was sent to flight simulator correctly.
  • Conditions: Fixed even cockpit instruments were in fog with ILS CAT IIIc default settings.
  • Conditions: Fixed flight simulator specific visibility base and depth of current weather is no longer shown if "Show Only Official METAR" is enabled.
  • Network: Added warning dialog on client build if custom start waiting screen is enabled, but not all parameters are defined.
  • Network: Fixed computer status shown "Running Action" although computer was not enabled.
  • Network: Fixed client waiting screen not always displayed correctly on all screens.
  • Settings: Added Google Play store link to Android client app.
  • Settings: Fixed possible exception when unassigning aircrafts from aircraft profile.
  • Settings: Fixed possible exception when customizing start waiting screen of network client.
  • Settings: Fixed a typing error.

Version 0.9.41, released on February 23, 2016

  • General: Added some more input buttons to touch input helper.
  • General: Improved some UI texts in the SimConnect network wizard.
  • General: Improved handling of invalid scenery files on database build.
  • General: Improved splash screen background image quality.
  • General: Fixed SimConnect network wizard did not start with next step on FS-FlightControl computer if network share creation was skipped in first step.
  • General: Fixed "-" not allowed in touch input helper on input fields where it should have been allowed.
  • General: Fixed also uninstall setup uses new code signing certificate now issued to "".
  • Map: Fixed satellite, street and height background were not printed.
  • Map: Fixed satellite, street and height background were not displayed correctly anymore after print.
  • Map: Fixed possible rendering error while printing.
  • Flight Plan: Fixed airways were not always correctly imported from Prepar3D/FSX flight plan.
  • Conditions: Fixed exception when trying to set pressure in custom weather before first weather data was received from flight simulator.
  • Pushback: Fixed typing errors.
  • Network: Improved explanation text and added link to online manual.
  • Network: Fixed network client could not load payload data.
  • Settings: Improved SimConnect settings by changing some texts and automatically reconnecting to flight simulator after SimConnect.cfg deletion or manual SimConnect.dll selection.
  • Settings: Fixed custom texts for network client waiting screen where restricted to 5 characters without reason.

Version 0.9.40, released on February 21, 2016

  • General: Added product branding to setup.
  • General: Added context help link to database build dialog.
  • General: Improved program started speed as well as database load and save.
  • General: Improved handling of corrupted navigation data files.
  • General: Improved last module shown, window state, position and size of all program windows now restored on next program start.
  • General: Improved all executable files use a new code signing certificate now issued to "".
  • General: Improved some texts of SimConnect network wizard.
  • General: Improved help button of SimConnect network wizard now being more context related.
  • General: Changed context help icons now shown by default.
  • General: Fixed no wizard cancel warning displayed anymore on the change computer step of the SimConnect network wizard.
  • General: Fixed connection status was not updated in detached windows when connecting was disabled.
  • General: Fixed global input field validation for integer numbers greater than 999.
  • General: Fixed possible situation where simulator connection thread did not exit on program close.
  • Map: Added print option for current map view.
  • Map: Added context help icons to flight plan and map information pop-up.
  • Map: Fixed aircraft trace data now always reset when aircraft position was changed.
  • Conditions: Fixed custom weather visibility maximum altitude input field validation.
  • Aircraft: Added context help links.
  • Aircraft: Fixed barometric pressure and local QNH display.
  • Network: Added code signing certificate to network client and client updater.
  • Network: Fixed network client updater now correctly targets .NET 4.0 instead of 4.5.
  • Settings: Added options for new map type "Normal for Print" on map settings.
  • Settings: Added print options on map settings.
  • Settings: Fixed SimConnect config tool link now directing to our own SimConnect network wizard.
  • NOTE: Database rebuild required after this update.

Version 0.9.39, released on February 16, 2016

  • General: Added SimConnect network wizard to make flight simulator network configuration as easy as possible.
  • General: Added SimConnect client libraries now automatically installed by setup if needed.
  • General: Improved database build over network now automatically detecting network path if SimConnect network wizard was used.
  • General: Fixed program was closed instead of started in demo mode after test license expired.
  • General: Fixed database synchronization failed dialog title.
  • Statistics: Added context help links.
  • Statistics: Moved button "Import Data from CSV" before button "Export Data to CSV".
  • Settings: Improved SimConnect settings by adding success message dialog and automatically reconnecting to flight simulator after settings change.

Version 0.9.38, released on February 14, 2016

  • General: Added option to open FS-FlightControl data directory in Windows Explorer.
  • General: Improved Android app touch response by reducing touch latency.
  • General: Improved Android app connection stability and disconnect recognition.
  • General: Fixed possible situation resulting in program process does not exit.
  • Map: Improved confirmation dialog text before repositioning an aircraft in reposition mode.
  • Statistics: Added options to import previously exported CSV data again.
  • Statistics: Added options to playback recorded or imported flight data.
  • Statistics: Fixed CSV export used invalid CSV column header texts.
  • Statistics: Fixed CSV export now uses ISO date time and US number format no matter what the local culture date time format is.
  • Statistics: Fixed not all graphs were cleared upon recording restart.
  • NOTE: Please also update Android app to version 0.9.3.

Version 0.9.37, released on February 10, 2016

  • General: Fixed rare case where setup complained about applications that cannot be closed while automatic update.
  • General: Fixed possible navigation data import error that prevented all data from being imported successfully.
  • General: Fixed exception when touch input helper is used in a dialog before main program window was loaded.
  • Network: Fixed useless error dialog no longer shown when user canceled network client build.

Version 0.9.36, released on February 9, 2016

  • General: Improved airport and runway selection dialogs now allowing escape key to cancel.
  • General: Improved usability from the Android app by automatically enable touch input helper if Android app connects.
  • General: Fixed text input, aircraft profile, airport and runway selection dialogs now working with Android app.
  • General: Fixed some pop-up dialogs were not movable anymore and close icon did not work.
  • General: Fixed help icon mouse hover effect was missing on pop-ups.
  • Position: Fixed saving of situation presets could not be canceled.
  • Map: Added confirmation dialog before repositioning an aircraft in reposition mode.
  • Map: Fixed creation of POIs could not be canceled.
  • Flight Plan: Fixed a possible situation when importing a FSX/Prepar3d flight plan which led to import cancelation.
  • Flight Plan: Fixed wrong title of runway selection dialog.

