FS-FlightControl Features Overview

Move your aircraft on an approach, to a runway takeoff point, on a helipad or any other custom location. Read more.

Real-time moving map shows current aircraft position, taxiways, gates, navaids, airways and a lot more. Read more.

Flight Plan
Plan your flights manually or synchronize the flight plan with many other aircraft add-ons Read more.

Define detailed weather conditions, enable real-time weather and set season, time and simulation rate. Read more.

Control the aircraft pushback operations and set any needed pushback direction. Read more.

Set the current fuel amount in all or individual tanks and change the payload of the aircraft. Read more.

Control the current camera view and use aircraft slew mode if needed. Read more.

Fail any aircraft component with just one click or define detailed failure conditions. Read more.

Get an overview of all important aircraft data and control parts like gear, flaps and spoilers directly. Read more.

Keep all important graphs on one view including detailed approach graphs with export function. Read more.

Remote control network computers by defining certain actions and create a flight status web page. Read more.

Operate and monitor motion as well as control loading devices by Brunner Elektronik. Read more.

Customize this program to your needs with detailed, even aircraft-specific settings. Read more.

Get information about this program and send messages to the support team directly. Read more.

Access Control
Restrict the access to your commercial simulator using our NFC access control solution. Read more.

Color Theme
You do not like the dark colors of our product? Choose a different color theme! Read more.
First select an airport, then a runway and finally an approach position or the take-off point:
Your aircraft is then immediately placed on the exact position.
If the runway supports ILS the aircraft is placed exactly on the correct altitude to be on the glideslope to the runway if you have chosen a “final” position.
Detailed options - optionally saved aircraft-related - make it easy to control all important aircraft parameters like
- airspeed, pitch trim,
- gear and flaps status as well as
- settings of heading, course and ILS frequencies
before the position is changed.
Beside placing the aircraft on pre-defined position, you can also place it on custom locations.
Just enter the desired altitude and heading of the aircraft and choose if you want to place it
- related to the runway landing point or
- a completely custom location based on geographical coordinates.
Additionally, on the left side you can also choose a gate or parking position and place your aircraft there.
Quick and detailed overview where your aircraft is currently located.
On the left side of the map display you can enable and disable several additional layers like
- aircraft and ATC by VATSIM, IVAO and PilotEdge,
- airports and runways,
- taxi ways and parking positions,
- ILS beams and axis,
- navaids like VORs, NDBs and markers,
- airways (high and low) and waypoints as well as
- AI aircrafts generated by the flight simulator.
And on the right side you can
- change the map type to street, satellite or height map,
- zoom in or out and activate auto zoom as well as
- center, trace or reposition your aircraft.
When the map is zoomed in you can see a very detailed airport layout.
Not only the runways and taxi ways are displayed, you can also see the taxi point and parking position names to easily locate where you are and where you need to go.
And the best thing: All colors, font sizes and everything else you see on this map are completely customizable to your needs - even aircraft-related if you want that!
This way, for example, when flying a small aircraft you may want small gates to be highlighted in a bright color and if you change to a big jet the heavy gates need to be highlighted.
That is all possible with this map view of FS-FlightControl!
Take a look on the Settings module for details.
If you want to see the local airways together with their waypoints, no problem:
Just enable the “Airway” layer with the button on the left side.
You can choose between high and low airways depending on your needs.
And additionally to the Flight Plan module itself, you also have all your flight plan data on the map view as well: just enabled the flight plan mode.
One click on the button “Street Map” on the top right and you see the map with a street map background.
Of course, all layer options on the left side as well as the zoom controls and everything else is still available and works the same as on the black background map.
And just to mention it again:
All colors are customizable in the Settings module - also based on the map type (normal, street, satellite or height map).
So if you think a specific color would be better readable on a specific map type, just change it there!
Flight Plan
Flight Plan
No need to have a separate tool for flight planning:
Everything is included in FS-FlightControl.
Beside manual flight planning there is also an option to synchronize the flight plan with
- Flght Simulator itself,
- JeeHell,
- AST,
- Project Magenta,
- Aerosoft Airbus or
- Wilco Airbus
products to automatically keep the flight plan in sync all the time. This way you see the same here as in the CDU.
Of course, all flight plan data is visible on the Map module as well.
Flight Plan
For data exchange with other products comprehensive import and export functionality is included.
You can import and export a flight plan
- as waypoint text for copy & paste to another application,
- into the Prepar3D/FS2020/FSX/FSW, X-Plane, PMDG and Flight1 flight plan format,
- as an JeeHell, Aerosoft Airbus and Wilco Airbus company route or
- directly inject it into the AST and Flight Sim Labs MCDU.
Quick overview of the current weather conditions.
The weather is displayed as METAR code, but also as easily readable text - either as continuous text or structured table.
Although the flight simulator uses the official METAR format it adds some additional extensions.
FS-FlightControl can decode both, the official METAR data as well as the flight simulator extensions and you can decide what should be displayed.
Easily take over the current weather data into the custom weather section or save a weather preset from the current weather conditions.
Change the weather to the current real-time weather in this section.
Select the weather source and decide if you want to set the weather only once manually or keep it updated automatically.
Customize how often the weather is being updated.
You can even define a minimum altitude for weather changes not to be disturbed on final approaches.
You want to set the current weather conditions to a specific ILS visibility situation?
No problem, just click on the desired ILS visibility category and the weather conditions will change accordingly within few seconds.
As the exact rules for the various ILS categories are different from country to country you can customize the decision height and runway visibility in the Settings module to your needs.
Also a custom decision height and runway visibility can be set at any time.
In case you want to define a completely custom weather situation that is the right place for you!
The weather pattern is divided into three layers that you can set separately.
You can define every detail of the weather like
- wind and turbulences,
- clouds,
- visibility,
- temperature and
- atmospheric pressure
in this section.
