Free 14 Days Trial
Get a free 14 days trial version of FS-FlightControl with unrestricted features and try our product before you buy. Download Now!
Compatible With
- Lockheed Martin Prepar3D 2.x, 3.x, 4.x, 5.x and 6.x
- Microsoft Flight Simulator 2024 and 2020
- Microsoft Flight Simulator X Steam Edition
- Microsoft Flight Simulator X (Service Pack 2 required)
- X-Plane 10.52, 11.x and 12.x
- Dovetail Flight Sim World
Third Party Product Support
- Navigraph FMS Data (AIRAC navigation data)
- Aerosoft NavDataPro (AIRAC navigation data)
- Active Sky P3D & XP (weather engine)
- JeeHell (flight plan, failures)
- AST (flight plan, failures)
- Project Magenta (flight plan, failures)
- ToLiss Airbus products (failures)
- Flight Sim Labs A320-X (flight plan export)
- EFIS Fly G1000 (failures)
- Mindstar G1000 (failures)
- Flight1 G1000 (failures)
- Reality XP GPS 430W/530W X-Plane (failures)
- MilViz T-38A and T-38C (failures)
- ELITE EC135 and R44 (failures)
- Aerosoft Airbus (flight plan)
- Wilco/FeelThere Airbus (flight plan)
- Brunner Elektronik (motion)
Minimum Requirements
- Microsoft Windows® 8.1, 10 or 11
- Minimum resolution of 1024x768 pixels
- Minimum 8 GB RAM
Version 1.7.3, released on February 1, 2025 (changelog)
Android App
Use FS-FlightControl also from your iPad!
Please install the Windows Desktop application above first and then get the Android app from the Google Play Store.
The Android app is free. There is no additional license required.
Minimum Requirements
- Android version 4.03 or newer
- Minimum resolution of 1024x768 pixels
iOS App
Use FS-FlightControl also from your iOS tablet!
Please install the Windows Desktop application above first and then get the iOS app from the iOS App Store.
The iOS app is free. There is no additional license required.
Minimum Requirements
- iOS version 7.0 or newer (iPad 2, iPhone 4 or newer)
- Minimum resolution of 1024x768 pixels