Version 0.9.35, released on February 7, 2016

  • General: Improved popup menu display to better fit the program style, be more touch enabled and supports Android app now.
  • General: Improved error handling on modules load and program closing.
  • General: Fixed problem connecting from Android app.
  • General: More debug logging for mobile client service (Android app).
  • Map: Fixed map information and flight plan mode pop-ups now working with Android app.
  • Flight Plan: Added context help links.
  • Flight Plan: Improved layout.
  • Flight Plan: Improved import and export dialogs now allowing escape key to close.
  • Flight Plan: Improved waypoint import by automatically turning input text to upper case.
  • Flight Plan: Fixed a possible situation of an invalid flight plan which led to an exception on next program start.
  • Conditions: Fixed layout current weather section was too small.
  • View/Slew: Improved layout slightly.
  • Network: Added context help links.

Version 0.9.34, released on February 6, 2016

  • General: Added experimental support for Android app.
  • General: Improved update setup now waits up to 10 seconds till the program is closed if it is executed as update.
  • General: Fixed touch input helper available buttons were not correctly set with pre-filled data and restricted input (e. g. ICAO code).
  • Position: More debug logging.
  • Position: Removed selection type button scaling on window scaling.
  • Flight Plan: Added button to remove all waypoints.
  • Flight Plan: Added changed departure airport now automatically loaded on Position module.
  • Flight Plan: Fixed layout manual flight planning section was too small.
  • Conditions: Added context help links.
  • Conditions: Renamed button "Load Theme" to "Weather Themes".
  • Conditions: Fixed program stopped working when simulation rate buttons were clicked although flight simulator was not connected.
  • Pushback: Improved layout slightly.
  • Fuel/Load: Added context help links.
  • Fuel/Load: Improved layout slightly.
  • Fuel/Load: Improved scaling behavior by centering.
  • View/Slew: Added context help links.
  • Failures: Added context help links.
  • Failures: Removed button scaling on window scaling.
  • Network: Fixed layout computer actions section was too small.
  • Settings: Added options for mobile devices.

Version 0.9.33, released on February 3, 2016

  • General: Fixed context help link not always jumped to correct in-page manual location.
  • General: Fixed exception on first start of new program installation.
  • General: Fixed exception on database build when no FSX path exists in database yet.
  • Fuel/Load: Fixed layout sections width were too small.

Version 0.9.32, released on February 1, 2016

  • General: Added window help icons with direct link to online manual for module.
  • General: Added context help icons with direct link to online manual for current section content.
  • General: Improved click spot recognition by changing mouse cursor to hand for all non button click spots (like close icons).
  • General: Fixed dialogs close icon hover effect was not always cleared.
  • General: Fixed last used flight simulator and scenery path is shown in database build section.
  • General: Fixed navigation data update dialog not displayed completely.
  • General: Fixed detaching windows resulted in exception.
  • General: Fixed update setup no longer started before the very end of the program shutdown procedure to avoid application still running setup errors.
  • Map: Fixed overlays not displayed at correct position after program start before first zoom change.
  • Flight Plan: Fixed a possible situation of an invalid flight plan which led to an exception on next program start.
  • Conditions: Fixed input validation.
  • Pushback: Fixed invalid heading after pushback was displayed.
  • Statistics: Improved altitude chart display.
  • Settings: Added option to enable/disable the context help icons.
  • Settings: Improved layout slightly.

Version 0.9.31, released on January 30, 2016

  • General: Fixed now only sceneries are imported that are located in a "scenery" folder to imitate flight simulator behavior.
  • General: Fixed setup sometimes showed application still running error upon product update.
  • Map: Improved handling of map background image download failures.
  • Map: Fixed tooltips were only shown when flight simulator was connected.
  • Conditions: Improved layout slightly.
  • About: Fixed CsvHelper credits.

Version 0.9.30, released on January 29, 2016

  • General: Improved tooltip display to better fit the program style.
  • General: Improved database rebuild now trying to convert local scenery paths to UNC paths if database build is done over network.
  • General: Changed database file can now be copied from different PC also for initial build.
  • General: Fixed only valid BGL files are processed on database import.
  • Position: Added option to show current airport on map (without repositioning the aircraft).
  • Position: Fixed speed option was not correctly displayed and used after unit change.
  • Map: Added tooltip to show airport, VOR, NDB and weather station names.
  • Map: Added weather stations to map information pop-up.
  • Map: Changed now VOR and NDB ident instead of name shown on map.
  • Map: Changed now weather station ICAO instead of name shown on map.
  • Pushback: Added push distance and turn angle options.
  • Pushback: Improved layout.
  • Settings: Added information about current and found navigation data.
  • Settings: Fixed confusing "Force Scenery Reload on Position Change" explanation text.

Version 0.9.29, released on January 26, 2016

  • General: Added display units customization.
  • General: Improved and normalized display units in the whole product.
  • General: Improved debug logging and error reporting.
  • General: Fixed possible case where an airport was not imported from flight simulator data.
  • Position: Improved layout slightly.
  • Map: Fixed map scale displayed inaccurately.
  • Map: Fixed map scale display position was not in-line with other UI elements.
  • Fuel/Load: Changed default fuel quantity display unit from gallons to kilograms.
  • Fuel/Load: Changed default weight display unit from pounds to kilograms.
  • Fuel/Load: Fixed possible case where payload station were not updated after aircraft change.
  • Aircraft: Fixed wrong unit used for air pressure.
  • Aircraft: Fixed autopilot reference pitch and bank angle were display without unit symbol.
  • Settings: Added option to change display units.

Version 0.9.28, released on January 24, 2016

  • General: Added error reporting.
  • General: Added program website link tracking.
  • General: Improved module button layout.
  • General: Improved exception handling and debug logging.
  • General: Fixed airport selection dialogs now correctly interprete close button click as cancel.
  • Position: Added option to place aircraft on SID or STAR procedure waypoints.
  • Position: Added situation presets.
  • Position: Improved layout.
  • Position: Fixed airport selected not cleared when city or country changed for saved airport on program start.
  • Map: Improved default colors for flight plan and aircraft trace on street map type.
  • Map: Fixed flight plan mode path finding did not always find an airway between two waypoints.
  • Map: Fixed small map scales were displayed without decimal value just as "0 NM".
  • Map: Fixed height map copyright note now drawn in white.
  • Map: Fixed map types other than "normal" were not always rendered correctly if used together with different aircraft profiles on program start.
  • Flight Plan: Fixed next waypoint not always displayed correctly.
  • Flight Plan: Fixed flight plan table sometimes exceeded the lower screen border.
  • Conditions: Improved METAR data recognition.
  • Fuel/Load: Improved layout slightly.
  • View/Slew: Improved layout slightly.
  • Failures: Improved layout slightly.
  • Aircraft: Fixed aircraft status section to large.
  • Statistics: Fixed approach weather details were not always displayed.
  • Settings: Fixed edit profile selection box too small in default size and too much resizing.