The custom weather is always kept up-to-date with what you see in the simulator that changes to it can be made quickly and straightforward.
Different seasons of the year can be also very different to fly in.
Therefore, select the desired season with just one click and the time of the year will be changed in flight simulator accordingly.
Of course, you can also set a completely custom date and time and even enable an automatic synchronization with your computer time.
Control the pushback operation with just one button click.
You can push the aircraft either
- to the left,
- straight or
- to the right.
You can control how far the aircraft is being pushed back before the turn is started and even define the turn angle.
Additionally, the current aircraft position on the airport is shown at the top of the screen.
Change the current fuel amount and payload of the aircraft very easily here.
On the left side you get an overview of the remaining fuel in the tanks and quickly set all or individual tanks to
- empty,
- 25 %,
- 50 %,
- 75 % or
- 100 %.
Also the payload of all individual payload stations of the current aircraft can be controlled very quickly.
Additionally an automatic weight calculation gets you an overview of the current aircraft weight and payload.
If needed, you can also freeze the tanks making sure no fuel is consumed at this time.
Defining fuel and load presets is possible as well.
Control the current camera view on the left side of the screen:
- Tilt to all sides,
- zoom in and out,
- quickly reset the view or
- go back to the cockpit with just one click.
And on the right side of the screen you can enable and control the slew mode of the aircraft:
- Move the aircraft in all directions and
- rotate it freely around all axes.
Fail any core aircraft system in this section.
Clicking on one of the components opens the failures criteria dialog. You can choose there if a failure should
- occur immediately,
- delayed for a certain amount of time,
- only occur in a certain altitude or
- at a certain airspeed.
Systems that are already failed are marked in red.
Armed failures that are waiting for the conditions to come true are marked in amber.
Here you get a complete overview of all aircraft systems.
If a value is outside the normal range (like the pitch angle and vertical speed in the screenshot) it is shown in red.
You can configure the “normal range” for all important aircraft-related values in the Settings module.
A large amount of functions is directly accessible from within FS-FlightControl out-of-the-box.
But there might be certain simulator functionality not available in FS-FlightControl, for example, if you are using third party aircraft add-ons.
Therefore, you have the ability to create custom buttons in the Settings module which are then displayed here.
These can trigger any specific function is your simulator (SimConnect events/variables, X-Plane commands/DataRefs or FSUIPC offsets).
This is how it looks like when you open an exported flight with Google Earth.
You can see your exact flight path and important events are marked like:
- take off and landing or
- warnings like overspeed and
- too high pitch or bank angles.
Of course, all these warning limits can be aircraft-related customized in the Settings module.
Finally there is a very detailed approach statistic that shows the
- horizontal and vertical localizer deviation,
- ideal glide path as well as
- current altitude of the aircraft related to the ground altitude.
After touchdown a landing report shows information about
- needed landing distance,
- deviation from centerline,
- vertical speed and g-force as well as
- pitch and bank angle at touchdown.
Control all network computers of your flight simulator environment from your instructor station.
You can assign any number of startup actions to your remote computers like
- start a program,
- terminate a program or process,
- focus on a program window (bring it to front) and
- restart or shutdown the remote computer.
Due to the easy to understand color schema you always have a view of the status of your remote computers.
While your flight simulator computers are started and the defined actions are executed, only this full-screen waiting screen is visible to your pilots on all attached monitors (also panels!).
This way nobody sees what is executed in the background before the flight simulator is ready for use.
It can be used with all licenses, but with a commercial license you can fully customize this waiting screen with
- a custom background image,
- your company logo as well as
- even custom texts
making it easy to translate it to your local language.
Additionally, you can define a status page for web display in this module.
This can be used, for example, to display the current flight status on a public screen outside of the flight simulator or on an internet page.
In the Settings module you can choose where this status page should be stored. Either it is
- outputted directly as a web server,
- saved as local file or
- uploaded to a FTP server at a specific time interval.
Operate and monitor the motion platform VR-Motion NG by Brunner Elektronik:
- Monitor platform status,
- change to a different state,
- overview of individual motors,
- view weight, temperature and load values as well as
- simple change of profiles.
This way all everyday tasks related to your motion platform can be done directly from your instructor station FS-FlightControl.
Also the control loading devices by Brunner Elektronik can be operated by FS-FlightControl:
- Monitor the hardware connection,
- control the simulator interface,
- overview of status of individual devices,
- quick elimination of fault states as well as
- simple change of profiles.
The Settings module offers you the option to extensively customize FS-FlightControl to your needs.
For example, if you want to define certain settings on a per aircraft basis, you can do so by enabling aircraft profiles here.
You can assign any number of aircrafts from your flight simulator to a profile.
Every time you load one of these aircrafts, the corresponding profile is then loaded automatically.
The map settings section has many options to customize the Map module exactly to your needs.
You can customize
- all colors,
- minimum zoom level to show a certain layer,
- text sizes as well as
- the auto zoom feature.
All color and zoom settings can be applied separately for the different map types to make sure that all layers are best visible on every possible background of the map.
Access Control
Access Control
Restrict the access to your commercial simulator using our NFC-based access control solution.
Only persons with enough credits on their NFC chip card can activate the simulator.
Without activation the simulator will be forced into pause mode making it unsuable.
Please contact us for details about our access control solution.
Access Control
Configure the selectable session time packages and how many credits are needed per certain amount of time.
Our access control solution comes with a comprehensive user management including the option to provide free credits per day, week, month and year.
User management can be done directly within the FS-FlightControl instructor station or optionally on a separate PC.
Access Control
Our access control solution already includes a USB transponder scanner.
We can print individual transponder cards for your business or you can use key fobs or RFID stickers.
Please contact us for details about our access control solution.