Version 0.9.27, released on January 21, 2016

  • General: Added information message if the program cannot be activated, because the maximum number of parallel installations is reached.
  • General: Added buy link for licensing dialog directing to the buy page of the product website.
  • General: Fixed program settings were not saved and temporary files not deleted if program start was canceled.
  • General: Fixed no touch input helper displayed anymore after a file/path is selected by a "Browse" button.

Version 0.9.26, released on January 21, 2016

  • General: Improved update changes text formatting in update available dialog.
  • General: Removed debug button on main window again (sorry).
  • General: Fixed dialog windows of database rebuild, navigation update and license sometimes displayed in the background.
  • Map: Fixed correct airway between two waypoints in manual flight plan mode not always found.
  • Map: Fixed minimum size of flight plan pop-up.
  • Map: Fixed sizing of map info pop-up did not work.
  • Flight Plan: Improved Aerosoft Airbus MCDU synchronization now also showing airways.
  • Flight Plan: Fixed some UI elements not placed or sized correctly.
  • Flight Plan: Fixed no points hint not always shown although appropriate.
  • Flight Plan: Fixed arrival airport was not correctly loaded for stored manual flight plans.
  • Flight Plan: Fixed procedure type was not correctly saved in stored manual flight plans.
  • Flight Plan: Fixed deleting flight plan points with "DEL" key did not work correctly.
  • Flight Plan: Fixed deleting flight plan points with "DEL" key no longer possible if not in manual flight plan mode.

Version 0.9.25, released on January 20, 2016

  • General: Added support for airway altitude information in Aerosoft NavDataPro navigation data.
  • General: Improved licensing system now automatically trying to re-activate license after hardware change.
  • General: Improved navigation data import failure handling.
  • General: More navigation data import logging.
  • General: Fixed update handling in cases where no latest version info is returned by the server.
  • General: Fixed close icon display flickered on pop-up windows.
  • General: Fixed click on close icon in pop-up windows not always closed the pop-up.
  • Map: Fixed AI aircrafts were not shown at all if AI aircraft structure without text was enabled.
  • Flight Plan: Added option to save and load manual flight plans.
  • Flight Plan: Added waypoint text import and export.
  • Flight Plan: Added Prepar3d/FSX flight plan import.
  • Flight Plan: Added Aerosoft Airbus company route import.
  • Flight Plan: Improved flight plan info and layout.
  • Flight Plan: Improved layout and UI.
  • Flight Plan: Fixed problem with Prepar3d/FSX flight plan export.
  • Flight Plan: Fixed "Clear Plan" context menu really only removes all points from the plan.
  • Failures: Fixed deactivation of core failures not working as expected.

Version 0.9.24, released on January 17, 2016

  • General: Added automatic update system.
  • General: Improved licensing system now allowing hardware independed activation keys and license deactivation.
  • General: Improved licensing system with better hardware detection.
  • General: Changed application can now only be started once on the same computer at the same time.
  • About: Added option to deactivate license on current computer.

Version 0.9.23, released on January 14, 2016

  • General: Fixed problem with valid license key not being accepted.
  • General: Fixed in some cases not all sceneries were imported from flight simulator data.
  • General: Fixed object evelation values are now more accurately imported from flight simulator data.

Version 0.9.22, released on January 13, 2016

  • General: Updated serializer version.
  • General: More database import logging.
  • General: More navigation data import logging.
  • General: Fixed aircraft import did not always catch all aircrafts for Prepar3d.
  • General: Fixed current item display text while importing aircrafts.
  • General: Fixed error message display text and logging for problems while saving the database.
  • Flight Plan: Improved UI texts.

Version 0.9.21, released on January 11, 2016

  • General: More licensing debug logging.
  • General: Improved licensing now allowing to start in demo mode also without internet connection.
  • General: Improved database build texts.
  • General: Fixed possible licensing problem when there is a SSL connection issue.
  • Map: Fixed possible exception when flight plan mode gets enabled.
  • Conditions: More real-time weather and METAR downloads debug logging.
  • About: Added credits for height map data.

Version 0.9.20, released on January 10, 2016

  • General: Added automatic detection of navigation data update.
  • General: Improved formatted latitude/longitude output.
  • General: Fixed title text of section within selection no longer shown as disabled als if not selected.
  • General: Fixed typing error in database build texts.
  • General: Fixed button enabled/disabled status on database build dialog were not always correct.
  • Map: Improved SID/STAR waypoint visibility by adding a "SID:"/"STAR:" prefix in front of their idents.
  • Map: Fixed wrong display colors where used for points of interest (POI).
  • Flight Plan: Added option to directly set a departure and arrival airport.
  • Flight Plan: Added export option as Prepar3d/FSX flight plan.
  • Flight Plan: Added export option as Aerosoft Airbus company route.
  • Flight Plan: Added hint when no points were added to the flight plan yet.
  • Flight Plan: Fixed VOR and NDB now displayed only with ident instead of full name in plan.
  • Flight Plan: Fixed SID/STAR procedures not updated when flight plan point was removed.
  • Flight Plan: Fixed next point was not always correct.
  • Failures: Fixed failures pop-up height.
  • Settings: Added option to configure flight plan update interval for third party products.
  • Settings: Fixed update interval unit for network settings was not correctly displayed.

Version 0.9.19, released on January 9, 2016

  • General: Added support for navigation data from Aerosoft NavDataPro.
  • General: Added setup system for guided product installation and uninstallation.
  • General: Added digital signature to main executable.
  • General: Improved touch usability by increasing window title bar icons to 24x24 px.
  • General: Increased minimum resolution from 1024x728 to 1024x768 px.
  • General: More SimConnect connection debug logging.
  • General: Changed "Failure" module button shortcut from "CTRL+SHIFT+F" to "CTRL+SHIFT+I".
  • General: Moved module button for "Pause" before "About".
  • General: Fixed a possible case where more than one SimConnect connection is tried to be established.
  • General: Fixed a possible case where a SimConnect connection is tried to be established again while program is closing.
  • General: Fixed program now fully compatible with Windows resolution scaling mechanism.
  • General: Fixed airports without runways or helipads are no longer imported from flight simulator.
  • General: Fixed artefacts in title bar of detached module after resizing.
  • General: Fixed database rebuild could not be canceled at certain points.
  • Map: Added map type "Height Map".
  • Map: Added weather stations.
  • Map: Added points of interest (POI).
  • Map: Improved map information pop-up now resizable.
  • Map: Improved trace path visible by increase line width.
  • Map: Improved airway display to include airway direction.
  • Map: Improved airway info in map information pop-up by adding previous/next waypoint name.
  • Map: Improved default map type by making water areas dark blue instead of black like the land.
  • Map: Improved other default colors.
  • Map: Renamed button "Weather" to "Weather Info".
  • Map: Fixed border space inside map information pop-up.
  • Map: Fixed VOR and NDB range inside map information pop-up.
  • Map: Fixed NDB default text size on street map.
  • Map: Fixed measure lines default color on street map.
  • Map: Fixed measure lines where not always directly visible on the map.
  • Map: Fixed trace aircraft path no longer ignores minimum zoom level.
  • Map: Fixed waypoint not always included in map information pop-up.
  • Map: Fixed runway axes are now displayed independently of the runways themselves.
  • Flight Plan: Added first version.
  • Failures: Fixed border space inside failures pop-up.
  • Failures: Fixed vertical position of failures pop-up not always in the center.
  • Network: Fixed program icon for client executable.
  • Statistics: Improved layout by moving the tooltip in the landing report to the output text itself.
  • Settings: Added options for new map type "Height Map" on map settings.
  • Settings: Added weather stations on map settings.
  • Settings: Added points of interest (POI) on map settings.
  • Settings: Improved ordering of map color settings.
  • Settings: Improved layout slightly.

Version 0.9.18, released on December 23, 2015

  • General: Improved date time picker controls to better fit the program style.
  • General: Fixed GEO calculations now more precise.
  • General: Fixed possible exception while trying to connect to flight simulator.
  • General: Fixed double text displayed on section boxes in some cases.
  • General: Fixed touch input helper now shows previous text of the text field.
  • General: Fixed aircraft title not cleared as soon as disconnected from flight simulator.
  • General: Fixed possible situation where connection to flight simulator could not be established again after connection was lost.
  • Position: Fixed OBS/CRS now set to runway course also if approach positions like base, vector or downwind is used.
  • Map: Changed disabled button fore color from light gray to white.
  • Map: Changed map information and go to approach options now in context menu.
  • Map: Changed now VOR and NDB ident instead of name shown on map.
  • Map: Fixed map information now displayed on top of all buttons.
  • Map: Fixed wind arrow showed in opposite direction.
  • Conditions: Fixed wrong button text in Custom Weather section.
  • Conditions: Fixed time in Season and Time section now pre-filled preventing possible exception.
  • Conditions: Fixed possible exception on "Season and Time" section when visual styles are not available.
  • Failures: Fixed button "Enable" now disabled if failure already active.
  • Failures: Fixed button "Enable" in failures pop-up now always called either "Fail Now" or "Arm Fail".
  • Failures: Fixed airspeed conditions did not work probably.
  • Aircraft: Fixed elevator trim no correctly displayed if too long.
  • Aircraft: Fixed master battery switch showed in green although deactivated.
  • Aircraft: Fixed invalid ADF 2 frequency displayed and change not possible.
  • Aircraft: Fixed fields pre-filled and input validation.

Version 0.9.17, released on December 19, 2015

  • General: Fixed some more tabulator step orders.
  • Map: Fixed ambient visibility displayed negative value in some cases.
  • Position: Improved focus on runway button after airport selection now for keyboard commands.
  • Position: Fixed ILS frequencies wrongly rounded.
  • Fuel/Load: Added message if no fuel or payload data is available.
  • Fuel/Load: Fixed a weight calculation label position and added default text till first data received.
  • View/Slew: Fixed plane images now displayed also before first flight simulator data received.
  • Aircraft: Fixed no engine data info was not hidden when other section was selected.
  • Aircraft: Fixed no engine data info text.
  • Aircraft: NAV and COM frequencies wrongly rounded.
  • Settings: Improved layout and scalability.

Version 0.9.16, released on December 16, 2015

  • General: Added option to "detach" any module as separate window.
  • General: Added direct access keys to all important buttons.
  • General: Improved progress bar controls to better fit the program style.
  • General: Improved message box dialog to better fit the program style.
  • General: Fixed program icon transparency for 16x16 icon format.
  • General: Fixed possible situation where program did not get closed cleanly.
  • General: Fixed most tabulator step orders.
  • General: Fixed error message size in touch input helper.
  • General: Fixed short altitudes and lengths are now consistently displayed everywhere in feet (no longer mixed with meters).
  • Position: Improved runway/helipad selection now directly pre-select first runway of airport.
  • Position: Improved layout slightly.
  • Map: Improved VOR and NDB elevation now displayed in feet on info popup.
  • Map: Changed text of zoom buttons.
  • Pushback: Added message to ask for parking brake release.
  • Fuel/Load: Fixed fuel layout.
  • Failures fixed failure category button height.
  • Aircraft: Added yaw damper to autopilot control.
  • Aircraft: Added message if no engine data is available.
  • Aircraft: Fixed flaps decrease and increase resulted in exception.
  • Statistics: Fixed VOR and NDB elevation displayed in meter with unit "ft." on Google Earth export.
  • Statistics: Fixed NDB frequency unit on Google Earth export.
  • Settings: Fixed update interval fields was not saved from network settings.

Version 0.9.15, released on December 12, 2015

  • General: Change info/support e-mail address everywhere to "".
  • General: Removed simulator paused on simulator connect.
  • General: More SimConnect connection debug logging.
  • General: Fixed a rare case where connection to flight simulator may fail.
  • General: Fixed touch input helper did not allow decimal point in field where everything should be allowed.
  • Map: Added compass rose.
  • Map: Added weather info with wind and visibility information.
  • Map: Added option for on-screen measurements.
  • Map: Added info text for user aircraft.
  • Map: Fixed user aircraft display ignored minimum zoom setting.
  • Map: Fixed default AI aircraft font size for street map.
  • Conditions: Improved "Custom Weather" section layout slightly.
  • Conditions: Improved METAR data recognition.
  • Conditions: Fixed current weather layout when scaled.
  • Fuel/Load: Improved "+" and "-" display on buttons.
  • Fuel/Load: Fixed no text field update if currently cursor inside.
  • View/Slew: Fixed major zoom in and out interchanged.
  • Aircraft: Added full engine status and control.
  • Aircraft: Added autopilot control.
  • Aircraft: Added several new information and options to aircraft status.
  • Aircraft: Improved "+" and "-" display on buttons.
  • Aircraft: Fixed no text field update if currently cursor inside.
  • Aircraft: Fixed all fields pre-filled now to avoid exceptions if data sent before first data received.
  • Settings: Added compass rose on map settings.
  • Settings: Added weather info on map settings.
  • Settings: Added measure on map settings.
  • Settings: Added user aircraft info on map settings.
  • Settings: Fixed font size field validation on map settings.
  • Settings: Fixed auto zoom section layout on map settings.
  • About: Change contact form subject options.

Version 0.9.14, released on November 28, 2015

  • General: Improved rotated image quality.
  • Position: Improved layout of custom location section.
  • Position: Improved custom location section with pre-filling coordinates with the current airport location.
  • Position: Improved layout slightly.
  • Position: Fixed gear is now extended before aircraft is placed on ground and also in case gear down is not selected in options.
  • Position: Fixed custom location section field validations.
  • Position: Fixed now displaying "Helipad Information" instead of "Runway Information" if "Heli" selected.
  • Position: Fixed custom location section field input length for coordinate seconds to allow also decimal values.
  • Conditions: Added ILS visibility now uses decision height and runway visibility options from Settings module.
  • Conditions: Move section "Season and Time" to bottom.
  • Conditions: Improved "Real-Time Weather" section layout slightly.
  • Fuel/Load: Change button to unfreeze.
  • View/Slew: Fixed section titles.
  • Aircraft: Added more warning indicators for airspeed, pitch and bank angle as well as vertical speed based on Aircraft settings.
  • Aircraft: Fixed engine, throttle and mixture value now reset to 0 if aircraft change to one with less engines.
  • Network: Added option to enable/disable individual actions.
  • Network: Added command line parameters to start program action.
  • Network: Added status page parameter "altitude_agl".
  • Network: Changed status page parameter "altitude" to "altitude_msl".
  • Network: Fixed exception when program start option was changed.
  • Network: Fixed status page web button position when window is scaled.
  • Network: Fixed computers now re-sorted if a computer name was changed.
  • Network: Fixed status page configuration only enabled when status page enabled.
  • Statistics: Fixed aircraft weather data not always displayed.
  • Settings: Added conditions settings for ILS visibility.
  • Settings: Fixed now more than one aircraft can be assigned at once.
  • Settings: Fixed maximum profile name length.
  • Settings: Fixed typing error.

Version 0.9.13, released on November 24, 2015

  • General: More SimConnect connection debug logging.
  • General: Fixed "ft." consequently is written with "." at the end everywhere.
  • Aircraft: Added airspeed turning red if overspeed warning active.
  • Statistics: Added CSV export.
  • Statistics: Added Google Earth export.
  • Network: Improved error message in case of network client build errors.
  • Network: Fixed status page temperature now more precise.
  • Settings: Added aircraft-related settings for Aircraft and Statistics.
  • About: Updated copyright notes of third party software.

Version 0.9.12, released on November 22, 2015

  • General: Improved overall UI controls to better fit the program style.
  • General: Fixed no custom text input for drop-down list anymore where there should not be one.
  • Position: Fixed airport search by country and city selection box not aligned with other UI elements.
  • Position: Fixed on first start not country in airport search by country and city selection displayed.
  • Conditions: Fixed also weather preset name input field now disabled on current page till first weather data is received.
  • Conditions: Fixed validations for hour and minute input fields on season page.
  • Network: Fixed no country in airport selection dialog displayed.
  • Network: Fixed layout of airport selection dialog upon resize.
  • Network: Fixed disabled touch input helper for airport input fields as own airport selection dialog is used.
  • Settings: Fixed validation for port and update interval input fields.
  • Settings: Fixed not selected SimConnect option now disabled.

Version 0.9.11, released on November 21, 2015

  • General: Separated all SimConnect stuff into an own thread for better performance.
  • Conditions: Improved METAR data recognition.
  • Conditions: Improved current weather display.
  • Conditions: Fixed wind METAR encoding.
  • Conditions: Fixed "CAVOK", "SKC" and "CLR" conditions no longer appearing as cloud layers.
  • Conditions: Fixed possible exception if there is no wind, cloud or visibility layer.
  • Conditions: Fixed presets for all custom weather layers.
  • Conditions: Fixed cloud layer default depth.
  • Conditions: Fixed possible exception when changing visibility altitude.
  • View/Slew: Fixed buttons for camera pitch axis interchanged.
  • Statistics: Fixed visibility, wind and temperature info displayed now.
  • Network: Added getting started hint.
  • Network: Fixed status page web section not hidden when new computer added.
  • Settings: Fixed now also importing default weather theme on database build.

Version 0.9.10, released on November 21, 2015

  • General: More startup logging.
  • General: Improved handling of pause state changes.
  • General: Fixed being in flight simulator menus no longer leads to disconnects.
  • General: Fixed loading text of Conditions module in splash screen.
  • Position: Fixed pitch and bank settings were interchanged if position without scenery reload was used.
  • Position: Fixed airport not being shown after selected on Map module.
  • Position: Fixed airport search by country and city not cleared when airport ICAO changed.
  • Map: Fixed runway idents from start and end were interchanged.
  • Conditions: Added current weather display.
  • Conditions: Added ILS visibility options.
  • Conditions: Added real-time weather options.
  • Conditions: Added custom weather options.
  • Conditions: Added weather presets.
  • Conditions: Fixed simulation rate button 128x did not work correctly.
  • Conditions: Fixed program stopped working if simulation rate was set when flight simulator was not connected.
  • Conditions: Fixed some button positions.
  • Aircraft: Fixed wrong pressure unit displayed.
  • Network: Fixed status page showed wrong temperature.
  • Settings: Improved layout for aircraft related "Position" page.
  • Settings: Improved displayed message while database build.
  • Settings: Moved "Other" section of aircraft related "Position" page to not aircraft related settings.

Version 0.9.9, released on November 14, 2015

  • General: More debug logging for license checking.
  • General: Fixed license error in case of invalid server response.
  • General: Fixed not selected section now disabled in license dialog.

Version 0.9.8, released on November 12, 2015

  • General: Added taskbar icons for all program windows.
  • General: Improved splash screen graphics.
  • General: Moved module button for "Failures" before "View/Slew".
  • General: Fixed program icon transparency for 16x16 icon.
  • Pushback: Fixed border color for not on ground hint.
  • Statistics: Fixed border color for no approach hint.
  • Network: Added first version.
  • Settings: Fixed "NM" instead of "ft" was shown as unit for "Horizontal Offset to Glideslope" position setting.
  • Settings: Fixed "Not Aircraft Related Settings" section did not scale with window size.

Version 0.9.7, released on November 7, 2015

  • General: Fixed aircraft title sometimes not disabled after SimConnect connection lost and re-established.
  • Map: Fixed exception resulting in AI aircrafts not shown under some circumstances.
  • Map: Changed default color for map scale.
  • Map: Changed color for copyright note of street and satellite map.
  • Failures: Fixed left selection buttons not scaled.
  • Fuel/Load: Improved input validations.
  • Settings: Improved input validations.
  • Settings: Fixed aircraft profile settings now disabled if aircraft related settings not enabled.
  • Settings: Fixed aircraft list not updated when aircraft is changed in flight simulator and then assigned to currently viewed aircraft profile.
  • Settings: Fixed changed map data update rate settings not always immediately used.

Version 0.9.6, released on November 7, 2015

  • General: Added aircraft profiles.
  • General: Changed internal database format for better compatibility and loading performance.
  • Position: Improved UI: several buttons turn green for short time now after click/touch.
  • Position: Renamed "Altitude" to "Elevation" in runway information.
  • Position: Fixed gear options not loaded again after program start.
  • Map: Added VOR, NDB and marker elevation to info pop-up.
  • Map: Added usage of new text minimum zoom options in settings.
  • Map: Fixed marker heading in info pop-up.
  • Map: Fixed waypoint sometimes displayed although minimum zoom not reached.
  • Map: Fixed map scale displayed although minimum zoom not reached.
  • Statistics: Added tooltips for graph points.
  • Statistics: Improved layout slightly.
  • Statistics: Updated graph colors.
  • Settings: Added aircraft profile and separated settings between aircraft related and aircraft not related settings.
  • Settings: Added position options also to settings page.
  • Settings: Added separate map minimum zoom level configuration for texts (in contrast to structures).
  • About: Updated copyright notes of third party software.
  • About: Improved layout slightly.

Version 0.9.5, released on October 31, 2015

  • Position: Fixed crash in search for airport by country and city if more than one airport per city is shown.
  • Position: Fixed sorting in parking selection list.
  • Map: Fixed AI aircrafts not being displayed in some cases.
  • View/Slew: Improved slew layout.
  • View/Slew: Fixed bank left and right interchanged.

Version 0.9.4, released on October 31, 2015

  • General: Improved image scaling quality.
  • Map: Added usage of new auto zoom options in settings.
  • Map: Added usage of new reposition options in settings.
  • Map: Added usage of new minimum zoom options in settings.
  • Map: Added VOR range and NAV info to info pop-up.
  • Map: Added NDB range to info pop-up.
  • Map: Improved UI: zoom in and out buttons turn green for short time now after click/touch.
  • Map: Improved color schema.
  • Map: Fixed auto zoom now automatically disabled also if zoom in or out is used with touch gesture.
  • Map: Fixed zoom in/out disabled if maximum/minimum zoom is reached.
  • Conditions: Improved UI: several buttons turn green for short time now after click/touch.
  • Fuel/Load: Improved UI: several buttons turn green for short time now after click/touch.
  • View/Slew: Improved slew graphics (thanks to Daren).
  • View/Slew: Fixed better recognition of slew enabled status change.
  • Aircraft: Improved input field validation.
  • Aircraft: Improved UI: several buttons turn green for short time now after click/touch.
  • Aircraft: Improved button images.
  • Aircraft: Fixed XPDR display now correctly filled with zeros.
  • Settings: Added map options for auto zoom configuration.
  • Settings: Added map options for reposition configuration.
  • Settings: Added map options to configure minimum zoom for structure to appear.
  • Settings: Improved map settings page layout.

Version 0.9.3, released on October 29, 2015

  • General: Update product icon to better support dark desktop backgrounds.
  • General: Improved enumeration texts display.
  • Position: Added usage of new position options in settings.
  • Position: Improved gate or parking selection UI.
  • Position: Changed "CRS" to "CRS/OBS".
  • Position: Fixed border of airport search and gate or parking selection lists.
  • Position: Fixed layout and control scaling.
  • Map: Added marker to info pop-up.
  • Map: Improved display of runway ILS in info pop-up.
  • Map: Fixed dependency between auto zoom and center aircraft.
  • Map: Fixed auto zoom now automatically disabled if zoom in or out is used.
  • Settings: Added position option if ILS frequency is set to NAV 1, NAV 2 or both.
  • Settings: Added position option if runway course is set to CRS/OBS 1, CRS/OBS 2 or both.

Version 0.9.2, released on October 28, 2015

  • General: Moved module button for "View/Slew" before "Aircraft".
  • Position: Improved search for airport by country and city UI.
  • Position: Improved gate or parking selection UI.
  • Position: Fixed runway information, helipads and airworks section not displayed correctly.
  • Position: Fixed exception when setting aircraft on parking position.
  • Position: Fixed exception when setting aircraft to ground position and SimConnect is not available.
  • Map: Added map scale display.
  • Map: Added option to change aircraft position.
  • Map: Added option to trace flown path.
  • Map: Added option for automatic zoom.
  • Map: Changed country shape color to be configurable.
  • Map: Changed taxi paths shown by default.
  • Fuel/Load: Added option to freeze current fuel level.
  • Settings: Added more map color and text options.

Version 0.9.1, released on October 27, 2015

  • Initial beta release.
  • General: Added logo and branding as FS-FlightControl.
  • General: Added title bar with window moving possibility to all windows and pop-ups.
  • General: Changed demo mode remaining time display.
  • General: Fixed main window sometimes in background after start.
  • General: Preparations for update management.
  • Position: Improved input field validation.
  • Map: Improved color scheme (thanks to Michael).
  • Map: Fixed runway ident text sometimes covered by taxi path structure.
  • Pushback: Fixed correct button background color used when pushback is active.
  • Fuel/Load: Improved input field validation.
  • Fuel/Load: Fixed "All Tanks" was displayed also if aircraft had no tanks.
  • View/Slew: Added first version.
  • About: Added first version.
  • Settings: Improved input field validation.

Version 0.8.29, released on October 23, 2015

  • General: Added 5 minutes demo mode when test license has expired.
  • General: Fixed problem accessing online license server.
  • General: Fixed sometimes internet connection needed warning displayed although internet works.
  • General: Fixed a problem with license data without expiration.

Version 0.8.28, released on October 20, 2015

  • General: Program opens now the last shown module on next startup.
  • Positon: Fixed runway displayed with "ILS" prefix although it had no ILS.
  • Failures: Added first version.
  • Fuel/Load: Fixed tank name "Right Wing Tip" not completely displayed.

Version 0.8.27, released on October 18, 2015

  • General: More debug logging for remote connection issues.
  • General: Fixed valid test license not detected correctly if program files are copied to other computer.
  • Map: Fixed marker text display in wrong color and slightly on wrong place.
  • Map: Fixed AI aircraft data is not requested if not displayed.
  • Settings: Fixed database build failed in some cases when non-standard values were used by add-on sceneries.
  • Settings: More import logging.

Version 0.8.26, released on October 17, 2015

  • General: Moved module button for "View/Slew" before "Statistics".
  • General: Fixed handling of active runway vs. helipad.
  • Map: Fixed ground vehicles were shown as airplanes.
  • Map: Fixed user airplane was displayed as helicopter for a short time period when map was accessed the first time.

Version 0.8.25, released on October 17, 2015

  • Positon: Trying to work around SimConnect bug that aircraft is not placed on correct altitude if scenery is not fully loaded yet.
  • Positon: More debug logging.
  • Settings: Added option to force a scenery reload upon position change.

Version 0.8.24, released on October 17, 2015

  • General: Added support for Prepar3d v3.
  • General: Fixed folder recognition on 32 bit systems.
  • Map: Improved drawing of taxi paths on different zoom levels.
  • Map: Fixed taxi paths were shown although disabled.

Version 0.8.23, released on October 16, 2015

  • General: Fixed airport now only added once (based on priority) if it exists in more than one scenery.
  • General: Improved database loading speed at startup.
  • Position: Added helipads as separate option beside runways.
  • Position: Improved layout slightly.
  • Position: Fixed now using helicopter image instead plane image if user aircraft is helicopter.
  • Position: Fixed latitude value also used as longitude for custom location.
  • Position: Fixed city and airport list now cleared when country or city is changed.
  • Position: Fixed runway heading sometimes displayed with negative value.
  • Position: Fixed plane image sometimes cropped when rotated.
  • Map: Added helipads.
  • Map: Added aprons to airport drawing.
  • Map: Added airways and waypoints.
  • Map: Improved performance.
  • Map: Improved visibility of runway axis.
  • Map: Fixed now using helicopter image instead plane image if user aircraft is helicopter.
  • Map: Fixed runway heading sometimes displayed with negative value in info pop-up.
  • Map: Fixed plane image sometimes cropped when rotated.
  • Map: Fixed for all markers (airports, VORs, NDBs, ...) only the defined color is now used.
  • Map: Fixed airports were not visible anymore too quickly when zooming out.
  • Aircraft: Fixed heading now displayed correctly in degrees (instead of radians).
  • Aircraft: Fixed pitch up and down interchanged.
  • Statistics: Fixed pitch up and down were interchanged on approach statistics.

Version 0.8.22, released on October 8, 2015

  • General: Fixed database synchronization now respects "scenery.cfg" file.
  • General: Fixed license now still valid on expiration day itself.
  • General: Fixed database file not loaded if empty, but asking for re-build now.
  • General: Improved error logging for application crashs.
  • Position: Synchronized country, city and airport in the "Search for Airport by Country/City" section with the airport ICAO field.
  • Position: Fixed setting change of short or long final as well as airworks now immediately visible.
  • Map: Fixed formatting of some values in the info pop-up.
  • Settings: Fixed change of airworks position now being saved.
  • Settings: Fixed input validations.
  • Settings: Fixed crash when changing map color settings.
  • Settings: Changed some default map color settings.

Version 0.8.21, released on October 7, 2015

  • General: License is enforced now.
  • General: Preparations for update management.
  • General: Fixed section and label texts not rendered correctly if disabled.
  • General: Fixed occasional problem loading/saving settings.
  • General: Fixed splash screen progress bar after initial database build.
  • General: Logging configuration now inside code.
  • Position: Improved layout slightly.
  • Position: Removed useless dummy data.
  • Map: Removed small useless border around the map.
  • Fuel/Load: Added maximum gross weight.
  • Fuel/Load: Added color change (green/red) for gross weight if it exceeds the maximum weight.
  • Fuel/Load: Fixed SimConnect errors (although worked anyway) when setting payload.
  • Fuel/Load: Fixed vertical scroll bar not displayed in payload section if needed.
  • Fuel/Load: Fixed wrong fuel amount displayed for wing tip tanks.
  • Fuel/Load: Fixed flickering reduced when changing aircrafts.
  • Aircraft: Removed useless dummy data.

Version 0.8.20, released on October 4, 2015

  • General: Fixed program start canceled now with reasonable error message if database or map could not be loaded.
  • Map: Fixed now always correct font is used on map views.
  • Fuel/Load: Added first version.
  • Aircraft: Added radio and navigation section.
  • Aircraft: Improved layout.
  • Statistics: Fixed start approach hint now stays centered when resizing the screen.
  • Settings: Improved layout slightly.

Version 0.8.19, released on October 1, 2015

  • General: Preparations for license management.
  • Position: Fixed occasional aircraft crashs while changing position to airports in different scenery areas.
  • Position: More debug logging.

Version 0.8.18, released on September 26, 2015

  • General: Fixed aircraft name in title cleared when not connected to Flight Simulator anymore.
  • General: Added negative number support for touch input helper.
  • General: Removed random button from touch input helper.
  • General: Optimized module loading.
  • Position: Fixed consider magnetic variation for runway heading display as well as HDG and CRS set.
  • Position: Fixed occasional aircraft crashs while changing position to airports in different scenery areas.
  • Position: Fixed aircraft crash when position on airworks position.
  • Position: Fixed custom location input field validation.
  • Position: Added option to select random airport.
  • Position: Fixed typing error.
  • Map: Fixed consider magnetic variation for runway heading in airport info pop-up.
  • Map: Fixed units missing for NDB and VOR frequencies in info pop-up.
  • Statistics: Fixed approach statistics sometimes not automatically started after approach started.
  • Aircraft: Fixed vertical speed.

Version 0.8.17, released on September 26, 2015

  • General: Fixed connection to Flight Simulator not working if SimConnect connects successfully, but no data is received.
  • General: More debug logging.
  • General: Fixed a bug that prevented another connection try if a previous one failed in some circumstances.
  • General: Added support for another version of the SimConnect client library.
  • General: Fixed splash screen stays on top now.
  • Position: Fixed HDG, CRS and ILS frequency not set although requested.

Version 0.8.16, released on September 25, 2015

  • General: Fixed exception when trying to run the program from Flight Simulator "exe.xml" file.
  • General: Improved overall performance slightly.
  • General: More debug logging.
  • Map: Encapsulated map location updates from other data updates.
  • Conditions: Fixed simulation time zone offset displayed with wrong sign.
  • Aircraft: Added first version with subset of final options.
  • Settings: Moved data update rate setting to map tab as it really affects only the map now.

Version 0.8.15, released on September 24, 2015

  • General: Fixed exception while handling SimConnect exception states.

Version 0.8.14, released on September 24, 2015

  • General: Fixed connecting to Flight Simulator failed if SimConnect error was thrown not before first data sent.
  • General: More SimConnect connection debug logging.
  • Map: Fixed AI aircraft info pop-up to display just "On Ground" instead of altitude when it is on ground.

Version 0.8.13, released on September 24, 2015

  • Map: Fixed center aircraft once after position change also in case center aircraft generally is disabled.
  • Map: Fixed new AI aircrafts not always appeared.
  • Map: Added more color and text size configurations in the settings module.
  • Conditions: Added current simulation time display.
  • Conditions: Added pagination support for weather themes.
  • Pushback: Fixed default display text for heading after pushback.
  • Settings: Fixed incomplete database being saved if user canceled the build.
  • Settings: Added more map color and text size configurations.

Version 0.8.12, released on September 24, 2015

  • General: Improved performance (only processing data that really is shown).
  • Map: Show AI aircrafts only starting from a specific zoom level (as Flight Simulator returns AI aircrafts on to a maximum range of 200 km anyway).
  • Settings: Further improvement to SimConnect connection.
  • Settings: Removed needless confirmation before database build.

Version 0.8.11, released on September 23, 2015

  • General: More SimConnect connection debug logging.
  • General: Fixed a possible crash when SimConnect.dll loading failed.
  • General: Added support for loading SimConnect.dll directly from the Global Assembly Cache (GAC).
  • Settings: Fixed manually selected SimConnect.dll was not saved.

Version 0.8.10, released on September 23, 2015

  • General: Improved logging to especially track down SimConnect issues.

Version 0.8.9, released on September 23, 2015

  • Conditions: Renamed module "Weather" to "Conditions".
  • Conditions: Added option to set season, date as well as time of day.
  • Conditions: Added option to change simulation rate.
  • Conditions: Added frame rate display.
  • Settings: Added option to change data update rate.

Version 0.8.8, released on September 22, 2015

  • General: Enabled error logging.
  • Conditions: Fixed typing error.
  • Pushback: Fixed pushback animation not displayed anymore.
  • Settings: Fixed issue with more than one airport having same ICAO in Flight Simulator scenery database.
  • Settings: Fixed database build directory now being recognized with or without trailing "\".

Version 0.8.7, released on September 21, 2015

  • General: Increased minimum resolution from 1012x700 to 1024x728.
  • General: Added start wizard for database build if new installation or re-build needed.
  • Position: Added switch to map after position change if this option is selected.
  • Position: Renamed formula group "Settings" to "Options".
  • Position: Added options to set gear state and flaps position after aircraft location change.
  • Conditions: Added first version with option to set pre-defined Flight Simulator weather themes.
  • Map: Fixed info pop-up now closed after clicking the go to approach button.
  • Map: Fixed AI aircraft list being cleared now after aircraft location change.
  • Pushback: Minor optimizations to layout.
  • Settings: Added message backup creating when "SimConnect.cfg" is deleted.
  • Settings: Added warning and option to delete "SimConnect.cfg" when trying to save network settings although a local installation of Flight Simulator is detected.
  • Settings: Added option to switch to map after position change.
  • Settings: Fixed Flight Simulator path for database rebuild accepts Flight Simulator main directory now (instead of just "Scenery" directory) and improved error message.
  • Settings: Fixed add-on scenery might not be included in database rebuild.
  • Settings: Added option to cancel database build.
  • Settings: Several further improvements to the database build.

Version 0.8.6, released on September 20, 2015

  • Map: Moved "Axis" button one up below "ILS".
  • Map: Improved colors by making them all configurable in the settings module.
  • Settings: Added map color configuration separate for normal, street and satellite map.

Version 0.8.5, released on September 20, 2015

  • General: Added version number display next to product title.
  • Map: Fixed user aircraft not moved if "Center Aircraft" is disabled.
  • Map: Fixed user aircraft center now once on program start even if "Center Aircraft" is disabled.
  • Map: Disable AI aircraft display for simulation rates above 4x and enable it at 4x or lower again as flight simulator does not generate AI traffic above 4x simulation rate.
  • Pushback: Fixed pushback now recognized if started by user inside Flight Simulator.
  • Statistics: Fixed tooltips for landing report info being displayed also on touch devices.
  • Settings: Added option to delete "SimConnect.cfg" to reset network settings to default.

Version 0.8.4, released on September 20, 2015

  • Settings: Added more options to SimConnect network settings.
  • Settings: Added link to SimConnect server config tool.
  • Settings: Made it more explicit that SimConnect network settings are written directly to "SimConnect.cfg".

Version 0.8.3, released on September 19, 2015

  • Map: Improved map performance once more.
  • Map: Added map pop-up on right click (long touch) for airports, VORs, NDBs and AI aircrafts.
  • Map: Added option to directly go to position/approach for a selected airport.
  • Map: Changed ILS color to light blue.

Version 0.8.2, released on September 19, 2015

  • Position: Fixed position for custom location (angle plus 180°).
  • Map: Added copyright note.
  • Map: Added AI traffic to map.
  • Map: Improved map performance.

Version 0.8.1, released on September 18, 2015

  • Initial alpha release.